Neobythites pako, Uiblein & Nielsen, 2023

Uiblein, Franz & Nielsen, Jørgen G., 2023, Five new ocellus-bearing species of the cusk-eel genus Neobythites (Ophidiidae, Ophidiiformes) from the West Pacific, with establishment of three new species groups, Zootaxa 5336 (2), pp. 179-205 : 197-201

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scientific name

Neobythites pako

sp. nov.

Neobythites pako n. sp.

Figures 3 View FIGURE 3 , 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7 ; Tables 1 View TABLE 1 , 5 View TABLE 5 , 6 View TABLE 6

Holotype. MNHN 2006-0337 About MNHN , 165 mm SL, Solomon Sea, 8°6′25.2″S, 157°23′2.4″E, Salomon 2 cruise, R / V Alis, st. CP 2286, 248– 253 m depth, 6 Nov. 2004. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Hind margin of preopercle with very short spine; dorsal-fin rays 92; anal-fin rays 77; pectoral-fin rays 28; precaudal vertebrae 13; total vertebrae 56; pseudobranchial filaments 2; long rakers on anterior gill arch 10; head length 22% SL; pelvic-fin length 14% SL, fins not reaching anus; orbit length 4.5% SL and 21% HL; longest gill filament 1.9% SL and 8.8% HL; dorsal fin with central ocellus placed well behind vertical line through anus, spot distance 46% SL and spot covers 7 dorsal-fin rays, not extending ventrally onto body; ocellus spot dark brown; posterior two-thirds of anal fin black; no vertical bars on body; otolith length 4.8% SL, sulcus length 3.8% SL, and ostium height 17% sulcus length and 25% ostium length.

Description. The principal meristic and morphometric characters are shown in Table 5 View TABLE 5 . Elongate fish with complete lateral line; head and body covered by deciduous, cycloid scales; origin of dorsal fin above middle of pectoral fin; origin of anal fin slightly in front of midpoint of fish; snout blunt and equal in length to diameter of eye window; very short spine on hind margin of preopercle; opercular spine short and pointed; anterior gill arch on both sides with 4 short and 2 long rakers on upper branch, one long raker at angle, and 7 long and 6–8 short rakers on lower branch; longest filaments on anterior gill arch 8.8% HL and longest raker on anterior gill arch 10% HL.

Sagittal otolith ( Fig. 3E View FIGURE 3 ). Otolith peanut-shaped, ventrally rounded, dorsally and anteriorly flattened, posteriorly blunt, its depth 1.7 times in its length; sulcus large, 1.3 times in otolith length; ostium 1.5 times in sulcus length; ostium depth 5.4 times in sulcus length and 3.6 times in ostium length.

Dentition. Premaxillaries, palatines, and dentaries with many small, pointed, close-set teeth in irregular rows; vomer boomerang-shaped with many, pointed teeth; two median basibranchial tooth patches, anterior one long and narrow and posterior one small and circular.

Axial skeleton. Precaudal vertebrae 13, all with pointed tip; anterior neural spine almost half length of second spine; neural spines on vertebrae 1–9 somewhat depressed, parapophyses present on vertebrae 8–13, pleural ribs on vertebrae 3–13 and epipleural ribs indistinct; basis of neural spines 4–13 enlarged.

Colour. Preserved fish ( Fig. 6A View FIGURE 6 ). Body and head of preserved HT rather uniformly pale brown, slightly darker dorsally and in snout region, gill cover anteriorly gray brown, posteriorly pale, lateral line indistinct, abdomen pale gray anterior of anus; single ocellus placed well behind vertical line through anus at body midpoint, central-ocellus spot dark brown, slightly larger than orbit diameter, covering 7 dorsal-fin rays, not extending onto body below dorsal fin, ocellus ring pale, rather indistinct on folded fin, becoming more distinct when fin is raised; dorsal fin anterior and behind ocellus pale gray brownish, pigmentation becoming somewhat more intense on posterior third towards caudal fin; anal fin almost entirely covered with continuous dark brown stripe behind vertical line through posterior ocellus spot edge; pelvic and pectoral fins hyaline.

Etymology. The new species name “ pako ” is used as a noun in apposition and honours the son of the first author, Francisco “Pako” Uiblein.

Distribution and size. Only known from the HT (165 mm SL), caught in bottom trawl in eastern Solomon Sea at 248–253 m depth.

TABLE 5. Meristic, morphometric, quantitative colour, and otolith characters in Neobythites pako n. sp. and the eight other steatiticus group species.

  N. pako n. sp. N. gloriae N. lombokensis N. malayanus N. malhaensis N. meteori N. steatiticus N. stefanovi N. monocellatus
  HT range n HT range n range n HT range n range n range n
SL (in mm) 165 130–158 9 93 76–199 44 117–135 4 102 113–162 6 29–198 45 36–154 67
Meristic Characters                              
Dorsal-fin rays 92 90–93 9 91 90–96 23 99–103 4 91 88–94 6 89–95 39 93–99 65
Caudal-fin rays 8 8–8 6 7 8–8 23 8–8 4 7 8–8 5 8–8 28 8–8 61
Anal-fin rays 77 72–76 9 72 74–79 20 78–82 4 75 73–77 6 73–78 40 78–83 66
Pectoral-fin rays 28 24–27 9 29 26–28 13 30–30 4 27 24–24 6 24–26 31 24–27 49
Precaudal vertebrae 13 12–12 9 13 12–13 23 13–13 4 13 12–12 5 12–12 48 12–13 67
Total vertebrae 56 54–56 9 53 54–57 23 57–59 4 53 53–57 5 52–56 40 54–58 67
Pseudobranchial filaments 2 3–4 9 3 2–4 35 3–4 4 3 2–3 6 2–6 29 4–6 60
Dorsal-fin origin above vertebra nr. 6 4–5 9 5 5–6 24 2–3 4 5 4–5 5 4–5 47 5–6 66
Anal-fin origin below dorsal fin ray nr. 21 18–21 9 21 17–21 24 23–25 4 20 19–21 5 17–21 44 17–21 66
Anal-fin origin below vertebra nr. 15 15–15 9 16 15–16 24 15–15 4 15 14–15 5 14–16 46 14–15 66
Developed gill rakers 10 11–13 9 7 8–11 43 12–13 4 6 11–14 6 10–13 44 13–15 63
Total gillrakers 19 20–22 9 15 17–20 19 21–22 4 12 21–24 6 18–24 30 19–24 63
Morphometric characters
in % SL                              
Head length 22 25–28 9 23 21–28 43 21–22 4 22 28–31 6 23–27 45 21–24 67
Body depth at anal-fin origin 20 18–21 9 19 17–20 21 17–19 4 19 17–20 6 15–22 45 15–19 64
Upper-jaw length 12 12–12 9 9.7 11–12 20 11–11 2 9.8 12–14 5 11–14 37 10–13 61
Orbit length 4.5 5.3–5.9 9 5.2 4.2–5.6 36 4.1–4.9 4 4.9 4.8–5.2 6 5.4–6.9 37 4.9–7.0 61
Preanal distance 41 38–42 8 44 39–47 20 36–40 4 45 40–46 6 38–45 38 36–43 64
Predorsal distance 25 25–27 8 26 24–29 42 20–21 4 24 24–28 6 24–28 38 20–27 64
Pelvic-fin to anal-fin origin distance 25 22–27 9 30 22–30 19 21–27 4 27 24–29 5 21–29 37 20–27 62
Pelvic-fin length 14 14–17 8 13 14–20 35 13–13 4 11 14–15 6 14–20 38 17–23 62
Gill-filament length 1.9 3.9–4.9 9 2.2 1.3–3.8 43 1.6–1.9 4 2.8 4.4–5.9 5 1.4–3.7 42 1.4–2.0 62
Postorbital distance 13 15–18 9 14 13–17 28 13 1 14 17–19 4 14–17 37 11–14 16
in % HL                              
Upper-jaw length 54 43–48 9 42 44–52 21 50–51 2 44 43–47 5 41–55 37 49–56 61
Orbit length 21 20–24 9 23 16–23 37 19–23 4 22 16–18 6 22–27 40 22–30 61
Gill-filament length 8.8 15–19 9 9.4 5.2–14 44 7.5–8.9 4 13 15–19 5 5.4–16 45 6.2–9.0 62
Postorbital distance 58 59–65 9 62 56–66 29 60 1 63 60–68 4 57–66 37 48–63 16
Central ocellus characters
Snout tip to ocellus spot distance % SL 46 49–51 9 43 43–52 42 42–46 4 39 46–51 6 46–56 44 41–51 67
Dorsal-fin rays covered by spot 7 6–8 9 14 6–10 20 13 1 9 7–10 6 8–12 47 6–7 9
First dorsal fin ray in spot 22 24–30 9 18 20–27 20 23 1 17 21–27 6 22–30 47 22–28 9
Central-most ray in spot 25 27–34 9 25 24–30 20 29 1 21 25–31 6 26–34 47 25–31 9
Vertical-scale rows covered by spot 0 0–1 9 0 0–0 20 1 1 0 0–0 4 0–4 38 0–0 9
Otolith characters                              
in % SL                              
Otolith length 4.8 4.8–5.0 4 4.8 5.1–5.6 6 5.2 1 4.6 5.0–5.2 2 4.6–5.2 5 5.0–5.8 8
Otolith height 2.8 3.0–3.3 4 3.1 3.0–3.4 6 3.3 1 2.6 3.0–3.4 2 2.9–3.3 5 2.9–3.7 8
Sulcus length 3.8 3.4–3.7 4 3.2 3.3–4.1 6 3.8 1 3.6–3.7 2 3.4–4.1 5 4.0–4.7 8
Ostium length 2.6 2.3–2.5 4 1.9 2.1–2.7 6 2.5 1 2.3–2.5 2 2.3–2.6 5 2.5–2.9 8
Ostium height 0.71 0.73–0.89 4 0.84 0.77–0.94 6 0.80 1 0.77–0.89 2 0.74–1.05 5 0.70–0.89 8
in % sulcus length                              
Ostium length 68 67–68 4 59 61–72 7 67 1 65–67 2 63–70 6 59–64 8
Ostium height 19 21–26 4 26 21–25 7 21 1 21–25 2 20–29 6 18–22 8
in % ostium length                              
Ostium height 27 31–39 4 44 32–38 7 32 1 31–38 2 30–41 6 28–34 8

Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium

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