Epicnemis sinuosus, Gonzalez & Häggqvist, 2020

Gonzalez, Lisa & Häggqvist, Sibylle, 2020, Revision of the Oriental Region genus Epicnemis Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae), Zootaxa 4803 (1), pp. 103-124 : 120

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4803.1.6

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scientific name

Epicnemis sinuosus

sp. nov.

Epicnemis sinuosus View in CoL new species

Figures 16 View FIGURES , 31.

Diagnosis. This species is easily recognized by the thick, rounded, sinuous phallus.

Description. Body 2.6 mm long. Frons light brown and relatively wide; frontal width 0.51 head width. Frontal ratio 0.97. Twelve large frontal setae present, including one pair of supra-antennal setae. Ocellar triangle brown and slightly separated from rest of frons, with rounded posterior margin. Lateroventral part of frons with white triangular region with thin black line. Scutum yellowish-brown. Scutellum light brown, short, broad, with four subequal setae. Pleuron uniformly yellow. Foretibia without strongly differentiated large setae, with dorsal row of several barely differentiated setae, decreasing in size apically. Midtibia with one posterodorsal seta near base and one slightly more apical anterodorsal seta present; dorsally with setal palisade extending from base to midlength, more apically with transverse rows of fine setulae; few posterodorsal setae slightly enlarged apically. Hind tibia with several scattered medium-sized anterodorsal setae; dorsally with complete setal palisade, with row of small posterodorsal setulae closely parallel, followed more posteriorly by bare space before regular setulation. Wing large; costal length.52 wing length. Costal sector ratio 2.29:1. Halter knob yellowish-brown. Epandrium length greater than depth. Epandrium with rounded dorsal margin and two small triangular processes present; one midlength and one anteroventrally on margin of epandrium. Length of setae on posteroventral margin of epandrium slightly greater than length of setae on cercus, ending at midlength process. Phallus length slightly greater than length of epandrium and strongly curved at base. Ventral margin of phallus noticeably rounded from base to midlength.Apical half of phallus strongly curved downward and rounded. Phallus broad throughout length; distinctly curved, forming an “S” shape.

Distribution. Philippines.

Etymology. Named for the sinuous shape of the phallus.

HOLOTYPE. ♂. PHILIPPINES: Negros Oriental: 7km W Valencia , 9.28°N, 123.25°E, 700m, 31.iii–8.iv.1988, D.Darling, E.Mayordo, Malaise trap ROM 873097 [ LACM ENT 045249 About LACM ] ( ROME). GoogleMaps


Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County


Royal Ontario Museum - Entomology













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