Homestios janinecairae, Warren & Bullard, 2021

Warren, Micah B. & Bullard, Stephen A., 2021, Fish blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) from Indonesia: Two new genera and species infecting the banded eagle ray, Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) Capape´and Desoutter, 1979 (Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae) from Borneo, International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 15, pp. 43-50 : 47-49

publication ID 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2021.02.002

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Homestios janinecairae

sp. nov.

3.4. Homestios janinecairae View in CoL n. sp. ( Figs. 3–4 View Fig )

3.4.1. Description of adult (based on a single whole-mounted specimen; USNM coll. no. 1642774)

Body 1305 long, 153 at greatest width, 9 × longer than wide ( Fig. 3 View Fig ), muscular, tapering gradually until bluntly rounded. Nerve commissures not evident in whole-mount. Ventrolateral nerve-cords located 13 from lateral body margin, 5 in maximum width, becoming confluent posteriorly, 8 from posterior body margin. Anterior sucker, aspinous, centered on mouth. Mouth 3 in diameter, 3 from terminal end of body ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). Oesophagus 408 in total length or 31% of body length, 18 in maximum width ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). Caecal bifurcation 163 or 12% of body length from anterior body end; caeca extending posteriad in parallel, asymmetrical, dextral caecum 153 long or 11% of body length, sinistral caecum 178 long or 14% of body length, 22 in mean width or 14% of body width ( Fig. 3 View Fig ); post-caecal space 765 long or 59% of body length ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).

Testicular mass 363 long or 28% of body length, 103 wide, occupying 67% of body width, 4 × longer than wide, dorsal to caeca, curving 33 times ( Fig. 3 View Fig ), narrowing and becoming confluent with vas deferens. Post-testicular space 418 long or 32% of body length. Vas deferens 181 long or 71% of seminal vesicle length, 4 wide, emanating from postero-ventral portion of testis, meandering sinistral to ovary and posteriad between ascending and descending uterine portions before connecting to the cirrus sac ( Figs. 3 and 4 View Fig ). Cirrus-sac having thin wall 1 thick, including seminal vesicle and cirrus; seminal vesicle extending sinuously posteriad, 258 long or 20% of body length, 20 wide or 13% of body width, 13 × longer than wide, running between ascending and descending portions of the uterus, curving 6 times ( Figs. 3 and 4 View Fig ), narrowing and curving sinistrally towards body margin ( Figs. 3 and 4 View Fig ); cirrus short, 10 long or 3% of seminal vesicle length, 8 wide, cirrus pore 5 in diameter ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Common genital pore 120 or 9% of body length from posterior end of the body, 18 from sinistral body margin, 75 from dextral body margin ( Figs. 3 and 4 View Fig ).

Ovary medial, small, irregular in shape, not extending lateral to nerve cords, 38 long or 2% of body length, 70 wide or 46% of body width, 2 × wider than long; post-ovarian space 380 long or 29% of body length ( Figs. 3 and 4 View Fig ). Oviduct, vitelline duct, and o¨otype indistinct. Laurer’ s canal not observed. Ascending uterus 318 long, 15 in maximum width ( Fig. 4 View Fig ), extending anteriad arching dorsally over medial portion of vas deferens before connecting to descending portion; descending uterus extends posteriorly 238 long or 75% of ascending uterus length,


13 in maximum width; post-uterine space 75 long or 6% of body length ( Fig. 3 View Fig ). Uterine eggs13 long, 6 wide or 46% of uterus width, containing many small dense bodies, with thin shell ( Fig. 4 View Fig ). Excretory vesicle 8 long, <1 wide, with arms ( Fig. 3 View Fig ).

3.4.2. Taxonomic summary

Type and only reported host: Banded eagle ray, Aetomylaeus nichofii (Bloch and Schneider, 1801) Capape´and Desoutter, 1979 ( Myliobatiformes : Myliobatidae ).

Site in host: Heart lumen.

Type locality: Off Takisung , Java Sea, (03 ◦ 52 ′ 28.00 ′′ S, 114 ◦ 36 ′ 37.00 ′′ E), South Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia GoogleMaps .

Prevalence and intensity of infection: 1 (prevalence = 100%) banded eagle ray sampled on 2 December 2006 was infected by 1 specimen of H. janinecairae .

Specimens deposited: Holotype ( USNM 1642774 About USNM ).

Etymology: The specific epithet “ janinecairae ” honors Prof. Janine N.

Caira (University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut USA) for her contributions to our knowledge of elasmobranch parasites .

3.4.3. Taxonomic remarks

Homestios janinecairae is most similar to M. richardheardi and all other nominal fish blood flukes infecting batoids (except G. bulbosus and A. kirstenjensenae ) by the combination of having an aspinous, diminutive anterior sucker, an asymmetrical inverse U-shaped intestine, a curving testis, and a post-caecal common genital pore as well as by lacking any spine along the lateral tegument ( Madhavi and Hanumantha Rao, 1970; Bullard and Jensen, 2008; Cutmore et al., 2018; Warren and Bullard, 2019; Warren et al., 2020). It differs from M. richardheardi by the combination of having> 30 testicular curves (vs. 9–10), a vas deferens that is> 70% of the seminal vesicle length, a seminal vesicle that curves 6 times (vs. 9–10), and a uterus that extends anteriad beyond the level of the seminal vesicle (KEY) ( Bullard and Jensen, 2008). Homestios janinecairae differs from all other fish blood flukes infecting batoids (except


G. bulbosus and A. kirstenjensenae ) by having a body 9 × longer than wide, an oesophagus that is 1/3 of body length,> 30 testicular curves, a vas deferens that is> 70% of the seminal vesicle length, a sharply curved seminal vesicle that is 1/5 of body length, a cirrus that is <5% of seminal vesicle length, an ovary that is wider than long, and a uterus that extends anteriad beyond the level of the seminal vesicle (KEY). The only other species to have a uterus that extends anteriad beyond the level of the seminal vesicle is O. heterovitellatum and O. glaucostegi ( Madhavi and Hanumantha Rao, 1970; Cutmore et al., 2018). Orchispirium heterovitellatum is unique by having lateral tubercles along the tegument, posterior caeca that extend into the posterior half of the body, and a testis that is intercecal and bearing lobes along the margin ( Madhavi and Hanumantha Rao, 1970). The new species differs from O. glaucostegi by having a uterus that extends anteriad beyond the terminal margin of the testis (vs. remaining posterior to the ovary) before folding ventrally and continuing posterior to the common genital pore. Further, O. glaucostegi , E. zappum , and A. testisinuosus differ by having a body that is> 15 × longer than wide (vs. 9 in the new species and M. richardheardi ) (KEY) (Cutmore et al., 2019; Warren and Bullard, 2019; Warren et al., 2020).

KEY. Key to the identification of fish blood flukes (Digenea: Aporocotylidae View in CoL ) infecting chondrichthyans

1a. Body spinous, lateral tegumental spines (LTSs) 2


1b. Body aspinous 8

2a. Intestinal caeca X-or H-shaped 3

2b. Intestinal caeca inverse U-shaped 5

3a. Oviducal ampullae present; ootype ¨posterior to Aetohemecus kirstenjensenae View in CoL n. all genitalia gen, n. sp.

3b. Oviducal ampullae absent; o¨otype anterior to 4

common genital pore

4a. Body minute (<1.4 mm long), LTSs numbering Selachohemecus olsoni View in CoL

> 170 per side of body

4b. Body large (≥ 1.4 mm long), LTSs <100 per side Selachohemecus benzi View in CoL of body

5a. LTSs distributed in a single column, large Gymnurahemecus bulbosus View in CoL oesophogeal bulb present

5b. LTSs distributed in multiple columns or lateral 6


6a. Caeca short, terminating at level of genital pores Chimaerohemecus trondheimensis View in CoL

6b. Caeca elongate, terminating posterior to 7


7a. Body 2 × longer than wide, mid-body LTSs <20 Hyperandrotrema cetorhini View in CoL

μm long

7b. Body 7–8 × longer than wide, mid-body LTSs Hyperandrotrema View in CoL

≥ 25 μm long walterboegeri View in CoL

8a. Body margin having lateral tubercles Orchispirium heterovitellatum View in CoL 8b. Body margin lacking lateral tubercles 9

9a. Body minute (<1 mm long), testis curving <15 Myliobaticola richardheardi View in CoL times

9b. Body elongated, testis curving> 15 times 11

11a. Testis curving <50 times 12

11b. Testis curving> 50 times 13

12a. Seminal vesicle> 40% of body width; uterus Electrovermis zappum View in CoL not extending anterior to seminal vesicle

12b. Seminal vesicle <20% of body width; uterus Homestios janinecairae View in CoL extending anterior to seminal vesicle

13a. Testis curving <80 times; uterus extending Ogawaia glaucostegi View in CoL anterior to posterior margin of testis

13b. Testis curving> 100 times; uterus wholly Achorovermis testisinuosus View in CoL posterior to ovary

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