Fannia flavicornis Stein, 1911

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 310-311

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia flavicornis Stein, 1911


Fannia flavicornis Stein, 1911 View in CoL

Fannia flavicornis Stein, 1911:102 View in CoL ; 1919:131; Engel, 1931:136; Séguy, 1937:167; Pont, 1972:4; Pont, 2001:460; Carvalho et al., 1993:10; 2003:11.

Fannia euchaetophora Carvalho, 1991:35 View in CoL ; Carvalho & Couri, 1991:38; Carvalho et al., 1993:11; 2003:11. Syn. Nov.

Diagnosis: Small yellow species. Frontal vitta at narrowest point 1.5x width of anterior ocellus. Eye bare. Parafacial covered with short setae throughout. Antenna and palpus yellow. Scutum and pleura light grey, apex of scutellum yellow. One pra near and dorsad spal, 0.33x length of same. T 2 straight, constricted at base, gradually broadened towards apex. C3 bare at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal to globose; lacking preapical posteroventral protuberance. T 3, lacking medial row of ad. Wing clear. Halter yellow. Abdomen slightly elongated, light grey with dark brown markings on posterior margin and central longitudinal line of tergites 2, 3 and 4; yellow at base of tergite 1 and lateral margins of tergites 2 to 4. Sternite 1 densely covered with long setae.

Type material examined: Fannia flavicornis . Lectotype o. Peru: Urubamba , Ft. Umahuankilia, 19-IX-1903, col. W. Schnuse ( SMTD) . Paralectotype n Fannia flavicornis . Bolivia: Mapiri, S. Ernesto 800 mts, 21-II-1903, col. W. Schnuse ( SMTD) .

Fannia euchaetophora . Paratype o. Brazil: Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha de Maracá , 02/ 13-V-1987, col, J. A. Rafael, J. E. B . Brazil, L. S. Aquino ( DZUP) .


Male: body length 4.5 mm.

Head: Frontal vitta light brown, at narrowest point 1.5x width of anterior ocellus. Fronto orbital plate silvery pruinose; at uppermost fr as wide as anterior ocellus. Five to six fr, as long a flagellum. Eye bare; pocl of irregular length. Face and parafacial silvery grey, parafacial at base of flagellum 0.7x width of same and covered with short setae throughout. Facial carina light brown. Gena grey. Scape and pedicel yellow, flagellum 2.3x as long as broad and covered with heavy silvery-grey pruinescence. Arista short pubescent, yellow at base, remaining light brown. Palpus clavate and yellow, the apex 2.5 to 3x width of base. Lower oral margin convex and grooveless.

Thorax: Scutum and pleura light grey, apex of scutellum yellow; 3+3 acr, 1 acrs; pprn with few short setulae; 1 pra near and dorsad spal, 0.33x length of same; prealar area with few setulae; 2 prepm surrounded by 2 setulae.

Legs: Light brown, tarsi black. F1 normal to globose (length/width = 4.6); 1 row of pd setae as long as femoral width; 2 rows of p, superior row as long as femoral width and inferior shorter; 1 row of pv short at base, as long as femoral width at apex. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v; 1 apical pv. Fore tarsomere 1 0.3x length of tibia; tarsomeres 4 and 5 short, as wide as long. F2 with 1 row of ad as long as femoral width; 1 row of long and straight av at base, short and stout at apex; 1 row of hooked pv, and a second row at apex; 1 row of p setae thin at base, stouter and ventrally directed at apex. T 2 straight, constricted at base, gradually broadened towards apex; ventral pubescence very long, 1.2x tibial width; 1 submedial and 3 apical a; 3 subapical ad; 1 strong av-v; 2 submedial and 1 apical pd; 1 very long apical p and pv. C3 bare at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal to globose (length/width = 5); lacking preapical posteroventral protuberance; with 1 row of ad, longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row of very short av and 1 or 2 preapical av as long as femoral width; posteroventral surface bare. T 3 with very long subapical and submedial d; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row of ad; 4 medial av; 1 apical av; ventral and posteroventral surfaces and with a weak apical ctenidium.

Wing: Clear. Uppermost calypter oval, lower calypter rounded, both white. Halter yellow.

Abdomen: Slightly elongated, tergite 2 more than 2x width of tergite 4. Light grey with dark brown markings on posterior margin and central longitudinal line of tergites 2, 3 and 4; yellow at base of tergite 1 and lateral margins of tergites 2 to 4. Sternite 1 densely covered with long setae.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 strongly indented, and scarcely covered with setae. Cercal plate fused, with very long setae on anterior region; surstyli simple, marginal (respect to epandrium) as long as epandrium.

Female: body length 3.6-4.2 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Ocellar triangle very long, extending up to lower orb. Frons and vitta broad, the distance between eye margins wider than 0.33x of head width. Six to seven strong fr, slightly longer than flagellum. Upper and lower orb present.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate as broad as long and uniformly covered with setae; sternite 8 formed by a single rounded plate, bearing 4 setulae on posterior margin; postabdominal spiracles on tergites 6 and 7. Two elongated spermathecae, with partially sclerotized ducts.

Distribution: NEOTROPICAL: Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and northern Brazil.

Remarks: The male paratype of F. euchaetophora matches the original description of the external morphology of F. flavicornis , and there are no differences in genitalic structures, which had not been described by Stein (1911). Based on this evidence, I consider F. euchaetophora a synonym of F. flavicornis .


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure














Fannia flavicornis Stein, 1911

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia euchaetophora

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 11
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 11
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Couri, M. S. 1991: 38

Fannia flavicornis

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 11
Pont, A. C. 2001: 460
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 10
Pont, A. C. 1972: 4
Seguy, E. 1937: 167
Engel, E. O. 1931: 136
Stein, P. 1919: 131
Stein, P. 1911: 102
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