Fannia canicularis ( Linnaeus, 1761 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 302-304

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Fannia canicularis ( Linnaeus, 1761 )


Fannia canicularis ( Linnaeus, 1761) View in CoL

Figs. 5 View FIGURE 5 A-E

Musca lateralis Linnaeus, 1758:597 View in CoL . Suppressed by I.C.Z.N. 1969, Opinion 884.

Musca canicularis Linnaeus, 1761:454 ; nom. nov. for Musca lateralis Linnaeus, 1758 View in CoL .

Anthomyia chilensis Macquart, 1843a:328 View in CoL ; 1843b:171; Gay, 1852:442; Reed, 1888:33.

Anthomyia introducta Walker, 1853:362 . Synonymy by Stein, 1901:199.

Myantha canicularis ; Rondani, 1863:34; 1864:34.

Homalomyia canicularis ; Rondani, 1866:132; 1877:48; Wulp, 1883:47; Bigot, 1885:284; Wulp, 1896:331; Coquillet, 1901:375; Stein, 1901:199; 1904:458; 1907a:216.

Homalomyia mexicana Bigot, 1885:284 View in CoL . Synonymy by Stein, 1907b:279; Giglio-Tos, 1896:27; Wulp, 1896:332; Pont, 2000a:104; 2000b:18.

Fannia canicularis View in CoL ; Stein, 1911:108; 1919:131; Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:566, 571; Gaminara, 1930:1253; 1931:1253; Curran, 1932:359; Séguy, 1932:22; Malloch, 1934:203; Roberts, 1934:353; Séguy, 1937:165; Ortiz, 1946:157; James, 1947:130; Ruffinelli & Carbonell, 1954:66; Hennig, 1955a:26; Chillcott, 1961:188; Hennig, 1965 Fig. 6 View FIGURE ; Huckett, 1972:82; Pont, 1972:43-49; 1977:43-49; Linhares, 1981:232; Albuquerque et al., 1981:10; Almeida et al., 1985:279-284; Greenberg & George, 1985:93-96; Holloway, 1985:250; Skovronsky, 1985:84-85; Zeil, 1986:213-219; Queiroz & Carvalho, 1987:276; Mandeville et al., 1988:153-159; Bruno et al., 1992:55-59; Carvalho et al., 1993:8; Perotti & Brasesco,1996; RozkoŠný et al., 1997:37; Perotti, 1998:145-154; Carvalho & Couri, 1999:211; Nachtigall, 1999a:137-143; Nachtigall, 1999b:185-193; Trentini, 2001:169-171; Carvalho et al., 2002:108; Mullens et al., 2002:588-593; Carvalho et al., 2003:9; Iannacone, 2003:85-90; Lima Biccho et al., 2004:205-210.

Fannia impura Zetterstedt, 1838 View in CoL . Synonymy by Pont, 2002:107.

Diagnosis: Medium size yellow and grey species. Frontal vitta at narrowest point as wide as anterior ocellus Upper orb present in male. Eye and parafacial bare. Scutum brown greyish, dark brown vittae visible in full length of acr and dc lines. Two to four short pral near the spal. T 2 constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance. C3 with 3 short hair-like p at apex of posterior surface. F3 normal lacking posteroventral protuberance, with 10 medial ad, and stouter submedial and 1 apical ad. Wing clear. Halter yellowish-white. Abdomen brownish-grey, and yellow at apex of tergite 1, lateral margins of tergites 2 and 3 and basal half of tergite 4.

Material examined: Canadá: 1 o, Labrador, Big Caribou Island, Battle Harbour , IV-1926, col. A. C. Weed ( FMNH) . EEUU: Montana 2 o, 1 n, Bonnet’s Mill , VII-1930 ( FMNH) . Illinois. 2 o, 2 n, Cook Co. V-1942, col. S. Camras ( FMNH) . 4 o, 8 n, Des Plaines , IX-1968 /69 ( FMNH) . 2 o, 1 n, University Chicago ( FMNH) . 1 o, Chicago ( FMNH) . Michigan 1 o, Battle Creek , X-1940, col. S. Campas ( FMNH) . Louisiana 3 o, 2 n, Opelousas , III-1997 ( FMNH) . Georgia Hinesville , IV-1953, col. S. Campas ( FMNH) . Texas 1 n, Texas , XI-2000 ( FMNH) . Chile: Santiago 1 o, Providencia. II-2001, col. Domínguez ( IADIZA) . Isla de Chiloe 9 o, Ancud , II-2001, col. Domínguez ( IADIZA) . 1 o, Islotes de Puñihuil , II-2001, col. Domínguez ( IADIZA) . Puerto Varas 3 o, II-2001, col. Domínguez ( IADIZA) . Argentina: San Luis 8 o, Renca , XII-1999, Cols. Domínguez & Roig ( IADIZA) . Mendoza 31 o, 6 n, Guaymallén, X / XI-2001, col. Roig ( IADIZA) . 1 o, Luján de Cuyo, Chacras de Coria , I-2001, col. Roig ( IADIZA) . 3 o, Benegas , I-2001, col. E. Scheibler ( IADIZA) . 3 o, Guaymallén, San José , X-2001, col. Domínguez. ( IADIZA) . 2 o Ciudad , IX-2001, col. Domínguez. ( IADIZA) . Chubut 3 o, El Bolsón, II-2001, col. Domínguez ( IADIZA) .


Male: body length 4.5-7.0 mm

Head: Frontal vitta black pruinose, at narrowest point as wide as anterior ocellus. Fronto-orbital plate silvery pruinose, at uppermost fr 0.9x width of anterior ocellus. Thirteen long fr, slightly longer than flagellum. Upper orb present. Eye bare, antero-internal facets larger than remaining; pocl sirregular in length. Face and parafacial covered with thick shining silvery grey pruinescence. Parafacial at base of flagellum 0.6x width of same and bare. Facial carina dark grey. Gena dark grey to black. Scape and pedicel black; flagellum 2x as long as broad and covered with thick grey pruinescence. Arista black and short pubescent. Palpus black, straight, the apex as wide as base. Lower oral margin light grey, slightly concave and groove less.

Thorax: Scutum brown greyish, dark brown vittae visible in full length of acr and dc lines; pleura grey; scutellum light grey at apex; 3+4 acr, 1 strong prescutellar acrs; 2+3 dc; pprn with few short setulae; Two to four short pral near spal: prealar area with few setulae; 2 prepm, lacking surrounding setulae.

Legs: Dark brown to black, light brown to yellow at articulations. In some specimens tibial base is yellow. F1 normal (length/width = 6), with 1 row of pd; 2 rows of p; 1 long basal and 1 row of pv in apical 3/4. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v and pv; 1 row of setulose ad and 1 submedian and 1 apical ad. Fore tarsomere 1 0,5x length of tibia; tarsomeres 4 and 5 short, as wide as long. F2 with 1 complete row of ad; 2 rows of very short a; 1 row of long and fine av at base, shorter and stouter towards apex; 1 row of hair-like pv, as long as femoral width; 1 row of fine p at base and 5 to 6 longer, stouter and ventral p at base. T 2 constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance; ventral pubescence short, 0.25x width of tibia; with 1 submedial a; 1 subapical ad; 1 submedial and 1 apical pd; 1 apical pv; 1 apical p. C3 with 3 short and hair-like p at apex of posterior surface. F3 normal (length/ width = 6.25), lacking posteroventral protuberance; with 1 row of ad, longer, stouter and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row of av interrupted at preapex, and 2 apical av; posterior surface covered with hair-like setulae ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 subapical d; 10 medial ad, and 1 stouter submedial and apical ad; 2 to 3 medial av and 1 apical av; apex of ventral and posteroventral surfaces with a short ctenidium.

Wing: Clear; both calypteres rounded, white, yellowish in outer margin. Knob of halter yellowish-white, light brown at base.

Abdomen: Elongated, the width of tergites approximately uniform. Brownish-grey, and yellow at apex of tergite 1 and lateral margins of tergites 2 and 3 and basal half of tergite 4.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 straight, with setae forming a central longitudinal line ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ). Hypandrium broad, strongly sclerotized, hypandrial arms directed inwards; postgonite hornshaped, strongly sclerotized surrounding the membranous aedeagus ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ). Cercal plate small and fused; bacilliform process absent; surstyli near outer margin of epandrium and formed by a flattened, parallel sided, principal process and a ventral, lateral, smaller and depressed process, that bears a group of setulae at apex, each surstylus is directly and broadly connected to the hypandrium ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ).

Female: body length 4.8-5.2 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Ocellar triangle short, extending up to the fourth fr. Frons and vitta broad, the distance between eye margins is 1/3 of head width. Parafacial with 1 row of short setulae reaching base of flagellum. Seven to eight fr as long as flagellomere and 1 row of orbital setulae.

Thorax: Light grey with thinner brown vittae along acr, dc and ia lines; 3+4-5 acr; 2 short and thin pral near spal, lacking setulae in prealar area.

Legs: Dark brown, yellow in articulations, trochanter yellow and tibiae reddish. F2 with very short and thin row of av in basal fourth; row of pv very short with a long setae at base and setulose towards apex. T 2 narrow at base, broader at apex; ventral pubescence absent.

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, tergite 4 approximately half as wide as tergite 2. Tergite 1 dark grey brownish to grey purplish, tergite 2 completely yellow, tergite 3 yellow at base and tergites 4 and 5 brown-purplish.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate slightly broader than long, uniformly covered with setae; sternite 8 reduced to an anterior pair of plates covered with setulae and two posterior bare plates slightly larger than anterior; postabdominal spiracles 7 and 8 on tergite 6 ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Two rounded spherical soft surfaced spermathecae, with unsclerotized ducts.

Distribution: Cosmopolitan.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Field Museum of Natural History














Fannia canicularis ( Linnaeus, 1761 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia impura

Pont, A. C. 2002: 107

Fannia canicularis

Lima Biccho, C. & Massuti de Almeida, L. & Ribeiro, P. B. & Silveira, P. 2004: 205
Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 9
Iannacone, J. 2003: 85
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Moura, M. O. & Ribeiro, P. B. 2002: 108
Mullens, B. A. & Sziji, C. E. & Hinkle, N. C. 2002: 588
Trentini, M. 2001: 169
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Couri, M. S. 1999: 211
Nachtigall, W. 1999: 137
Nachtigall, W. 1999: 185
Perotti, A. 1998: 145
RozkosnY, R. & Frantisek & Pont, A. C. 1997: 37
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 8
Bruno, T. V. & GuimarAes, J. H. & Tucci, E. C. & Santos A. M. M. dos 1992: 55
Mandeville, J. D. & Mullens, B. A. & Meyer, J. A. 1988: 153
Queiroz, S. M. P. de & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1987: 276
Zeil, J. 1986: 213
Almeida, J. R. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Malkowski, S. R. 1985: 279
Greenberg, B. & George, J. 1985: 93
Holloway, B. A. 1985: 250
Skovronsky, R. V. 1985: 84
Linhares, A. X. 1981: 232
Albuquerque, D. de & Pamplona, D. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1981: 10
Pont, A. C. 1977: 43
Huckett, H. C. 1972: 82
Pont, A. C. 1972: 43
Chillcott, J. G. 1961: 188
Hennig, W. 1955: 26
Ruffinelli, A. & Carbonell, C. S. 1954: 66
James, M. T. 1947: 130
Ortiz, C. S. 1946: 157
Seguy, E. 1937: 165
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203
Roberts, R. A. 1934: 353
Curran, C. H. 1932: 359
Seguy, E. 1932: 22
Gaminara, A. 1931: 1253
Gaminara, A. 1930: 1253
Shannon, R. C. & Del Ponte E. 1926: 566
Stein, P. 1919: 131
Stein, P. 1911: 108

Homalomyia mexicana

Pont, A. C. 2000: 104
Pont, A. C. 2000: 18
Stein, P. 1907: 279
Giglio-Tos, E. 1896: 27
Wulp, F. M. van der 1896: 332
Bigot, J. - M. - F. 1885: 284

Homalomyia canicularis

Stein, P. 1907: 216
Stein, P. 1904: 458
Coquillet, D. W. 1901: 375
Stein, P. 1901: 199
Wulp, F. M. van der 1896: 331
Bigot, J. - M. - F. 1885: 284
Wulp, F. M. van der 1883: 47
Rondani, C. 1877: 48
Rondani, C. 1866: 132

Myantha canicularis

Rondani, C. 1863: 34

Anthomyia introducta

Stein, P. 1901: 199
Walker, F. 1853: 362

Anthomyia chilensis

Reed, E. C. 1888: 33
Gay, C. 1852: 442
Macquart, J. 1843: 328
Macquart, J. 1843: 171

Musca canicularis

Linnaeus, C. 1761: 454

Musca lateralis

Linnaeus, C. 1758: 597
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