Indalia uniola (Rambur, [1866]) Macià & Ylla & Gastón & Huertas & Bau, 2022

Macià, Ramon, Ylla, Josep, Gastón, Javier, Huertas, Manuel & Bau, Josep, 2022, The species of Eilema Hübner, [1819] sensu lato present in Europe and North Africa (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini), Zootaxa 5191 (1), pp. 1-87 : 30-31

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5191.1.1

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scientific name

Indalia uniola (Rambur, [1866])

comb. nov.

Indalia uniola (Rambur, [1866]) View in CoL comb. nov.

Original combination: Lithosia uniola Rambur, [1866] . Catalogue Systématique des Lépidoptères d´Andalousie 2: 209.

T. L.: Granada (Andalucía), Spain.

Material examined. SPAIN: ÁVILA: 3 ♂, Sierra de Ávila , Amavida, 1400 m, 1.ix.2003, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; BARCELONA: 6 ♂ and 3 ♀, Coll d´Heures, Collsuspina, 984 m, 11.ix.2010, R. Macià leg. ; 3 ♂ Ermita de Puiglagulla , Vilalleons, 650 m, 19.vii.2003, R. Macià leg. ; 5 ♂ and 2 ♀, Parc Natural Castell de Montesquiu , Montesquiu, 637 m, 12.x.2007, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 4 ♂ and 2 ♀, Els Munts , Sant Agustí de Lluçanès, 958 m, 31 TDG25 , 15.viii.2009, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 3 ♂, Riera del Surreig , Sant Bartomeu del Grau, 850 m, 1.ix.2010, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀, Serrat de Sant Roc , Gurb, 644 m, 31 TDG34 , 10.viii.2012, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 5 ♂ and 2 ♀, La Roca, Taradell , 604 m, 5.viii.1992, R. Macià leg. BURGOS: 1 ♀, Oña , 650 m, 27.viii.1999, J. Gastón leg. ; 2 ♂ and 6 ♀, La Vid, 850 m, 24.ix.1983; 6.ix.1985, J. Gastón leg. ; 2 ♂, San Martín de Don, 890 m, 8.ix.1984, J. Gastón leg. ; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀, La Vid , 910 m, 30.viii.2003, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. CÁCERES: 2 ♂, Valle del Jerte, El Tormo, 780 m, 31.viii.1992, A. Blázquez leg. ; CÁDIZ: 3 ♂, Pto. de Ojén , 200 m, 28.viii.1991. J. Gastón leg. CASTELLÓN: 3 ♂ and 1 ♀, Serra del Turmell , Vallibona, 1080 m, 2.viii.2007, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. GIRONA: 2 ♂ and 1 ♀, Calella de Palafrugell, 10 m, 10.ix.2001, R. Macià leg. ; 1 ♂, Llorà, 210 m, 23.viii.1986, JJ. Pérez leg. in coll. MCNB. ; 1 ♂, Mieras, 286 m, 6.ix.1986, JJ. Pérez leg. in coll. MCNB. ; 10 ♂, Susqueda, 800 m, 24.viii.1986, JJ. Pérez leg. in coll. MCNB. GRANADA: 2 ♀, La Sagra, Huéscar , 1350 m, 13.viii.1999, J. Gastón leg. ; 1 ♀, Bco. Tejos de Castro , Padúl, 1115 m, 30.viii.2011, J. Gastón leg. ; 3 ♂, Rbla. de Ovel , Fonelas, 860 m, 14.viii.2009, J. Gastón leg. HUESCA: 1 ♀, Llano de Lizara, 1470 m, 31.viii.1985, J. Gastón leg. ; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀, Barranco de Valcuerna , Candasnos, 450 m, 21.ix.2003, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 4 ♂, Villanueva de Sigena, 238 m, 10.ix.2005,, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; HUELVA: 6 ♂ and 1 ♀, San Cristóbal , Almonte, 108 m, 20.ix.2003, M. Huertas leg. LA RIOJA: 2 ♂, Villanueva de Cameros, 1150 m, 1.ix.1984, J. Gastón leg. ; 3 ♂ and 1 ♀, Ortigosa de Cameros, La Rioja, 1069 m, 27.vii.2018, R. Macià leg. SORIA: 3 ♂ and 1 ♀, Sabinar de Calatañazor, 1080 m, 12.ix.2005, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. TERUEL: 10 ♂ and 6 ♀, Pozo del Correo , Moscardón, 1484 m, 30 TXK25 , 5.ix.2012, R. Macià leg. ; 7 ♂ and 5 ♀, Valle de Valdevecar , Albarracín, 1150 m, 28.vii.2009, 3.ix.2013, 11.viii.2018, R. Macià leg. ; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀, La Losilla, Albarracín , 1050 m, 27.viii.1995, R. Macià leg. ; 3 ♂, Paridera del Carmen , Albarracín, 1277 m, 30 TXK37 , 9.viii.2016, R. Macià leg. VALENCIA: 2 ♂, Sierra de Javalambre , Alcublas, Sacañet, 1000 m, 16.ix.1996, R. Macià leg. ZAMORA: 5 ♂ and 2 ♀, Monte la Reina, 1050 m, 31.viii.2003, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ZARAGOZA: 2 ♂ and 1 ♀, El Cerro, la Retuerta, 3 ♂, 377 m, 24.viii.2000, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg. ; 1 ♀, Torralba de los Frailes, 1050 m, 22.viii.1997, J. Gastón leg.

FRANCE: 3♂, Mont Ventoux , Provenza, 1050 m, 29.vii.1994, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg.

Diagnosis. Sexes alike, but females slightly smaller and the abdomen more bulky. Similar to Indalia interposita , from which it is distinguished mainly by the smaller size, brighter wings and the yellow-ochre shading on the head, absent in Indalia interposita . The absence of tymbal organ in males is another difference from that species.

Re-description: Imago. ( Figs. 23–24 View FIGURES 17–24 ). Average wingspan males 26.6 mm (n=10; 18–29 mm); average wingspan females 22.5 mm (n=10; 17–26 mm).

Genitalia ( Fig. 60 View FIGURE 60 ). Male genitalia: Uncus cylindrical, elongated, more than in Indalia interposita , slender, thin, sclerotised, with a pointed tip; valvae ovoid with rounded cucullus, longer than in Indalia interposita ; saccular process short and robust, slightly curved at the tip, not reaching the tip of the valva; juxta with an inverted U shape, weakly sclerotised; vinvulum short. Aedeagus cylindrical, short and with a large cornutus, smaller than that in Indalia interposita . Female genitalia: Anal papillae relatively small; lamella postvaginalis well-defined with inverted and fairly sclerotised trapezoidal shape; ductus bursae trapezoidal and sclerotised; bursa copulatrix elongated peanut-shaped with a signum in its lower part; small wart present in the upper part of the bursa with few micro-spines inside.

Immature stages ( Fig. 85 View FIGURE 85 ). The last instar larva is 16 mm long. The cephalic capsule is well developed with a black upper area. Body with yellowish verrucae, all with yellow and black setae; dorsal line dark, sinuous and broken; area between verrucae D1 and D2 light yellowish grey, with several dark spots; from verruca D2 to SD 1 a dark brown band, and from the latter to L3, light grey with elongated dark brown spots surrounding L2 and L3. Pupa thick, with spots on the back and clypeus insignificant. Tip of abdomen rounded, without cremaster. In males, the antennae reach the tips of the wings, those of the females are shorter. The cocoon is made under lichens or moss, with the silk very close to the body.

Molecular data. The five Indalia uniola specimens from different locations included in the analysis show a high sequence similarity (TN-dist = 0.25% ± 0.12SE) grouping into a strongly supported clade (PP=1) and a single RESL cluster coinciding with an existing BIN (BOLD: ABW9299). Besides the relationship with Indalia albicosta and Indalia interposita , this species is also genetically closest to Indalia lutarella luqueti .

Biology. Univoltine, flying in a single late generation from August to October. Although some authors indicate a first generation in May–June, it does not occur in the Iberian Peninsula. The species is found in a great diversity of biotopes, especially those of Mediterranean influence; occurs from sea level to 1000–1200 m. Adults are active at night, and are attracted to both bait and artificial light. Larvae, as in most species of this genus, feed on lichens and algae, and possibly also grasses, sedges and Ericaceae, In captivity they accept dry lettuce leaves ( Ylla et al. 2010) and artificial diet.

Distribution ( Fig. 106 View FIGURES 95–109 ). Atlanto-Mediterranean. It is present only in North Africa ( Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), the southeast of France and in scattered localities almost throughout Spain and Portugal. It is also present in the Balearic Islands.

The lutarella group

Indalia lutarella lutarella ( Linnaeus, 1758) comb. nov.

Indalia lutarella luqueti ( Leraut, 2006) comb. nov.

Indalia pygmaeola pygmaeola ( Doubleday, 1847) comb. nov.

Indalia pygmaeola pallifrons (Zeller, 1847) comb. nov.

It comprises two species and four subspecies, morphologically quite similar so they can be confused. Its populations extend from North Africa, through Europe to Siberia and Central and South Asia. Each species constitutes a welldefined clade with strong Bayesian supp (BI= 1 in both cases). Indalia lutarella prefers high elevations, being active during day time, whereas Indalia pygmaeola is found in much lower elevations and is more active by night. According the results of the molecular study, this group is related with the Setema genus which remains valid due to its distinc morphological characteristics.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona




















Indalia uniola (Rambur, [1866])

Macià, Ramon, Ylla, Josep, Gastón, Javier, Huertas, Manuel & Bau, Josep 2022

Lithosia uniola

Rambur 1866
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