Nandigallia serratistyla, Viraktamath & Yeshwanth & Ajaykumara, 2024

Viraktamath, C. A., Yeshwanth, H. M. & Ajaykumara, K. M., 2024, New species of the leafhopper tribes Agalliini and Macropsini (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from north and northeast India with checklist of species of the tribes from the Indian subcontinent, Zootaxa 5486 (2), pp. 267-282 : 278

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.2.5

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scientific name

Nandigallia serratistyla

sp. nov.

Nandigallia serratistyla View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 7A–M View FIGURES 7

Diagnosis. Externally resembling N. matai Viraktamath but differing in the male genitalia characters. Pygofer posterior margin more rounded compared to angularly rounded in N. matai ; aedeagal shaft more slender at base and elongate, distal curved part of shaft longer and anteriorly directed, with apical process straight and directed laterally compared to apical processes curved slightly ventrally and shorter.

Description. Dark brown with pale brown areas. Crown with median stripe and one large round spot on either side, dark brown. Eyes dark brown. Face brownish, with following areas much darker: median stripe on upper part of face continued from crown forming a stem of inverted Y; forks of Y divided and surrounding each ocellus on each side and extended laterally, the ventral fork reaching antennal ledge, dorsal one reaching dark brown stripe along inner margin of eye; one median thin stripe on frontoclypeus, lateral stripe along inner margin, median longitudinal stripe on clypellus being continuation of that on frontoclypeus; one longitudinal stripe on each lorum and marginal stripe bordering inner margins of gena and antennal pits. Antennal flagellum darker than scape. Pronotum dark brown with lateral margins pale brown. Mesonotum dark brown with one lateral marginal spot on either side of scuto-scutellar suture and apex, ochraceous. Forewing dirty white with dark brown venation; claval commissure laterally bordered with dark brown interrupted by light colored spots, claval apex dark brown. Legs fuscous with paler setae. Thoracic and abdominal venter dark brown.

Crown about 4.5× as wide between eyes as medially long. Pronotum 3× as long medially as crown and twice as wide as long medially. Mesonotum about as long as pronotum.

Male genitalia. Pygofer height slightly greater (1.1×) than length in lateral view, posteriorly rounded with a few marginal short setae as in N. nandiensis . Subgenital plates 2× as long as wide at base, with posterolateral angle rounded. Style with inner fork as in N. matai but with serrated ventral surface. Aedeagus similar to that in N. matai but with preatrium in lateral view curved anteriorly at base, shaft more slender in proximal region and strongly curved anteriorly in distal 0.33, apical processes longer and straighter than in N. matai .

Female not known.

Measurements. Male 2.2 mm long, 1.3 mm wide across eyes.

Material examined. HOLOTPE ♂, INDIA: Arunachal Pradesh: Hunli , 30.viii.2022, at light, Ajaykumara K. M. ( UASB) .

Etymology. The species name refers to the serrated ventral surface of the style inner arm.

Remarks. This is the third species of the genus known from the Indian subcontinent. The three species can be differentiated by the following key.


India, Bangalore, Karnataka, University of Agricultural Sciences


University of Agricultural Sciences













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