Epicnemis ratanae, Gonzalez & Häggqvist, 2020

Gonzalez, Lisa & Häggqvist, Sibylle, 2020, Revision of the Oriental Region genus Epicnemis Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), Zootaxa 4803 (1), pp. 103-124 : 115

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4803.1.6

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scientific name

Epicnemis ratanae

sp. nov.

Epicnemis ratanae View in CoL new species

Figures 1 View FIGURES 1 , 14 View FIGURES , 29, 36, 37, 38.

Diagnosis. This species can be recognized by the broad head, with large ommatidia that often appear to be golden in HMDS-dried specimens. The genitalia are rounded-rectagular with an apical narrowing or lobe. The short, broad phallus that appears to be a shiny tube in air-dried specimens, but upon clearing in lactic acid the tube opens into a broad gutter-like process.

Description. Body 2.1–2.5 mm long. Frons light brown and relatively wide; frontal width range 0.45–0.49. Frontal ratio 0.94–1.06. Twelve large frontal setae present, including one pair of supra-antennal setae. Ventral interfrontal setae slightly wider apart than dorsal interfrontal setae. Ocellar triangle large; darker brown and less strongly separated from rest of frons, with rounded posterior margin. Lateroventral part of frons with white triangular region with thin black line. Scutum yellowish-brown. Scutellum light brown, short, broad, with 4 subequal setae. Pleuron yellowish-brown dorsally to whitish ventrally. Foretibia with anterodorsal row of several differentiated setae, decreasing in size apically. Midtibia with one posterodorsal seta near base, one slightly more apical anterodorsal seta present, and one anterodorsal seta at or above midlength; dorsally with setal palisade extending from base to midlength, more apically with transverse rows of fine setulae; few posterodorsal setae slightly enlarged apically. Hind tibia with several scattered medium-sized anterodorsal setae; dorsally with complete setal palisade, with row of small posterodorsal setulae closely parallel, followed more posteriorly by bare space before regular setulation. Wing large with mean costal length 0.53 wing length; range 0.50–0.56 wing length. Costal sector ratios 3.17–3.64:1. Halter knob yellowish-brown. Abdominal tergite 1 brown, large, and extending laterally on segment. Tergites 2–6 similar in coloration. Epandrium ovoid in shape and strongly rounded dorsally; length of epandrium greater than depth. Posterior margin of epandrium with small triangular process; large, pronounced setae approximately twice the length of setae on cercus on margin of triangular process. Rounded process present posteroventrally on epandrium; setae on rounded process same length as setae on cercus. Phallus medium length, approximately same as length of epandrium. Base of phallus curved; apically straight and broad with diffuse sclerotization.

Distribution. Widespread throughout the range of the genus.

Etymology. Named for Ratana Lukanawarakul of the TIGER project..

HOLOTYPE. ♂. THAILAND: Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai , 18.29°N, 98.98°E,i–ii.1996, R.Beaver, Malaise trap [ LACM ENT 027126 About LACM ] ( QSBG). GoogleMaps

PARATYPES. CAMBODIA: Siem Reap: Angkor, Praeh Khan Temple , 13.47°N, 103.88°E, 4♂, 7–21.xi.2005, O. Yothin , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 4♂, 7–21.xi.2005, O. Yothin , Malaise trap . INDONESIA: Bali: Sanur , 8.7072°S, 115.263°E, 1♂, 15.i.1989, G.E. Bohart , ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Java: Curug , 6.55°S, 106.77°E, 1♂, i.1980, M.R. Gillespie , ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Diatos Padang, 2♂, 8–12.vii.1992, K. Snyder , ( LACM) . THAILAND: Chaiyaphum: Phu hang sing, Tat Tone NP , 15.98°N, 102.04°E, 2♂, 5–12.vii.2006, T. Jaruphan , Malaise trap T-220 ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Tat Tone NP, near stream, 15.98°N, 102.04°E, 1♂, 12–19.vii.2006, T. Jaruphan , Malaise trap T-222 ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 1♂, 12–19.vii.2006, T. Jaruphan , Malaise trap T-221 ( LACM) . Chiang Mai: Chiang Mai, 18.29°N, 98.98°E, 7♂, 18.x–18.xi.1994, R.Beaver, Mal- aise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 7♂, viii–ix.1995, R.A. Beaver , Malaise trap ( LACM) , 2♂, 1♀, i–ii.1996, R. Beaver , Malaise trap ( LACM) , 6♂, 3–26.i.1995, R. Beaver , Malaise trap ( LACM) ; Doi Inthanon NP, Vachiratharn Falls , 18.54°N, 98.6°E, 700 m, 1♂, 28.vi–7.v.1990, B.V. Brown , Malaise trap #4 ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 1♂, 8–15.vii.2006, Y. Areeluck , Malaise trap T-62 ( LACM) , 1♂, 16–24.vii.2006, Y. Areeluck , Malaise trap T-182 ( LACM) , 2♂, 22.vii–2.viii.2006, Y. Areeluck , Mal- aise trap T-116 ( LACM) , 1♂, 2–9.viii.2006, Y. Areeluck , Malaise trap T-122 ( LACM) ; Maerim, 18.29°N, 98.98°E, 1♂, xi–xii.1995, R. Beaver , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Pa Huay Kho (Apr. 1997), 18.69°N, 98.8°E, 250 m, 2♂, 10– 20.vi.1997, S. Sonthichai , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Toong Huay Kho (Mar.1997), 18.69°N, 98.81°E, 240 m, 1♂, 1–10.iii.1997, S. Sonthichai , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Khonkaen: Nam Pong NP, office , 16.62°N, 102.57°E, 3♂, 5– 12.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-115 ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 2♂, 5–12.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-106 ( LACM) , 4♂, 5–12.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-107 ( LACM) , 4♂, 19–26.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-113 ( LACM) , 1♂, 11–18.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-105 ( LACM) , 4♂, 26.vii–2.viii.2006, K. Jaidee , Malaise trap T-114 ( LACM) , 1♂, 5–6.vii.2006, K. Jaidee , yellow pan traps T-101 ( LACM) . Nakhon Nayok: Khao Yai National Park , 14.17°N, 101.45°E, 1♂, 15.ii.1989, T. Thormin , pan trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Nong Bua Lampoo: Phu Khao-Phu Phan Kham NP, far from old house , 16.81°N, 102.61°E, 2♂, 13–19.vii.2006, R. Singhatip , Malaise trap T-86 ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Phu Khao-Phu Phan Kham NP, Mt checkpoint , 16.81°N, 102.62°E, 1♂, 13–19.vii.2006, R. Singhatip , Malaise trap T-94 ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Phu Khao-Phu Phan Kham NP, road inside park, 16.81°N, 102.61°E, 2♂, 5–12.vii.2006, R. Singhatip , Mal- aise trap T-88 ( LACM) GoogleMaps ; Phu Khao-Phu Phan Kham NP, tank, 16.8°N, 102.6°E, 100 m, 1♂, 5–12.vii.2006, R. Singhatip , Malaise trap T-90 ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Phang Nga: Koh Ra , 9.17°N, 98.27°E, 30 m, 12♂, 6.ii.2001, G. Ballmer , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Phetchabun: Khao Kho NP, office , 16.66°N, 101.13°E, 1 m, 1♂, 19–26.vii.2006, S. Chatchumnan , Malaise trap T-170 ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 1♂, 19–26.vii.2006, S. Chatchum , Malaise trap T-171 ( LACM) , 11♂, 5–12.vii.2006, S. Chatchum , Malaise trap T-164 ( LACM) , 2♂, 12–19.vii.2006, S. Chatchum , Malaise trap T-168 ( LACM) . Phetchaburi: Kaeng Krachan NP, Ban Krang (checkpoint 2) , 12.8°N, 99.45°E, 336 m, 2♂, 24–26.vi.2008, TIGER training course, Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps . Sakon Nakhon: Phu Pan NP, behind office , 17.06°N, 103.97°E, 1♂, 21–27.vii.2006, W. Konganara , Malaise trap T-203 ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 1♂, 8–14.vii.2006, W. Kongnara , Malaise trap T-198 ( LACM) , 2♂, 8– 14.vii.2006, S. Tongboonchai , Malaise trap T-199 ( LACM) . Trang: Khao Chong Forest Research Station , 7.55°N, 99.78°E, 75 m, 1♂, 2–4.ii.2005, D. Lohman , Malaise trap ( LACM) GoogleMaps , 1♂, 15–18.vii.2005, M. Sharkey , Malaise trap #2 ( LACM) , 1♂, 8–10.ii.2005, D. Lohman , Malaise trap ( QSBG) .


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