Guyalna dasyeia, Sanborn, 2019

Sanborn, Allen F., 2019, The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of Bolivia including the descriptions of fifteen new species, the resurrection of one genus and two species, seven new combinations, six new synonymies, and twenty-eight new records, Zootaxa 4655 (1), pp. 1-104 : 32-35

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4655.1.1

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scientific name

Guyalna dasyeia

sp. nov.

Guyalna dasyeia View in CoL n. sp.

( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 )

TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype. “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, / Ichilo Province, / Buena Vista , 400 m, / 3 Oct 1994, R. Ward / mercury vapor light” male ( CMNM) . Paratypes. Same data as holotype, one male ( CMNH); “ BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz, / Prov. Andres Ibanez / Vallecito, 4-5 Oct / 1994, R. D. Ward ” one male ( CMNH), one male ( AFSC) .

REMARKS. This new species is similar in size and general appearance to G. fasciata n. sp. but the dense, golden pile on the male uncus and the transverse piceous fascia on the head quickly distinguishes G. dasyeia n. sp.

ETYMOLOGY. The name is in reference to the thick, golden pile on the male uncus (Gr., dasys, hairy, shaggy, tufted, dense).

DESCRIPTION. Ground color castaneous marked with piceous and tawny.

Head. Head wider than mesonotum, castaneous with piceous surrounding ocelli, on vertex, and incomplete transverse fascia between eyes including ocelli, spot on middle of supra-antennal plate, margin of eye, and posterior to eye, posterior head tawny, ground color in one paratype, head with sparse, short golden pile dorsally, longer posterior to eye. Ocelli red, middle ocellus ochraceous in holotype, eyes castaneous. Ventral head tawny with transverse piceous fascia between eye and lateral postclypeus, lorum piceous with tawny margin. Postclypeus centrally sulcate not reaching apex, tawny with piceous in transverse grooves, on ventroposterior lateral margins, T-shaped piceous mark on castaneous dorsal surface. Anteclypeus tawny with piceous lateral surfaces not reaching anterior margin, small castaneous mark on either side of middle carina. Long white pile on gena, lorum and lateral anteclypeus, short white in postclypeus transverse grooves. Mentum ochraceous, labium with ochraceous base, small castaneous region proximal to larger piceous distal region. Rostrum reaching to abdominal sternite II. Scape dark castaneous with annular ochraceous mark distally, remaining antennal segments piceous.

Thorax. Dorsal thorax castaneous marked with tawny and piceous. Prothorax castaneous with piceous fascia posterior to anterior margin extending laterally to anterior half of lateral ambient fissure, mark extends slightly into anterior paramedian and lateral fissures and does not cover anterior midline, short piceous pile in lateral ambient fissure. Pronotal collar tawny, darker in some paratypes, with short, golden pile radiating from margin of lateral part of pronotal collar. Mesothorax castaneous with piceous anterior lateral sigillae, mark expanding medially, anterior and lateral submedian sigillae piceous forming a roughly triangular mark along parapsidal suture, lateral and posterior margins piceous, transverse piceous fascia between posterior disc and cruciform elevation, reduced in some paratypes, tawny lateral to lateral sigillae, darker in some paratypes, scutal depressions castaneous, cruciform elevation castaneous, lateral wing groove tawny. Short golden pile on anterolateral disc, longer golden pile on posterior mesonotum and in wing groove, denser in wing groove. Metanotum tawny with long golden pile. Ventral thoracic segments tawny except castaneous basisternum 2, katepimeron 2, meron 2, and posterior episternum 3, castaneous piceous in some paratypes. Thoracic sternites covered with short silvery pile and radiating long silvery pile.

Wings. Fore wing and wings hyaline. Venation tawny, greenish in one paratype, at base becoming piceous distally, costal margin castaneous near node, proximal half of anal vein 2 + 3 piceous. Basal cell infuscated along arculus and radius & subcostal vein, remaining basal cell clear, pterostigma extending to about half distance of apical cell 1, spot of infuscation on marginal area of anterior wing apex, basal membrane of fore wing grayish, posterior darker. Hind wing venation proximally tawny becoming piceous distally except castaneous spot on base of median vein, ochraceous with castaneous base anal vein 2 and anal vein 3. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 to curve, anal cell 2 and anal cell 1 along proximal half of anal vein 2 grayish and all of anal cell 3, infuscation at base of medial cell, cubital cell 1, cubital cell 2, distal to grayish in anal cell 2 and along grayish in anal cell 1.

Legs. Legs tawny, coxae, trochanters, and femora striped with castaneous, tibiae castaneous distally, tarsi castaneous, darker distally, pretarsal claws dark castaneous with piceous tips. Fore femora with proximal spine elongated, adpressed to surface, secondary spine triangular, upright not as long as primary spine, tertiary spine very small, all spines tawny, piceous fascia connecting bases of spines. Tibial spurs and tibial combs castaneous with piceous tips. Legs with long silvery pile.

Operculum. Male operculum tawny with piceous base, roughly triangular, castaneous edged with piceous posterior to meracanthus, lateral region domed, lateral margin angled mediad, rounded posterolateral margin forming an acute angle between lateral and posterior margins, posterior margin only slightly curved to rounded medial margin, not meeting medially, reaching to anterior of sternite II, covering tympanal cavity medially not coving tympanal cavity posterolaterally. Meracanthus pointed with curved lateral margin, tawny with piceous base, not reaching posterior opercular margin.

Abdomen. Abdomen tergites tawny with piceous anterior margin edged posteriorly with castaneous, tergite 1 with piceous lateral castaneous spots, tergite 3 with dark castaneous spots laterally, tergites with silvery pile laterally, piceous pile laterally on tergites 2 and 3, anteriorly across midline in tergites 4, 7 and 8, and anteriorly across midline and laterally in tergites 5–6, long golden pile radiating from tergite 8. Timbal cover ochraceous with piceous anterior margin, anterolateral extension semicircular with parallel dorsal and ventral sides, parallel to long body axis, incomplete exposing timbal dorsally. Timbal white with dark castaneous and piceous markings visible through opening in timbal cover. Male sternites tawny, transverse castaneous mark on posterior midline of sternite II and piceous auditory capsule, dark castaneous on midline of sternites III–VI, sternite VII tawny with castaneous spot on anterior midline and castaneous lateral margin, elongated reaching to posterior of tergite 8 with concave posterior margin, sternite VIII tawny with V-shaped notch when viewed from the posterior, sternites III–VI translucent, short white pile anteriorly and laterally, short piceous pile on either side of midline, long silver pile radiating from sternites, epipleurites 4 and 5 tawny, epipleurites 6 and 7 castaneous, epipleurites 3–6 covered with long castaneous pile.

Genitalia. Male pygofer castaneous lighter along dorsal midline and lateral margins. Dorsal beak absent. Pygofer basal lobes tawny with castaneous tips, flattened basally convex distally, extended, angled slightly mediad, medial margin forming obtuse angle near tip, tip extended as double pointed apex, silvery and golden pile on distal third. Uncus with thick golden pile dorsally, uncal dorsal crest small, recurved slightly with pointed apex. Lateral branch of uncus smoothly curved to meet under the median uncus lobe to surround aedeagus, angled laterally and then along body axis to terminus, dense castaneous pile radiating laterally from distal region. Aedeagus dark castaneous with an ochraceous terminal membrane.

Female is unknown.

MEASUREMENTS (MM). N = four males, mean (range). Length of body: 23.65 (21.4–26.1); length of fore wing: 34.81 (33.4–36.2); width of fore wing: 10.35 (9.7–11.0); length of head: 3.81 (3.7–3.9); width of head including eyes: 9.35 (9.15–9.75); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: 9.75 (9.3–10.1); width of mesonotum: 8.15 (7.9–8.7).

DIAGNOSIS. The majority of species of Guyalna can be distinguished from G. dasyeia n. sp. by exhibiting bronzed fore wings, infuscated basal areas of the wings, infuscation on the radial and radiomedial crossveins, larger (greater than 20 mm) or smaller (less than 16 mm) body size, or completely piceous lateral sigillae. The most similar species are G. brisa ( Walker, 1850) , G. fasciata n. sp., G. viridifemur ( Walker, 1850) n. comb. and G. woldai Sanborn, 2018c. Guyalna brisa is a larger species with the piceous piles on the dorsal abdominal tergites forming and arch on tergites 3–7, the dorsal opening to the timbal cavity is semicircular, the posterior margin of the male operculum is sinuate, the dorsal crest of the uncus is strongly recurved, the lateral branch of the uncus is curved distally. Guyalna woldai is slightly smaller, much more heavily marked with piceous, is much more pilose, and has a truncated anterior margin of the postclypeus. Specimens of G. viridifemur can be distinguished by the almost complete transverse piceous fascia on the dorsal head, the almost right angle of the dorsal extension of the timbal cover, the mostly piceous dorsal tergite 2, the piceous markings and piceous pile forming an arch over tergites 3–7, the shorter basal lobes of the pygofer that terminate in a triangular shape, the recurved dorsal crest of the uncus and lobate lateral branch of the uncus. This new species is most similar in size and general appearance to G. fasciata n. sp. but the dense, golden pile on the male uncus and the transverse piceous fascia on the head quickly distinguishes G. dasyeia n. sp. from G. fasciata n. sp. The dense golden pile on the male uncus and dense castaneous pile on the lateral branch of the uncus are diagnostic and unique among all species of Guyalna .

DISTRIBUTION. The species is known only from the type series collected in central Bolivia.


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