Ancistrothyrsus tessmannii Harms, Notizbl.

Feuillet, Christian, 2020, Ancistrothyrsus scopae (Passifloraceae), a new species from Amazonian Brazil and Guyana, with keys to the genus and species, Phytotaxa 438 (3), pp. 207-212 : 210-211

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.438.3.5


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Ancistrothyrsus tessmannii Harms, Notizbl.


Ancistrothyrsus tessmannii Harms, Notizbl. View in CoL 11: 147; fig. 4. 1931.

Syntypes: PERU. Amazonas: rainforest area on the upper Río Maranon, at the mouth of the Río Santiago, 160 m, 24 September 1924, G. Tessmann 4127 (n.v.) & 5 November 1924, fl. & fr., G. Tessmann 4479 (MO! [photograph!], NY! [scan NY00097819!]). Among those two syntypes, I designate the one I studied. Lectotype designated here: G. Tessmann 4479 ( NY!) .

Canopy lianas. Branches puberulent glabrescent. Leaves: petiole puberulent glabrescent; lamina acute to obtuse at base, apex often briefly acuminate or rounded to obtuse, glabrescent, trichomes small of two kinds, appressed patelliform and sericeous. Flowers white. Capsules not or rarely stipitate, subglobose to widely ellipsoid-ovoid or depressedglobose, 4–9 × 4–8 cm, densely hirsute when young, pericarp 3–4 mm thick.

Ancistrothyrsus tessmannii grows on terra firme of Central and western Amazonian forest.

Phenology. blooming (April, September, November) and fruiting (January, February, April, June, November).

Additional specimens examined: BRAZIL. Amazonas: São Paulo de Olivença, 26 November 1940, fl, A. Ducke 639 ( MO!, NY! [scan NY01291497 !], US!) ; Tabatinga, 27 September 1931, fl, A. Ducke 24385 ( K n.v. [scan K001185244 !], P! [scan P06719671 !], US!) .

PERU. Amazonas : Quebrada de Apigkagentsa, Río Cenepa, 220 m, 9 April 1973, fr, R. Kayap 586 (US!) ; Loreto : Maynas, 3°30’S, 73°01’W, 130 m, 17 June 1986, fr., A. H. Gentry, R. Vásquez & N. Jaramillo 54627 ( MO) GoogleMaps ; 3°30’S, 73°02’N, 130 m, 14 February 1987, fr., A. H. Gentry, R. Vásquez & N. Jaramillo 55911 ( MO) ; Río Amazonas , Indiana, 3°30’S, 73°03’W, 130 m, 7 January 1991, fr, A. H. Gentry, R. Vásquez, C. Grández, R. Ortíz, N. Jaramillo 72291 ( MO!, US!) GoogleMaps ; San Martin : Lamas, 6°16’S, 76°17’W, 200 m, 26 April 1986, fl & fr, S. Knapp, J. Mallet & M. A. Arbolera 7216 ( MO!, US!) GoogleMaps .

Not Ancistrothyrsus . COLOMBIA. Guainía: Alto Río Negro, San Felipe, 17 October 2009, fl., Cárdenas et al. 24278 (NY-02692657) = Passiflora costata Mast.


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