Pareuplectops tenasserimi (Blattný, 1925)

Bourke, Joanna, 2021, Inventory Studies on the Subfamily Pselaphinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) of Myanmar Part 3: A List of Collected Species in Tanintharyi Region in November 2018, Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 47 (1), pp. 19-29 : 26

publication ID 10.50826/bnmnszool.47.1_19


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Pareuplectops tenasserimi (Blattný, 1925)


38. Pareuplectops tenasserimi (Blattný, 1925) View in CoL *

( Fig. 4G View Fig )

Specimens examined. 18 exs., 12-13HP; 20 exs., 12-13 LP ; 15 exs., 14-15HP; 15 exs., 14-15 LP .

Remarks. This is the first species of this genus from Myanmar. It was originally described from Tenasserim as a new species of the genus Epiplectus . Kurbatov and Cuccodoro (2009) moved this species to Pareuplectops . In the same paper, they synomymized E. novissimus Blattný, 1925 with this species.


Laboratory of Palaeontology

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