Taurocerus achilles Stål, 1862

Jocélia Grazia & Aline Barcellos, 2005, Revision of Taurocerus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatomini), Iheringia, Série Zoologia 95 (2), pp. 173-181 : 175-177

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https://doi.org/ 10.1590/S0073-47212005000200007



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scientific name

Taurocerus achilles Stål, 1862


Taurocerus achilles Stål, 1862

( Figs. 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 27 View Figs )

Taurocerus edessoides AMYOT & SERVILLE, 1843:151 , non SPINOLA, 1837.

Taurocerus achilles STÅL, 1862:108 ; 1872:46; WALKER, 1867:391; DISTANT, 1880:81, pl. 7, fig. 24 (list); LETHIERRY & SEVERIN, 1893:185 (cat.); KIRKALDY, 1909:150 (cat.).

Taurocerus divergens WALKER, 1867:392 ; STÅL, 1872:46; DISTANT, 1880:81 (list).

Type-locality. Northern Brazil.

Type material. Holotype, examined, labeled: a) Mexico coll. Signoret; b) Achilles det Signoret; c) Achilles Stal. ( NMWH). Holotype of T. divergens, examined,,labeled: a) Type; b) Braz 62 57 [material from Bates’ collection, collected “on the banks of the Amazon”, purchased by Stevens] .

Dorsal surface dark to light-castaneous, abdominal venter castaneous. Apex of humeri black. Rostrum reaching the third sternite. V-shaped callous of scutellum thin.

Male. Measurements (n = 4). Total length 15.91 (14.88-16.63) ± 0.82; head length 2.87 (2.75-3.06) ± 0.14; width 3.17 (3.06-3.25) ± 0.09; eye width 0.76 (0.75-0.78) ± 0.02; interocular distance 1.69 (1.63-1.75) ± 0.05; anteocular length 1.25 (1.22-1.28) ± 0.03; antennal segments I, 0.91 (0.88-0.94) ± 0.04; II, 1.31 (1.25-1.38) ± 0.09; III, 1.66 (1.63-1.69) ± 0.04; IV, lost; V, lost; pronotal length 4.05 (3.75-4.25) ± 0.21; width 14.42 (12.63-15.19) ± 1.20; scutellum length 6.83 (6.50-7.00) ± 0.24; width 6.03 (5.75-6.38) ± 0.28; corium length 9.63 (8.88-10.00) ± 0.53; abdominal width 8.69 (8.25-9.13) ± 0.36.

Genitalia reduced when compared to the other species of the genus, despite their similar body size. Pygophore subtrapezoidal, elliptical in caudal view, widely open dorsally. Proctiger subquadrangular. Parameres distally broad ( fig. 13 View Figs ), apex curved anterolaterally ( fig. 7 View Figs ). Dorsal rim slightly sinuated ( fig. 4 View Figs ). Posterolateral angles rounded apically, mutic. Ventral rim: median process inconspicuous; lateromedian processes obtuse, delimiting a median U-shaped excavation ( fig. 10 View Figs ). Phallus about one half as long as in the other species ( figs. 16, 19, 22 View Figs ). Basal plate short, about one sixth as long as phallotheca. Visible part of processus phallothecae about one fifth of the length of phallotheca. Vesica little developed, without visible processes (maybe so in the everted phallus). Ductus seminis distalis short, not surpassing conjunctiva. Conjunctiva little-developed, with no evident processes.

Female. Measurements (n = 10). Total length 16.10 (15.00-17.75) ± 0.86; head length 2.79 (2.44-3.06) ± 0.22; width 3.15 (2.97-3.38) ± 0.14; eye width 0.72 (0.66-0.84) ± 0.05; interocular distance 1.70 (1.63-1.81) ± 0.06; anteocular length 1.23 (1.16-1.31) ± 0.05; antennal segments I, 0.87(0.75-0.94) ± 0.08; II, 1.32 (1.19-1.44) ± 0.09; III, 1.65 (1.50-1.81) ± 0.10; IV, 3.03 (2.88-3.25) ± 0.12; V, 3.17 (3.00-3.31) ± 0.10; pronotal length 3.91 (3.63-4.38) ± 0.26; width 14.69 (13.38-17.13) ± 1.34; scutellum length 6.85 (6.13-7.88) ± 0.47; width 6.02 (5.25-6.75) ± 0.46; corium length 9.73 (9.00-10.88) ± 0.55; abdominal width 8.83 (8.13- 9.75) ± 0.57.

Genitalia. Gonocoxites 8 broad and short, about two and a half times wider than long. Sutural borders contiguous at median third, divergent apically. Posterior borders of gonocoxites 8 slightly sinuated. Laterotergites 9 broad at the apex ( fig. 25 View Figs ). Secondary thickenings of gonapophysis 9 subtrapezoidal ( fig. 27 View Figs ).

Material examined. BRASIL, Amazonas: Benjamin Constant ( rio Javari , alto Amazonas ),, III.1942, Dirings col., Coll. Dirings, ( MZSP) ; Pará: Óbidos, ( Canta Galo ),, XII.1956, Dirings col., Coll. Dirings ( MZSP) ; idem, ( baixo Amazonas ),, I.1958, Dirings col. ( MZSP) ; Acre: Rio Branco, 2, 25.X- 08.XI.1991, F. Ramos, A. Henrique, I. Gorayeb, N. Bitencourt col. ( MPEG) ; idem, ( Reserva Humaitá ),,, 11.IV.1996, A. Bonaldo col. ( UFRG) ; Rondônia: Ouro Preto d’Oeste ( margem esquerda Rio Santa Helena ),, 20.III.1985, M. F. Torres col. ( MPEG) ; idem, ( Sitio Deus é Amor ),, idem; idem,, 04.VII.1985, F. F. Ramos col. (“ arm. suspensa 1.6 m ”) ( MPEG) ; Espírito Santo: Linhares ,, 24-29.IV.1972, C. Elias col. ( DZUP) ; idem,, II.[1]973, F. M. Oliveira col. ( AMNH) ; Rio de Janeiro: Petrópolis ( Serra dos Órgãos ),, XI.1940, Parko col. ( UFRG) ; PERU, San Martin: Achinamisa ,, 10-26.I, H. Bassler Collection, F.600, Acc. 33591 ( AMNH) ; Madre de Dios: Rio Tamborata (Res. 30 km (air) sw P[uer]to Maldonato, 290 m, o o 12 50’ S, 06 20’W), ( BMNH) GoogleMaps ; Junín: Satipo ,, XII.1943, P. Paprzyck col. ( FIOC) .

Comments. The general brown color and the blackish apices of humeri distinguish this species from T. edessoides and T. amazonensis . The size and shape of male genitalia, and the shape of gonocoxites 8 also separate T. achilles from their congeners.




Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Brazil, Para, Belem, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi


Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Instituto de Biologia


Brazil, Parana, Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Parana, Museu de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


USA, New York, New York, American Museum of Natural History


United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]


Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Fundacao Instituto Oswaldo Cruz














Taurocerus achilles Stål, 1862

Jocélia Grazia & Aline Barcellos 2005

Taurocerus edessoides AMYOT & SERVILLE, 1843:151

Taurocerus edessoides AMYOT & SERVILLE, 1843:151

Taurocerus achilles STÅL, 1862:108

Taurocerus achilles STÅL, 1862:108 ; 1872:46
WALKER, 1867:391
DISTANT, 1880:81
KIRKALDY, 1909:150

Taurocerus divergens WALKER, 1867:392

Taurocerus divergens WALKER, 1867:392
STÅL, 1872:46
DISTANT, 1880:81
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