Lyroda triloba Say, 1837

Khvir, Viktor I. & Pulawski, Wojciech J., 2020, A Revision of New World Lyroda Say, 1837 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 66 (13), pp. 315-330 : 326

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.11512832


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scientific name

Lyroda triloba Say


Lyroda triloba Say View in CoL

Lyroda triloba Say, 1837:372 View in CoL , sex not indicated. Holotype or syntypes: North America: no specific locality (lost). Neotype: ♀, Arkansas: Hampstead County: no specific locality (CAS), present designation. – Le Conte, 1859:755 (original description copied); Patton, 1880:387 (in checklist of North American Larrinae); Provancher, 1882:49 and 1883:631 (original description translated into French); Kohl, 1885:267 (in checklist of world Lyroda View in CoL ); Cresson, 1887:277 (in catalog of North American Hymenoptera View in CoL ); Ashmead, 1890:33 (in checklist of Hymenoptera View in CoL of Colorado); W. Fox, 1894:534 (in revision of North American Larrinae); Dalla Torre, 1897:696 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera View in CoL ); Ashmead, 1899:250 (in checklist of North American Crabronidae View in CoL ); Bridwell, 1899:209 (Kansas: no specific locality); J. Smith, 1900:518 (in list of insects of New Jersey); H. Smith, 1908:374 (in revision of Nebraskan Sphecidae View in CoL ); J. Smith, 1910:684 (in new list of insects of New Jersey: Camden County); F. Williams, 1914:174 (in revision of Larrinae of Kansas); Rohwer, 1916:683 (in catalog of Hymenoptera View in CoL of Connecticut); Mickel, 1918:408 (in catalog of Nebraskan Sphecidae View in CoL ); Rohwer in Viereck, 1925:683 (in key to Sphecidae View in CoL of Connecticut; Branford); Iwata, 1933:7 (in list of world Lyroda View in CoL ); Krombein in Muesebeck, Krombein and Townes, 1951:941 (in catalog of North American Hymenoptera View in CoL ); R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:299 (in checklist of world Sphecidae View in CoL ); Krombein, 1979:1633 (in catalog of North American Hymenoptera View in CoL ). – As Tachytes trilobus View in CoL : F. Smith, 1856:307 (new combination, in catalog of Hymenoptera View in CoL in British Museum). – As Lyrops triloba View in CoL : Cresson, 1862:238 (new combination, in catalog of North American Hymenoptera View in CoL ). – As Larrada triloba View in CoL : Cresson, 1873:213 (new combination, Texas).

Lyrops caliptera Say, 1837:373 View in CoL . Nomen nudum or lapsus for Lyroda triloba View in CoL . – Patton, 1880:387 (in checklist of North American Larrinae); Kohl, 1885:267 (in checklist of world Lyroda View in CoL ).

RECOGNITION. Lyroda triloba View in CoL differs from its New World congeners in having the propodeal side with well-defined ridges ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE ), the wing membrane dark, particularly in the female, and the large size (length of female 15.2–16.2 mm). In the other species, the propodeal side is either not ridged (most specimens) or (some L. subita View in CoL ) has inconspicuous ridges, the wings are light colored (except dark in Floridian populations of L. subita View in CoL ) and the female length does not exceed 13 mm. Unlike L. subita View in CoL , the male of L. triloba View in CoL has no median projection on the clypeal free margin (Fig. 18).

DESCRIPTION. Propodeal side with well-defined ridges ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE ), without spiracular groove. Tergum I in vast majority of specimens with several smaller ridges in addition to pair of main basomedian carinae. Body deep black. Wing membrane uniformly dark, particularly in female.

♀: Free margin of clypeus with three pairs of inconspicuous (almost invisible) teeth on each side of lamella ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE ). Clypeal setae dark. Pubescence of gastral terga all black. Length 15.2– 16.2 mm.

♂: Clypeal free margin inconspicuously, roundly arcuate mesally (Fig. 18). Clypeal setae silvery. Length 9.6–13.8 mm.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 20). Eastern North America, extending west beyond the 100th meridian only in South Dakota.

RECORDS. USA: Arkansas: Conway (1 ♀, CAS, 1 ♀, USNM), Hempstead (1 ♀, CAS, 2 ♀, USNM) . Georgia: Hiawassee (1 ♀, CNC) , Putnam Co. (5 ♀, USNM) . Kansas: no specific locality (1 ♂, CAS) . Louisiana: Tallulah (1 ♂, CAS) . Maryland: Beltsville (2 ♀, USNM) , Hudson (3 ♀, FSCA) . North Carolina: Stafford (1 ♂, CAS) , Washington Co. (1 ♀, FSCA) . South Dakota: Butte Co. (1 ♂, USNM) . Texas: McKinney (1 ♀, USNM) , no specific locality (1 ♀, USNM) . Virginia: Chance (1 ♀, USNM) , Norfolk (1 ♀, USNM) .


California Academy of Sciences


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids, and Nematodes


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology














Lyroda triloba Say

Khvir, Viktor I. & Pulawski, Wojciech J. 2020


KOHL, F. F. 1885: 267

Lyrops caliptera


Lyroda triloba

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