
Feuillet, Christian, 2020, Ancistrothyrsus scopae (Passifloraceae), a new species from Amazonian Brazil and Guyana, with keys to the genus and species, Phytotaxa 438 (3), pp. 207-212 : 211

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.438.3.5

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Key to the species of Ancistrothyrsus View in CoL

1. Leaves and stems puberulent, becoming glabrescent; fruits densely hirsute when young ............................................ A. tessmannii View in CoL

- Leaves abaxially and stems with numerous trichomes; fruits with more than one kind of trichome ...............................................2.

2. Stems densely hirtellous with curled trichomes; fruits densely puberulous with three kinds of trichomes, short crisped, longer suberect, and patelliform .................................................................................................................................................... A. hirtellus View in CoL

- Stems densely tomentose and with hirsute branched (bottlebrush) or simple long trichomes, at least on young vegetative parts; fruits with two kinds of trichomes, stiff appressed and patelliform ........................................................................ A. scopae View in CoL sp. nov.

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