Urytalpa leigongshana Zhu, Huang et Wang, 2024

Zhu, Yi, Huang, Junhao, Liu, Liwei, Qi, Lei, Wang, Yang, Wu, Hong & Wang, Qingyun, 2024, A new species and a new record of Urytalpa Edwards, 1929 (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from China, Zootaxa 5447 (1), pp. 113-123 : 115-116

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5447.1.7

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scientific name

Urytalpa leigongshana Zhu, Huang et Wang

sp. nov.

Urytalpa leigongshana Zhu, Huang et Wang View in CoL sp. n.


( Figs 2–3 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 )

Diagnosis. This new species resembles U. yoshidai Uesugi, 2004 in the adult appearance and male genitalia, but they can be distinguished by the following characteristics. In U. leigongshana , the first flagellomere is concaved basally, and the terminal flagellomere has the length about twice of base width in the antenna; the gonostylus is enlarged medially in the male genitalia. However, in U. yoshidai , the first flagellomere is not concaved basally, and the terminal flagellomere has the length about five times of base width in the antenna; the gonostylus is not enlarged medially in the male genitalia.

Type material. Holotype. Male, CHINA: Guizhou, Mt. Leigong (26.36° N, 108.16° E), 1,200 m, 13.VIII.2018, Malaise trap, coll. Changlie Yang, slide no. LGS-10-32 GoogleMaps . Paratypes. 7 males and one female, the same data as holotype (LGS-10-36, LGS-10-37, LGS-10-38, LGS-10-43, LGS-10-44, LGS-10-45, LGS-10-46, LGS-10-47) GoogleMaps .

DNA barcode. The DNA barcode sequences from holotype and paratypes are deposited in BOLD and GenBank ( Table 1 View TABLE 1 ).

Description. Male ( Fig. 2a View FIGURE 2 ). Body length (without antennae) 8.15 mm. Wing length 5.96 mm, width 2.10 mm.

Head ( Fig. 3a View FIGURE 3 ) dark brown. Vertex with abundant black setae. Frons and face bare. Three ocelli arranged in an inverted triangle, lateral ocellus slightly larger than median one. Compound eyes pubescent with an emargination dorsomedially. Clypeus subtriangular, pointed apically, bearing countable dark setae. Labellum extended to middle level of fourth palpus. Maxillary palpus with five segments, first segment as long as second; third segment with a sensory pit, longer than fourth; last segment almost 1.6 times as long as penultimate segment. Antenna ( Fig. 3c View FIGURE 3 ) brown, scape and pedicel with several setae dorsally and ventrally, flagellum with 14 flagellomeres; first flagellomere almost twice lengths of second one, flagellomeres 2–8 wider than long, 9–13 longer than wide, terminal flagellomere shorter than first one, with a distinct papilla.

Thorax ( Fig. 3d–e View FIGURE 3 ) brown. Scutum brown, with four dark longitudinal stripes, median stripes not reaching posterior margin, covered with black setae. Scutellum semicircular, dark brown, with a row of setae along posterior margin. Anterior margin of prothoracic spiracle having a few dark setae. Anepisternum dark brown, bearing a patch of macrotrichia on hind part. Katepisternum, laterotergite and mediotergite dark brown, bare. Haltere length 0.62 mm, stem brown, knob dark brown, bearing setae.

Wing ( Fig. 3b View FIGURE 3 ) brown, without marking, veins distinct. Microtrichia densely covering wing membrane. Costa extending to just beyond R 4+5. Vein Sc reaching C beyond middle of Rs. Vein apex of Rs and m-cu hyaline. Veins R 1, R 4+5, R+M fusion, branches of M, CuA and CuP with setae. Vein M 4 and CuP ending slightly before wing margin. Vein R+M fusion almost 0.7 times length of vein M 1+2 stem. Vein M 1 almost 6.3 times as long as vein M 1+2 stem.

Legs ( Fig. 2a View FIGURE 2 ) yellow. Fore, mid and hind tarsi about 3, 1.6 and 1.5 times as long as tibiae, respectively. Posterior spurs of mid and hind tibiae about 1.6 and 1.7 times length of anterior spurs, respectively.

Abdomen ( Fig. 2a View FIGURE 2 ) brown to dark brown, covered with dense black setae. Tergites 1–8 with the basal 2/3 brown, distal 1/3 dark brown.

Terminalia ( Fig. 3f–h View FIGURE 3 ) brown. Tergite 9 with deep V-shaped emargination posteromedially, with a pair of curved projections posterolaterally, bearing setae. Cercus quadrangular, about 3/5 of tergite 9 in length. Gonocoxites divided ventromedially by a membranous area, posterolateral lobes of gonocoxites extending beyond level of apex of tergite 9. Gonostylus asymmetrical, curved outward, broadened basally, enlarged medially, with apex black, pointed; left side of gonostylus with a tiny projection posteroventrally, right side of gonostylus smooth ventrally.

Female ( Fig. 2b View FIGURE 2 ). Body length (without antennae) 6.57 mm. Wing length 5.53 mm, width 2.01 mm. Haltere length 0.59 mm. Very similar to male in most respects. Clypeus rounded apically. Vein R+M fusion bare. Vein R+M fusion slightly longer than vein M 1+2 stem. Vein M 1 almost 8.3 times as long as vein M 1+2 stem. Terminalia ( Fig. 3i–k View FIGURE 3 ) short barrel-shaped, dark brown, covered with abundant setae; tergite 9 nearly trapezoid, posterior margin of sternite 9 wavy.

Etymology. The name of this new species comes from its distribution (Mt. Leigong, Guizhou, China).













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