Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 291-295

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy


Genus Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy View in CoL

Diagnosis: male without lower orbital seta, first presutural dorsocentral seta over half as long as the second, central katepisternal setae absent, mid tibia usually enlarged apically, wing with second anal vein strongly curved so as to intersect extension of first anal vein well before margin of wing, male hypopygium usually with a distinct bacilliform process, two or three spermathecae


Male: body length 3-9.3 mm

Head: Background colour usually silvery grey; holoptic, distance between eyes no more than 3x diameter of anterior ocellus. Fron lacking both orb, except for F. canicularis with upper orb present. Four to 20 fr, of varying strength. Eye bare to densely setulose. Antero-internal eye facets usually larger than remaining. Pocl generally in single row and irregular in length, but may be doubled. Parafacial of varying width, but never wider than width of flagellum, and generally bare except for F. petrocchiae and F. flavicornis . Lower margin of face never strongly projecting, except for species of the mollisima group. Gena 0.1 to 0.9x width of flagellum. Flagellum 1 to 3x as long as broad, usually covered with silvery grey pruinosity, but may be dark or yellow. Arista dark, or yellow to orange, short pubescent. Palpus narrow, cylindrical to strongly clavate, usually dark or yellow.

Thorax: Background colour dark grey, brown, black to metallic blue, with sparse to heavy dust of varying colour; usually with distinct vittae visible in full length of acrostichal, dc and ial lines. Apex of scutellum generally concolorous with scutum, but may be yellow. Acr: 2-4+2-6, with 1 or 2 prescutellar acr s; 2+3 dc, except for F. abnormis ; 2 postsutural ial; 3 pprn; 2 npl; 2-4 pra; 1 spal; 2 prepm, generally surrounded by a variable number of setulae.

Legs: Dark grey to black, yellow or brown at articulations, tarsi dark brown or black. C1 bare, with a preapical ventral thorn in some species of the scalaris group. F1: thin to globose, with a variable number of rows of pd, p, and pv. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v; 1 apical pv; 1 apical and 1 submedial ad, occasionally with a medial row of ad. Fore tarsomere 1 0.3x length of t1, tarsomeres 2-4, shorter and 5 as long as broad; fore tarsi partially or totally flattened, expanded and white in the anthracina group. C2 generally with hair-like setae, with hooked setae in some species of the scalaris group. F2 usually with 1 row of ad, a, av and a variable number of rows of pv, which can be hair-like or hooked. T 2 usually strongly thickened in apical half (not gradually thickened as in the other genera), occasionally with a subbasal protuberance, generally with 1 submedial and 3 to 4 apical a, 1 submedial ad, 1 apical v variable in strength, 1 submedial and 2 apical pd, apical p and pv. Mid tarsus with a basal ventral crest followed by a seta in the anthracina group. C3 with 1, 2 or 3 short and setulose setae at apex of posterior margin, or with very strong setae in F. coxata or bare. F3 thin as in the obscurinervis group to globose as in F. coxata , curved in dorsoventral margins in some species of the anthracina group, generally with a preapical posteroventral protuberance bearing a tuft of setae varying in length, with 1 row of ad and variable rows of av; posteroventral surface bare or with variable number rows of pv and p. T 3 usually conical except for F. schnusei where it is flattened and expanded; with 1 submedial (calcar) and 1 subapical d variable in length; 1 submedian, 1 apical and a variable number of medial av; generally lacking row of ad, except for species of the canicularis and scalaris groups.

Wing: Clear to smoky brown. Wing veins bare, except for costa. Subcosta smoothly bent forward towards costa. The first anal vein (1A) is much shortened, and the second anal vein (2A) is thin and bow-shaped, the imaginary extension of which would intersect before wing margin. Calypters of different size, generally lower calypter slightly oval except in the canicularis group, and upper rounded; creamy white to brown; halter yellow to black.

Abdomen: Elongated to heart-shaped when tergite 2 is 2x width of tergite 4. Ground colour dark, occasionally with darker markings on central line and posterior margin of tergites, or partially yellow in anterolateral margins of tergites 1-3. Sternite 1 scarcely to densely setulose.

Postabdomen: Sternite 5 variable in shape usually indented and covered with setae in posterior margin. Epandrium variable in shape. Cerci generally fused, weakly fused in the pusio group. Often with a bacilliform process at base of cercal plate, then surstyli simple and not broadly connected to epandrium; if absent then surstyli usually formed by two processes and broadly connected to epandrium. Postgonite inconspicuous, club shaped or forming a sheath surrounding aedeagus. Hypandrial arms directed outwards or inwards, thin or broad. Aedeagus generally membranous or partially sclerotized.

Female: body length 3-9 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Frons and vitta broad, distance between eye margins usually wider than 0,33x width of the head. Upper and lower orb present and 1 to 3 rows of fronto-orbital setulae reaching the lunula.

Leg: T 2 gradually thickened towards apex, lacking subbasal protuberance. Lacking preapical posteroventral protuberance bearing a tuft of setae on F3.

Abdomen: Generally heart-shaped, and with uniform coloration.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short. Anal plate uniformly covered with setulae. Sternite 8 reduced. Postabdominal spiracles 7 and 8 usually on tergite 6. Two to three spermathecae, variable in shape, ducts usually partially sclerotized.

Key to males

Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 (Male of F. pusilla View in CoL is unknown)

1 Hind coxa bare at apex of posterior surface .............................................................................................2 Hind coxa setulose at apex of posterior surface ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 ).........................................................................9

2 Antenna and palpus brown, dark grey or black, never yellow. Ground colour of body black to steely blue, with dark brown pruinosity or dark grey with light blue pruinosity. Fore-tarsomere partially or totally white flattened and expanded ( Fig. 1B View FIGURE 1 ). Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by a short strong seta............................................................................................................................................3 Antenna and palpus yellow. Ground colour of body grey or brown, if dark grey with light blue pruinosity, fore tarsomere dark or yellow, never flattened and expanded. Mid tarsomere 1 lacking basal ventral crest .....................................................................................................................................................8

3 Fore tarsomere 1 and 2 completely white, except for a black spot on fore tarsomere 1 at base. Basal ventral crest and setae of mid tarsomere 1 short, shorter than width of tarsomere. Lacking ventral protuberance on F3, only with a preapical tuft of short and thin pv .......................................... F. anthracina (Walker) Fore View in CoL tarsomeres 1 to 4 mostly or completely white or yellowish-white. Basal ventral crest and setae of mid tarsomere 1 longer than or as long as width of tarsomere. F3 with a medial or preapical ventral protuberance bearing dense tufts of v or pv ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 ) ...........................................................................4

4 Eye densely setulose; pra short and stout. All fore tarsomeres flattened and expanded, completely yellowish-white. Ventral protuberance of F 3 in medial position. T 3 preapically flattened and expanded, with numerous curled and flat av, and short, thin and dense preapical pv and p ( Fig. 1C View FIGURE 1 )..... F. schnusei Stein View in CoL Eye bare or weakly haired. Pra longer and thin. Only some fore tarsomeres expanded and flattened, yellowish-white. Ventral protuberance of F3 situated in apical third. T 3 without modifications in shape, with 2 to 3 av, lacking pv .....................................................................................................................5

5 Calypteres white or yellow in outer margin .............................................................................................6 Calypteres brown in outer margin...........................................................................................................7

6 Fron at narrowest point 2x width of anterior ocellus. Fore tarsomere 1 expanded at apex and lacking leaf-like spine, tarsomeres 2 to 5 completely expanded and flattened. T2 with 2 ad and 2 pd. T3 with 2 to 3 ad. Scutum and abdomen dark, with a little thin even pale dust..................................... F. bigoti (Stein) Fron View in CoL at narrowest point less than 2x width of anterior ocellus. Fore tarsomeres weakly flattened and expanded, fore tarsomere 1 with a broad leak-like spine at tip of posterior surface. T2 with 1 ad and 1 pd. T3 with 1 ad. Scutum with four light-grey dusted vittae and a broad prescutellar patch, abdomen wholly light grey dusted except for some triangulated markings on all tergites.............. F. albitarsis Stein View in CoL

7 T 1 completely dark, 2x length of fore tarsomere 1; fore tarsomeres long and thin. T 2 more or less straight, twice as long as mid tarsomere 1, with a long apical v. Hind femur with several strong av alongside tubercle.......................................................................................................................... F. setosa (Bigot) View in CoL T 1 yellow at tip, 4x length of fore tarsomere 1, the tarsomeres rather short and compressed. T 2 bent at basal third, 4x length of mid tarsomere 1, with 1 short apical v. F3 with 1 to 2 av alongside protuberance ..... .................................................................................................................... F. confusa Pont & Carvalho View in CoL

8 Frontal vitta at narrowest point 1.5x width of anterior ocellus. Parafacial completely covered with short setae. Scutum lacking brown vittae. 1 pra dorsad spal, 0.33 length of same. Sternite 1 with numerous long setae. Cercal plate bearing very long and conspicuous setae, visible in ventral view......................... .................................................................................................................................. F. flavicornis Stein View in CoL Frontal vitta very narrow, reduced to a line ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). Parafacial bare. Scutum with brown vittae. 2 pra near spal. Sternite 1 with few setae. Setae of cercal plate not visible in ventral view................................. ......................................................................................................................... F. fusconotata (Rondani) View in CoL

9 T 3 with 1 row of pv. Light grey in ground colour and light blue dusted................................................10 Lacking row of pv on T 3. With other colouring ....................................................................................11

10 C2 with 2 strong hooked setae laterad, and 1 strong vaguely hooked apical seta ( Fig. 1D View FIGURE 1 ). T 2 with a strong triangulated anteroventral crest on apical half. T 3 with 3 to 4 pv in medial third ... F. scalaris (Fabricius) View in CoL C2 lacking hooked setae. T 2 without crest on apical half. T 3 with 4 to 6 pv in medial third..................... ....................................................................................................................... F. incisurata (Zetterstedt) View in CoL

11 Abdomen trimaculated .........................................................................................................................12 Abdomen with different colour pattern.................................................................................................15

12 Parafacial with setae ..............................................................................................................................13 Parafacial bare .......................................................................................................................................14

13 T 3 lacking row of v ....................................................................................................... F. femoralis (Stein) View in CoL T 3 with numerous long and hair-like rows of v ....................................................... F. pusio (Wiedemann) View in CoL

14 Eye scarcely pilose. Two strong pra, near spal. T 3 with a preapical protuberance only visible on posterior surface; 1 short row and a short hair-like subapical tuft of pv ............................ F. punctiventris Malloch View in CoL Eye bare. Two pra, one very thin and short near spal and the other stouter and longer, near the transverse suture. T 3 lacking preapical protuberance, and bare on posteroventral surface ........... F. flavipalpis Stein View in CoL

15 Abdomen yellow in lateral margins of tergites 1-3. Wing clear ..............................................................16 Abdomen completely black, with darker markings in central longitudinal line and apex of tergites 2-5. Wing smoky ......................................................................................................................................22

16 Upper orb present ................................................................................................ F. canicularis (Linnaeus) View in CoL Upper orb absent...................................................................................................................................17

17 Parafacial with strong setae throughout. Thorax lacking vittae .......... F. petrocchiae Shannon & Del Ponte Parafacial View in CoL lacking strong setae. Thorax with vittae .................................................................................18

18 C3 with 4 to 5 long and stout setae at apex of posterior surface. Hypopygium protruding ( Fig. 1A View FIGURE 1 )......... ............................................................................................................. F. coxata Shannon & Del Ponte View in CoL Apex of posterior surface lacking such setae. Hypopygium not protruding............................................19

19 T 2 with 1 truncate apical pd ( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 ). Hind tarsomere 1 expanded and flattened ( Fig. 1F View FIGURE 1 )...................... .......................................................................................................................................... F. roigi View in CoL sp. n. T 2 never with truncate apical pd. Hind tarsomere 1 normal in shape....................................................20

20 Scutum brown, lacking vittae along acr and dc lines.................................................. F. tumidifemur Stein Scutum View in CoL brown with grey vittae along acr and dc lines ...........................................................................21

21 F2 with 2 rows of pv hooked at base, forming a dense ctenidium of 4 to 5 rows in apical fourth............... ................................................................................................................. F. tucumanensis Albuquerque F View in CoL 2 with 2 rows of hooked pv, lacking apical ctenidium ...................................... F. heydenii (Wiedemann) View in CoL

22 Body length 5 to 7 mm. Wing smoky, dark in upper half of the space between R 1 and R 2+3 ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ). Halter black. F3 with 1 row of very short pv, not visible in anterior view ...........................................23 Body length 3 to 4 mm. Wing smoky, clear in upper half of the space between R 1 and R 2+3. F3 with 1 row of long and hair-like pv, visible in anterior view.................................................. F. losgateados View in CoL sp. n.

23 F3 with two complete rows of av, one long and the other short and hair-like. Surstylus with a lobate process bearing very short setulae in basal region.......................................................... F. hermani View in CoL sp. n. F3 with a single row of av. Surstylus lacking lobate processes at base .......................... F. hirtifemur (Stein) View in CoL

Key to females (Females of F. bigoti View in CoL , F. roigi View in CoL , F. setosa View in CoL , F. tucumanensis View in CoL and F. tumidifemur View in CoL unknown)

1 C3 bare at apex of posterior margin ........................................................................................................2 C3 setulose at apex of posterior margin...................................................................................................7

2 Ground colour dark brown with metallic blue reflections, never yellow in first abdominal tergites..........3 Ground colour grey, abdominal tergites 1-3 laterally yellow ....................................................................6

3 Calypter dark brown in outer margin......................................................................................................4 Calypter white, yellow or yellowish brown in outer margin.....................................................................5

4 Several rows of po. Scutum weakly pruinose, confined to pprn and post-alar calli. Abdomen thinly bluish dusted. Halter black.......................................................................................... F. schnusei View in CoL and F. pusilla View in CoL One row of po. Scutum with 4 to 5 grey vittae. Abdomen heavily pruinose. Halter brown....... F. albitarsis View in CoL

5 T 1 yellow at apex, black in remaining. T 2 with 2 ad and 2 pd. T 3 with the ad at the same level as or very slightly basad of the submedian d ............................................................................................ F. confusa View in CoL T 1 completely black. T 2 with 1 ad and 1 pd. T 3 with the ad well apicad of the submedian d, by at least tibial diameter.................................................................................................................... F. anthracina View in CoL

6(2) Parafacial bare ....................................................................................................................... F. fusconotata Parafacial View in CoL setulose .................................................................................................................. F. flavicornis View in CoL

7(1) T 3 with 1 row of pv. Three spermathecae............................................................................. scalaris View in CoL group Lacking row of pv on T 3. Two spermathecae, if three, then one reduced .................................................8

8 Wing smoky. Two spermathecae normal in size, third reduced .................................... obscurinervis group Wing never smoky. Two spermathecae ....................................................................................................9

9 Abdomen grey in ground colour with lateral yellow markings in tergites 1-3 ........................................10 Abdomen with different pattern............................................................................................................11

10 Parafacial setulose ................................................................................................................. F. petrocchiae Parafacial View in CoL bare .......................................................... heydenii View in CoL group (including F. coxata View in CoL and F. flavipalpis View in CoL )

11 Abdomen with tergite 2 completely yellow ........................................................................... F. canicularis View in CoL Abdomen with tergite 2 never completely yellow ..................................................................................12

12 Abdomen black, light bluish-grey at posterior margin of first abdominal tergites ......... F. losgateados View in CoL sp. n. Abdomen trimaculated .........................................................................................................................13

13 Fron silvery pruinose, pruinosity clearly heavier near eye, disappearing near frontal vitta, where it is reddish-brown............................................................................................................................ F. pusio Fron View in CoL silvery pruinose.............................................................................................................................14

14 Thorax grey with brown vittae ........................................................................................... F. punctiventris View in CoL Thorax black, lacking vittae ..................................................................................................... F. femoralis View in CoL


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile











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