Cycloporus reticulatus Newman and Canon 2002

Pitale, Reshma & Apte, Deepak, 2019, Intertidal Euryleptid polyclads and description of a new Stylostomum Lang, 1884 from Maharashtra, India, Zootaxa 4652 (2), pp. 317-339 : 325-326

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4652.2.5

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scientific name

Cycloporus reticulatus Newman and Canon 2002


Cycloporus reticulatus Newman and Canon 2002 View in CoL

( Figure 6 View FIGURE 6 )

Material examined: One specimen (BNHS-Pclad 162, 2.62 mm x 2.66 mm), collected 30-01-2014 at Mandvi in Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra.

Distribution: Originally described from Heron Is., southern Great Barrier Reef. Also found at Madang, Papua New Guinea and Coral Bay-Western Australia (Newman and Canon 2002, 2003).

Diagnosis: Translucent body with white patches on the dorsal surface across the intestinal network, giving ap- pearance of reticulation, 32 cerebral eyespots arranged in two curved groups.

Description: Colour: semi-translucent body, slightly buff across the dorsal surface except margin which is clear. Small white patches and markings found over the surface, especially across the main gut and lateral anasto- mosing branches, gives reticulated appearance ( Fig.4A and B View FIGURE 4 ). Pharynx and main intestinal branch is brown-black, and this colouration is due to gut content. Lateral branches also show blackish colouration, especially prominent over the region close to the margin. Peripheral glands are distinct over the margin forming yellow lateral stripes, except for a very few white markings. Ventral surface translucent and appears brownish due to food content.

Form: Oval.

Pseudotentacles: Small projections from the anterior margin.

Eyespots: 32 cerebral eyespots, separated into two groups, elongated and slightly curved ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ) and located at 0.3 mm from the anterior margin. Tentacular eyespots range between 15–18 ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4 ) in dorsal and ventral groups. These eyespots are scattered between the anterior margin and clumped together on the tentacles. Distinct opaque white blotch is observed at the anterior margin above the region of cerebral eyespots and between the tentacles.

Digestive system: Pharynx short and tubular, measuring 0.53 mm. Intestine with around 3–4 lateral branches. The lateral intestinal branches organised rather loosely and lateral peripheral glands with conspicuous yellow stripes seen over the translucent margin.

Gonopores: Male gonopore present below the pharynx and 0.99 mm from the anterior margin, measuring 0.09 mm. Female gonopore 0.39mm behind the male gonopore and 1.32 mm from anterior margin, measuring 0.11 mm. ( Fig. 4D View FIGURE 4 )

Taxonomic remarks: round/oval body, tubular pharynx, small bumps of tentacles, prominent peripheral vesicles of intestinal branches, lateral branches of intestine range with 4-10 place this specimen into the genus Cycloporus as defined in Newman and Canon (2002).

The current specimen differs from the original description in its colouration of peripheral glands. Newman and Canon (2002; 2003) mentioned white peripheral glands whereas the present specimen clearly shows yellow markings across the margin. The variation can be attributed to type of food material ingested by the species, available at the site.

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