Fannia hermani, Dominguez, 2007

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 315-317

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia hermani

sp. nov.

Fannia hermani View in CoL sp. n.

Figs. 1G View FIGURE 1 , 9 View FIGURE 9 A-H

Diagnosis: Medium size black species. Eye weakly setulose. Parafacial bare. Antenna and palpus black. Scutum without lighter vittae. One long pra near the transverse suture and a second shorter pra near spal, slightly longer than surrounding setulae. T 2 thin, constricted at base, with a subbasal protuberance. C3 with two p at apex of posterior margin. F3 thin (length/width = 9.1); with a weak protuberance on posteroventral surface, with a subapical tuft of short hair-like pv, slightly longer than femoral width. Wing smoky. Abdomen black throughout.

Etimology: The species name in a patronym in honour of Dr. Lee Herman, to whom it is dedicated for his help in collecting the type series.

Type material: Holotype o, Argentina: San Luis: El Trapiche , 16.XII.2000, cols. Domínguez & Roig ( IADIZA) . Paratypes: 31 o, 31 n, same data as holotype ( IADIZA) .


Male: body length 5.7-6 mm

Head ( Fig 9A View FIGURE 9 ): Frontal vitta black, at narrowest point 0.5x width of anterior ocellus. Frontal plate covered with dark grey to black pruinescence, at uppermost fr 0.5x width of anterior ocellus. Eighteen to nineteen very long fr 1.6x length of flagellum. Eye weakly setulose; pocl regular in length. Face and parafacial dark grey; parafacial at base of flagellum 0.6x width of same and bare. Facial carina black and gena dark grey. Scape and pedicel dark grey to black; flagellum short and thin, 2.1 to 2.7 as long as wide and heavily silvery-grey pruinose. Arista black, short pubescent. Palpus black, the apex about as wide as base. Lower oral margin concave, strongly grooved.

Thorax: Scutum and scutellum black throughout; 3+3 acr with a fourth row of postsutural acr in apical half; 2 prescutelar acrs; pprn covered with long hair-like setae; 1 long pra near the transverse suture and a second shorter pra near spal, slightly longer than surrounding setulae; prealar area covered with setulae; 2 prepm surrounded by numerous long hair-like setulae.

Legs: Completely black. F1 thin (length/width = 6.3); with 1 row of pd; 5 to 6 rows of hair-like p, slightly longer than femoral width; 1 complete row of pv, as long as femoral width. T 1 with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v and 1 apical pv; 1 submedial and 1apical ad, lacking medial row. Fore tarsomere 1 slightly longer than 0.3x length of tibia; tarsomere 4 as wide as long. F2 with 1 row of ad; 2 rows of short a; 1 row of av as long as femoral width; 1 long basal pv and 1 row of pv long at base, shorter and hooked at tip at apex; 1 row of long hair-like p, longer and ventrally directed towards apex. T 2 thin, constricted at base, with a subbasal protuberance; ventral pubescence long, 0.5x width of tibia; 1 submedial and 3 apical a; 1 subapical ad; 1 very long and stout apical av; 1 apical and 1 long submedial pd; 1 apical pv and 1 apical p, the p as long as av. C3 with two p at apex of posterior margin ( Fig 8B View FIGURE 8 ). F3 thin (length/width = 9.1); with a weak protuberance on posteroventral surface; with 1 row of ad longer and dorsally directed at apex; 2 rows of av, anterior row long and ventral row, short and hair-like; with a subapical tuft of short hair-like pv, slightly longer than femoral width ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ). T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 apical d; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row; 4 to 5 medial and 1 apical av ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ).

Wing ( Fig. 1G View FIGURE 1 ): Smoky, from superior margin up to half the space between the first radial vein ( R 1) and the second and third radial vein ( R 2+3). The space between the costal and subcostal vein is clear. Lower calypter oval, uppermost rounded, both yellow whitish. Knob of halter black, pedicel and base brown.

Abdomen: Elongated, width of tergites uniform; black, slightly lighter coloured on anterior lateral margins of tergites 2, 3 and 5. Hypopygium not protruding.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 profoundly indented and covered with setae ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ). Hypandrial arms directed outwards and thickened; postgonites inconspicuous; aedeagus membranous ( Fig. 8D View FIGURE 8 ). Cercal plate fused; bacilliform process corkscrew-shaped; surstyli simple and marginal, with a basal lobated process bearing very short setulae ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 E-F).

Female: body length: 5.0- 5.7 mm. Differs from ale as follows:

Head: Frontal vitta heavily black pruinose. Ocellar triangle extending up to sixth fr. Frons and vitta broad, the distance between eye margins wider than 0.33x head width. Ten to eleven long fr, 1.3x length of flagellum. Upper and lower orb present, and 1 row of fronto-orbital setulae; pocl short, less than 0.3x length of outer and inner verticals, the latter longer than in male.

Legs: F1 with 1 row of pv as long as femoral width in apical half. T 1 with 1 submedial ad, lacking apical ad. F2 with 1 row of very short av; 1 row of pv as long as femoral in basal half. T 2 straight, cone-shaped, the base narrower than the apex; pubescence on v absent; with 1 submedial and 2 apical pd. F3 preapically dilated on anterior and anteroventral surface; 1 row of short av and two subapical av, longer than femoral width; posterior and posteroventral surfaces bare. T 3 with 1 submedial ad setae, lacking apical ad; 2 medial av and 2 short apical.

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, tergite 4 less than 0.5x width of tergite 2; greyish black throughout.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate broader than long and uniformly covered with setulae; sternite 8 reduced to 2 posterior plates bearing 2 setae and 4 to 5 setulae, and two anterior bare plates; post abdominal spiracles 7 and 8 on tergite 6 ( Fig. 8G View FIGURE 8 ). Three pear-shaped grooved spermathecae with partially sclerotized ducts; 2 normal in size and a third reduced ( Fig. 8H View FIGURE 8 ).

Distribution: NEOTROPICAL: Province of San Luis, Argentina.

Discussion: Fannia hermani possibly belongs to the obscurinervis species group ( Albuquerque et al., 1981), because it shares many characters with the species of this species groups. It can easily be separated from the remaining species of this group by the presence on F3 of two complete rows of av (one row long and the other short and hair-like) and the presence of a lobate process bearing very short setulae in basal region of surtylus.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile













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