Fannia femoralis ( Stein, 1898 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 308-310

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia femoralis ( Stein, 1898 )


Fannia femoralis ( Stein, 1898) View in CoL

Figs. 7 View FIGURE 7 A-C

Homalomyia femoralis Stein, 1898:282 View in CoL .

Fannia femoralis View in CoL ; Stein, 1911:108; 1919:131; Curran, 1928:89; Engel, 1931:136; Curran, 1934:467; Wollcott, 1936:369; Séguy, 1937:167; Beatty, 1944:151; Wollcott, 1948:496; Seago, 1954:6; Chillcott, 1961:214; Pont, 1972:4; Albuquerque et al., 1981:10; Alayo & García, 1983:110; Couri & Pamplona, 1991:119; Carvalho et al., 1993:9; Carvalho et al., 2002:108; Carvalho et al., 2003:11.

Diagnosis: Frontal vitta at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Eye bare. Parafacial setulose. Antenna dark grey. Palpus dark brown. Thorax dark brown to black. Two short and strong pra, one near the transverse suture and another near spal. T 2 thin, constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance. C3 with 2 p at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal with a weak preapical protuberance on posteroventral surface with subapical tuft of long-hair-like pv, twice femoral width. T 3 with 4 to 5 submedial ad. Wing clear. Halter yellowish-white. Abdomen elongated dark grey to black; tergites 2, 3 and 4 trimaculated.

Type material examined: Homalomyia femoralis – 2 Sintypes o, Opelousas , Louisiana, V-97 ( FMNH) .

Other material examined: USA: Georgia 1 o, Mt Kennesaw, Cobb. CO. , 8-V-1952 ( USNM) . Arizona 1 o, Phoenix , XII-1952 ( USNM) . Argentina. Mendoza. 1 o, 5 n Valles fértiles, XI-2001 ( IADIZA) . 1 o, Luján, Pedriel , 28-XII-1996, col. G. Debandi ( IADIZA) . 1 o, 23 n Ciudad. 14/ 20-V-1997, col. S. Roig ( IADIZA) .


Male: body length: 4-4.2 mm.

Head: Frontal vitta black, at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Fronto-orbital plate heavily silvery-grey pruinose, at uppermost fr 0.8x width of anterior ocellus. Eleven to 12 short fr, 0.7x length of flagellum. Eye bare, pocl of irregular length. Face and parafacial silvery grey; parafacial at base of flagellum 0.2x width of same and setulose. Facial carina grey; gena dark grey. Scape and pedicel dark grey; flagellum short and thin, 2 to 2.2x as long as broad and covered with heavy silvery-grey pruinescence. Arista completely dark brown and short pubescent. Palpus dark brown, the apex about as broad as base. Lower oral margin convex and groove less.

Thorax: Scutum and scutellum dark brown to black; pleura grey; 3+3 acr and 2 prescutellar acrs; pprn covered with short setulae; 2 short and strong pra, one near the transverse suture and other near spal; lacking setulae in the prealar area; 2 prepm lacking surrounding setulae.

Legs: Brown throughout. F1 normal (length/ width = 5.3), with 1 row of pd; 2 rows of a; 1 row of hair-like pv at base, stouter towards apex. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v and 1 apical pv; lacking row of ad as well as submedial and apical ad. Fore tarsomere 1 slightly shorter than 0.3x length of fore tibia; tarsomere 4 as long as broad. F2 with 1 row of ad; 2 to 3 rows of short a; 1 row of strong av setae; 1 row of thin pv at base, and 2 to 3 rows of shorter stouter and distally hooked pv at apex; 1 row of hair-like p, stouter and ventrally directed towards apex. T 2 thin, constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance; ventral pubescence long, slightly shorter than tibial width; with 1 subapical ad; 3 apical a lacking submedial a; 1 strong apical av setae; 1 submedial and 1 apical pd, both long; 1 apical pv and p. C3 with 2 p at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal (length/ width = 5.4) with a weak preapical protuberance on posteroventral surface; with 1 row of ad longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 complete row of av as long as femoral width and 4 to 5 longer av in apical fourth; posteroventral surface bare, except for a subapical tuft of long hair-like pv, twice femoral width. T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 subapical d; 4 to 5 submedial ad, lacking apical ad; 1 submedial and 1 apical av; posteroventral and ventral surfaces with a weak ctenidium at apex.

Wing: Clear. Both calypteres rounded, yellowish-white. Knob of halter yellowish-white, base light brown.

Abdomen: Elongated, the width of tergites approximately uniform. Dark grey to black; tergites 2, 3 and 4 trimaculated. Hypopygium not protruding.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 straight, with setae situated on central longitudinal line and short and fine setae on posterior margin ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ). Hypandrial arms directed inwards, directly connected to surstyli; postgonites reduced to small protuberances at both sides of aedeagus; epiphallus present, projecting dorsad, beyond cercal plate; aedeagus membranous ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 ). Epandrium narrow at anterior margin; cercal plate weakly fused; bacilliform process absent; surstyli marginal, formed by a central and a lateral process, broadly connected to epandrium ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ).

Female: body length 4.8-5.2 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Frontal vitta heavy grey-brown pruinose. Ocellar triangle long, extending up to third fr. Frons covered with silvery pruinescence throughout. Frons and vitta broad, the distance between eye margins is 0.33x of head width. Three to 4 short fr, 0.7x length of flagellum, and 4 to 5 shorter setulae. Upper and lower fronto-orbital setae present, with a single row of fronto-orbital setulae; pocl of regular length and short, less than 0.5x length of inner and outer vertical setae; the latter longer than in male.

Legs: F2 with 5 to 6 rows of short and thin a; 1 row of very short and fine av setae; 1 short row of pv. F3 lacking preapical protuberance on ventral and posteroventral surfaces; with 1 row of short av and 1 to 2 subapical av, longer than femoral width. T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 apical ad setae; 2 medial and 1 short apical av.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate broader than long and covered with setulae; sternite 8 reduced to an anterior pair of plates bearing 2 to 3 setae; postabdominal spiracles on tergite 6. Two oval and ridged spermathecae, with partially sclerotized ducts.

Distribution: NEARCTIC: USA, México; NEOTROPICAL: Cuba, Virgin Is., Puerto Rico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Brazil.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Field Museum of Natural History


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Fannia femoralis ( Stein, 1898 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia femoralis

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 11
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Moura, M. O. & Ribeiro, P. B. 2002: 108
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 9
Couri, M. S. & Pamplona D. M. 1991: 119
Alayo, P. & GarcIa, I. 1983: 110
Albuquerque, D. de & Pamplona, D. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1981: 10
Pont, A. C. 1972: 4
Chillcott, J. G. 1961: 214
Seago, J. M. 1954: 6
Wollcott, G. N. 1948: 496
Beatty, H. A. 1944: 151
Seguy, E. 1937: 167
Wollcott, G. N. 1936: 369
Curran, C. H. 1934: 467
Engel, E. O. 1931: 136
Curran, C. H. 1928: 89
Stein, P. 1919: 131
Stein, P. 1911: 108

Homalomyia femoralis

Stein, P. 1898: 282
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