Orieosia tetrastigmata ( Rothschild, 1916 ) Vos, 2022

Vos, Rob De, 2022, The genus Orieosia Bucsek, 2012 also found in New Guinea, with description of two new species (Lepidoptera: Erebidae, Arctiinae, Lithosiini), Zootaxa 5188 (2), pp. 179-188 : 182-183

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5188.2.7

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scientific name

Orieosia tetrastigmata ( Rothschild, 1916 )

comb. nov.

Orieosia tetrastigmata ( Rothschild, 1916) View in CoL comb. nov.

( Figs 5–7 View FIGURES 1–9 , 11 View FIGURES 10–12 , 14 View FIGURES 13–15 , 18 View FIGURES 16–19 )

Utriculifera (sic) tetrastigmata: Rothschild (1916: 327)

Utriculofera tetrastrigmata Rothschild, 1916 : Strand (1922: 671)

Lectotype (here designated from syntypes): ♂, NHMUK-BMNH(E)1688801, [ Papua New Guinea], Dampier Isl. [Karkar], Feb. & March 1914, (Meek’s Expedition), Utriculifera tetrastigmata , Type Rothsch., Rothschild Bequest, B.M. 1939-I., Type.

Paralectotype (here designated from syntypes): 1 ♂, NHMUK010918914 About NHMUK , same locality data as holotype .

Diagnosis: The smallest species of Orieosia . It is furthermore characterized by the larger size of the spots on the forewing, one antemedian spot on the cubital vein and only one postmedian spot at the end of the cell. In all other New Guinea species these spots are much smaller and in some specimens they have two postmedian spots under each other. More contrasted specimens have marginal spots along the apex (the pale lectotype has these missing). The ground colour is more greyish-buff than the yellow-buff in hypopolius .

Male genitalia with the extension of the sacculus broader and longer than in the previous species. The thorn at the end of the valve broad and blunt, in other species narrow and sharp.

Female genitalia with long and narrow antrum, in other species much broader. Globular bursa copulatrix with a scarcely sclerotized fan-shaped field of striae and tiny spikes, in other species this is much heavier sclerotized, cervix bursae a large membranous lobe at the right side with the connection to the ductus seminalis underneath.

Description: Fwl. ♂ 6.0 mm, ♀ 6.9 mm. Head, antennae and thorax grey-buff. Abdomen brownish-grey. Forewing of male rather short and relatively broad with rounded termen and arched costa. The ground colour of forewing is grey-buff, which is scarcely sprinkled with dark brown scales. Two prominent black dots in the cell, one in the middle on the cubital vein, another at the end of the cell. Along the apex a row of marginal dots, on the costa in the apical third also some dots may be present. Paler specimens may lack all marginal dots, but the cell spots are present. Hindwing broad triangular, uniformly grey. Fringes on fore- and hindwing pale yellowish-grey.

Male genitalia with wide thin tegument and a small and slender uncus with a sharp apex. Vinculum wide, saccus hardly developed. Valvae more or less shallow “S”-shaped, the cucullus at costa arched, at the apex with a broad and blunt thorn. Sacculus broadly based, gradually narrowing in a rather broad and long extension with a blunt apex. Aedeaugus simple tube-shaped with a flat coecum. Vesica with a dorsal field of numerous tiny blunt thorn- and disc-shaped cornuti.

Female genitalia with a narrow and long antrum, wider at the ostium. Globular bursa copulatrix on top with a thinly sclerotized fan-shaped field of striae and tiny spikes. At the right side the cervix bursae as a globular membranous lobe with the connection to the ductus seminalis at the underside of the cervix.

Distribution: The type locality is Dampier Island (Karkar Island, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea) from where two males are known. A female specimen has been found on Mailu Island, at the southeastern coast of Papua New Guinea.


















Orieosia tetrastigmata ( Rothschild, 1916 )

Vos, Rob De 2022

Utriculofera tetrastrigmata

Strand, E. 1922: 671

Utriculifera (sic) tetrastigmata: Rothschild (1916: 327)

Rothschild, W. 1916: )
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