Pagyda arbiter (Butler, 1879)

Rao, B. S. K. & Sivaperuman, C., 2022, New records of pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea: Crambidae) from India, Zoosystematica Rossica (Zoosyst. Rossica) 31 (1), pp. 20-26 : 24-25

publication ID 10.31610/zsr/2022.31.1.20

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scientific name

Pagyda arbiter (Butler, 1879)


Pagyda arbiter (Butler, 1879) View in CoL View at ENA

( Figs 1D View Fig , 2C View Fig )

Material examined. India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, North Andaman I., 2 males, Diglipur , Tal Tikrey Vill., 13°13.141 ′ N 92°51.658 ′ E, 5 m, 10.III.2019, B.S.K. Rao leg. (reg. no. ZSI SI/ ANRC / T/9903 ) GoogleMaps .

Redescription. Wing span 18–22 mm. Frons and vertex yellowish fuscous, latter with white lateral stripe bordered with black scales anteriorly. Maxillary palpi well-developed, basally with dark greyish scales. Labial palpi obliquely upturned, with long scales on ventral surface of second segment; marginal scales marked with dark grey; basal segment whitish ventrally; apical segment nearly parallel to vertex. Antenna filiform; scape with white stripe on lateroventral surface. Patagia, collar, thorax and abdomen yellowish brown.

Forewings elongate-triangular, with pale ochreous-yellow background; basal area with light yellow patches. Costa light brown, slightly sinuate. Antemedial, medial and postmedial lines ochreous, joined to costa with three stout black patches; medial and postmedial lines connected with each other posteriorly. Subterminal line slightly curved outwards, connecting subcostal and posterior margin near anal angle, in shape of a weak sickle. Terminal line light brown. Cilia yellowish brown.

Hind wings having a distinct antemedial, medial and postmedial bands. Medial band broad. Postmedial band running parallel to outer margin.

Legs light fuscous-brown; fore tibia banded with white and fuscous-brown; inner spur of hind tibia one-third as long as its outer spur.

Male genitalia. Uncus subtriangular, with distally crowded setae. Valva with editum bearing pinnate setae. Sella horn-shaped, without distal spinules. Transtilla slender. Gnathos weakly pointed. Vinculum U-shaped. Saccus triangular, with blunt tip. Phallus short, with cornutus.

Distribution. China and Japan (Qi & Li, 2019). First record from India (Andaman and Nicobar Islands).

Remarks. We collected this species from nearby a secondary forest with understory foliage.

Botys arbiter Butler, 1879 was described from Japan, Yokohama. Hampson (1896) transferred this species to the genus Pagyda Walker, 1859 . At present, this genus comprises 35 described species with ten species from India, namely P. amphisalis (Walker, 1859) , P. argyritis Hampson, 1899 , P. auroralis (Moore, 1888) , P. botydalis (Snellen, 1880) , P. discolor Swinhoe, 1894 , P. exalbalis Hampson, 1896 , P. lustralis Snellen, 1890 , P. pulverulenta Swinhoe, 1901 , P. salvalis Walker, 1859 , and P. straminealis Hampson, 1896 ( Hampson, 1896; Mathew, 2006; Nuss et al., 2003 –2021).













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