Microconilon kuscheli, Besuchet & Hlaváč, 2011

Besuchet, Claude & Hlaváč, Peter, 2011, Contribution to the knowledge of Clavigeritae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Fiji and Vanuatu, with the catalogue of Clavigeritae of Oceania, Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51 (2), pp. 517-528 : 523-524

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5328923



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scientific name

Microconilon kuscheli

sp. nov.

Microconilon kuscheli View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 7 View Figs )

Type material (1 J). HOLOTYPE: J, FIJI: VANUA LEVU: Savusavu Saddle, 500 m, 26.X.1977, leg. G. Kuschel. On Hydnophytum with Philidris nagasau (Mann, 1921) (NZAC) .

Description. Body 2.10 mm long. Head rectangular, about 1.35 times as long as wide, temples with weakly-defined carinae from eyes to occipital margin of head. Antennae with terminal antennomere long, 0.75 mm, with shorter pubescence, straight, gradually widened and flattened from base to apex, apex with 2 very long macrosetae. Pronotum about 1.45 times shorter than head and 1.6 times as wide as long. Elytra at suture less than half the maximum width of elytra, anterior border of shoulders strongly profound but lacking concavity.Abdomen with composite tergite (IV–VI) 3.5 times as long as tergites VII–VIII combined. Mesotibiae with minuscule, but sharp and well-defined preapical spine. Aedeagus as in Fig. 7 View Figs , 0.37 mm long.

Sexual dimorphism. Female unknown.

Differential diagnosis. Similar to M. acuticollis sp. nov., but larger, with head more evenly flattened ventrally, pronotum less transverse, antennomere III much shorter and pronotum smaller.

Etymolgy. This new species is named in honour of Guillermo Kuschel, a leading authority on the Curculionoidea and the collector of the type series of this species.

Host ant. Philidris nagasau (Mann, 1921) .

Distribution. Fiji, Vanua Levu Island.

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