Chloeia nuriae, Yáñez-Rivera & Salazar-Vallejo, 2022

Yáñez-Rivera, Beatriz & Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I., 2022, Revision of Chloeia Savigny in Lamarck, 1818 from tropical American seas (Annelida, Amphinomidae), Zootaxa 5128 (4), pp. 503-537 : 518-519

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5128.4.3

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scientific name

Chloeia nuriae

sp. nov.

Chloeia nuriae View in CoL sp. n.


Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7

Chloeia entypa: Hartman 1940: 205–206 View in CoL , Pl. 32, Figs 14 View FIGURE 14 –20; Hartman 1968: 191–192, Textfigs 1–5 (non Chamberlin, 1919).

Type Material. Gulf of California. Holotype [ICML-EMU-13145] B/ O El Puma, Cruise TALUD XIV, Sta. 1 (28°15’38” N, 111°58’33” W), April 2011, 210 m, 12° C, 34‰, oxygen 0.61 ml/l, M.E. Hendrickx, coll. GoogleMaps One paratype [ICML-EMU-13146], B/ O El Puma, Cruise TALUD XIV, Sta. 13 (28°31’56” N, 112°18’12” W), Apr. 2011, 181 m, 12° C, 34‰, oxygen 1.25 ml/l, TALUD cruise party, coll. GoogleMaps

Additional material. California. [ LACM 876-38 About LACM ], Anacapa Island , off NE coast, dredged, shell fragments, 81 m, 1 Aug. 1938 . Gulf of California. B/ O El Puma, Cruise Cortes III, Sta. 21 (28°08’ N, 112°41’ W), Aug. 1985 GoogleMaps , 112 m, 16° C, 35‰, 6.9 OM, oxygen 2.22 ml/l, M.E. Hendrickx, coll., B/O El Puma, Cruise Cortes III, Sta. 38 (31°04’ N, 114°16’ W), Aug. 1985, 64 m, 26° C, 35‰, 3 OM, oxygen 3.51 ml/l (2), M.E. Hendrickx, coll. Western Mexico. B/O El Puma, Cruise Cortes II, Sta. 62-B (21°38’ N, 106°31’ W), Mar. 1985, 30 m, 22° C, 35‰, 4.2 OM, oxygen 5.29 ml/l, M.E. Hendrickx, coll. Panama. [ LACM 244-34 About LACM ], Bahía Honda , Medidor and Pacora Islands, dredged, mud, shell fragments, coarse sand, 54–63 m, 2 Feb. 1934 (2) . Colombia. [ LACM 431-35 About LACM ], Octavia Bay , south end of channel, dredged, sand and gravel, 81 m, 27 Jan. 1935 . [ LACM 855-38 About LACM ), Gorgona Island , off northern tip, dredged, mud and rocks, 18–36 m, 24 Feb. 1938 (2). Ecuador. [ LACM 213-34 About LACM ], La Plata Island, north or anchorage, dredged, rocky bottom, 13-18 m, 10 Feb. 1934.

Diagnosis. Chloeia with a reddish dorsal longitudinal band; caruncle black, tapered; branchiae from chaetiger 4; chaetiger 2 with ventral cirri markedly longer than following ones; chaetal bundles homogeneously pale.

Description. Holotype [EMU 13145] with body fusiform, complete, 31.5 mm long, 7 mm wide, 31 chaetigers. Live pigmentation pattern consists of a broad, reddish, dorsal longitudinal band, violet dorsal cirri, reddish branchiae and black caruncle ( Fig. 7A, B, H View FIGURE 7 ). Preserved paratypes in ethanol retained this pigmentation pattern. Worms fixed with formaldehyde pale, posterior region with reddish strip; caruncle and dorsal cirri retain pigmentation.

Prostomium semicircular with four red eyes, anterior eyes about 8× larger than posteriors ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ). Median antenna inserted anterior to caruncle (1.7 mm long), longer than lateral antennae (1 mm). Anterior prostomial area blackish. Palps located laterally on buccal lips, as long as antennae (1 mm). Mouth ventral on chaetiger 2.

Caruncle blackish, trilobed, oval, tapered, slightly twisted (2.5 mm long, 7 mm wide) reaching chaetiger 4. Median lobe plicate, with about 21 vertical folds. Between each pair of these folds, a circular median projection. Lateral lobes narrow, plicated, each with about 21 folds ( Fig. 7B, C View FIGURE 7 ). Bipinnate branchiae from chaetiger 4, continued throughout body.

Parapodia biramous, notopodia with cirriform branchiae along first three chaetigers, longer than dorsal cirri. Second ventral cirri (4.5 mm) more than 3× longer than contiguous ones (1 to 1.2 mm).

All chaetae furcates, proportion between chaetae tines 1:4–1:5. Neurochaetae include long and short chaetae ( Fig. 7D, E View FIGURE 7 ). Notochaetae longer and wider than neurochaetae ( Fig. 7F, G View FIGURE 7 ).

Anus dorsal; pygidium with digitate anal cirri ( Fig. 7I View FIGURE 7 ).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Dr. Nuria Méndez-Ubach (ICML-UNAM); in recognition of her enthusiastic interest in the study of ecology of polychaetes from the Gulf of California, her ecotoxicological studies on Capitella spp. , and because she has been very supportive of our research activities. The derived name is a noun in the genitive case ( ICZN 1999, Art. 31.1.2).

Variation. Northernmost specimen (LACM 876-38) is a juvenile, 7 mm long, 2 mm wide, 16 chaetigers; pigmentation faded on dorsum, dorsal cirri and branchial bases; caruncle pale, barely rugose, lacking distinct folds; anterior prostomial area blackish, anterior eyes 2× larger than posteriors; ventral cirri of chaetiger 2 2× longer than those on adjacent chaetigers. The southernmost specimens (LACM 213-34, LACM 244-34, LACM 855-38) have a paler caruncle, but other features resemble those described above, such as the blackish anterior prostomial area, the size proportions of eyes, the middorsal wide reddish band, and the purple dorsal cirri. Some specimens have a purple spot on the branchial bases. Also, notochaetae include furcates and aciculars but harpoon-chaetae are not present.

Remarks. Chloeia nuriae sp. n. resembles C. entypa due to the long ventral cirri in chaetiger 2 (proportion 3:1) and red eyes. These two species differ, however, in the pigmentation pattern, caruncle features, and size of eyes. In Chloeia nuriae , the dorsal cirri are pale, without pigmentation, the pigmentation pattern includes a broad longitudinal dorsal stripe, the caruncle is black to dark gray, with thin folds, and the anterior eyes are about 6× larger than posteriors. The dorsal cirri of C. entypa are violet, the caruncle is pale with wide folds, and anterior eyes are 4× larger than posteriors. These two species are distributed along the Eastern Pacific; however, C. nuriae is limited to the Gulf of California, while C. entypa was described from Western Mexico, and is a deep-water species.

Distribution. Gulf of California to Ecuador, occasionaly in California, in sediments at water depths of 13– 210 m.














Chloeia nuriae

Yáñez-Rivera, Beatriz & Salazar-Vallejo, Sergio I. 2022

Chloeia entypa: Hartman 1940: 205–206

Hartman, O. 1968: 191
Hartman, O. 1940: 206
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