Fannia incisurata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 322-323

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia incisurata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 )


Fannia incisurata ( Zetterstedt, 1838) View in CoL

Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12

Anthomyza incisurata Zetterstedt, 1838:679 .

Fannia incisurata View in CoL ; James, 1947:128; Hennig, 1955b; 1955c; Chillcott, 1961:55; Pont, 1972:5; Carvalho et al., 1993:11; RozkoŠný et al., 1997:40; Carvalho et al., 2003:13.

Fannia pruinosa Shannon & Del Ponte, 1926:572 View in CoL . [Junior secondary homonym in Fannia View in CoL of Anthomyia pruinosa Meigen, 1826 ]; Gaminara 1930:1253; 1931:1253; Malloch 1934:203; Séguy 1937:173. Synonymy by Malloch 1934:203.


Male: body length 6.5 mm

Head: Frontal vitta dark grey, at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Frontoorbital plate heavily silvery-grey pruinose, at uppermost fr 0.75x width of anterior ocellus. Nine to 12 long fr, 2.6x length of flagellum, with several interstitial setulae. Eye bare, antero-internal facets larger than remaining; pocl in two well defined rows. Face and parafacial silvery-grey; parafacial at base of flagellum as wide as same and bare. Facial carina silvery-brown. Gena grey. Scape and pedicel dark brown, flagellum short, 2.3x as long as wide, heavily silvery-grey pruinose. Arista dark-brown, short pubescent. Palpus dark-brown, apex about 1.5x width of base. Lower oral margin straight, grooveless.

Thorax: Scutum dark-grey in ground colour, covered with light blue-grey pruinosity, brown vitta visible in full length between acr and dc lines, dc and ia lines and between ia lines and pleura; pleura light grey; 3+4 Diagnosis: Medium dark grey species. Frontal vitta at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Eye and parafacial bare. Antenna and palpus dark-brown. Scutum dark-grey in ground colour, covered with light blue-grey pruinosity, brown vitta visible in full length between acr and dc, dc and ia and between ia and pleura. One pra near spal, 0.2x length of same. T 2 thin, constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance. C3 with 1 p at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal, lacking preapical protuberance on posteroventral surface. T 3 with 7 to 8 medial ad; 5 to 7 medial av, and 4 to 6 pv in medial third. Wing clear. Halter yellow. Abdomen elongated, dark grey, slightly lighter on anterior lateral margins of tergites 2, 3, and 4.

Type material examined: Fannia pruinosa : co-type o Argentina: Buenos Aires, San Isidro. 25-VIII-1926. Shannon & Del Ponte ( USNM) .

Other material examined: Argentina. Catamarca 1 o, 2 n, 31-V-1927, col. Kisliuk ( USNM). 1 o, Homlomyia incisurata (FMNH) .

acr; 1 prescutellar acrs; pprn covered with setulae; 1 pra near spal, 0.2x length of spal; prealar area covered with setulae; 2 prepm surrounded with setulae.

Legs: Brown to dark-brown, tibiae yellow at base. F1 normal (length/width = 5); with 1 row of pv; 2 rows of p; 1 row of pv in apical half. Fore tibia with 1 subapical pd; 1 apical v and 1 apical pv; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row. Fore tarsomere 1 slightly longer than 0.3x tibial length; tarsomere 4 as broad as long. F2 with 1 row of ad and 2 rows of short a; 1 row of short and thin av; 1 row of hair-like pv, duplicated in medial third, simple at apex; 1 row of long and hair like p, stouter and ventrally directed at apex. T 2 thin, constricted at base, lacking subbasal protuberance, ventral pubescence very short, 0.2x femoral width; 1 submedial and 3 long apical a; 1 subapical ad; 1 very strong apical av; 1 long submedial and 1 apical pd; 1 apical pv and 1 long p. C3 with a single setae at apex of posterior margin. F3 normal (length/width = 5.4); lacking preapical protuberance on pv; 1 row of ad longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row of short av and 4 av as long or longer than femoral width in apical fourth; 1 row of very short pv, less than 0.25x femoral width ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ). T 3 with 1 submedial and 1 subapical d; 1 submedial, 1 apical and 7 to 8 medial ad; 5 to 7 medial and 1 short apical av; 4 to 6 pv in medial third; ventral and posteroventral surface with a weak ctenidium ( Fig 12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Wing: Clear. Lower calpyter slightly oval, lower rounded, both yellowish-white. Knob of halter yellow, pedicel and base yellow.brown.

Abdomen: Elongated, width of tergites approximately equal. Dark grey, slightly lighter on anterior lateral margins of tergites 2, 3, and 4. Hypopygium not protruding.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 straight or very slightly indented, setae grouped on central longitudinal line and posterior margin. Anterior margin of epandrium narrower than central region. Cercal plate fused. Bacilliform process cork-screw shaped. Surstily short, simple, and marginal. Hypandrium arms directed outwards. Postgonites inconspicuous. aedeagus membranous.

Female: body length 6.7 mm. Differs from male as follows:

Head: Vitta grey-brown. Ocellar triangle very short, extending up to uppermost fr. Frons and vitta broad, the distance between eye margins wider than 0.33x head width. Seven fr, variable in length, 2 to 3 longer than flagellum, remaining shorter. Upper and lower orb present, with 2 rows of fronto-orbital setulae; pocl short and of irregular length, less than 0.33x length of inner and outer verticals, the latter longer than in male.

Thorax: Lacking vitta.

Legs: F1 with 4 rows of p, 1 row as long as row of pd, remaining 3 short. F2 with 5 to 6 rows of short and thin a; 1 row of av, long at base, shorter at apex; 1 row of pv, 0.5x width of femur at base, shorter at apex. T 2 cone-shaped, lacking ventral pubescence. C3 with 2 hair-like p at apex of posterior margin. T 3 with 1 apical and 4 medial short av.

Abdomen: Heart-shaped, elongated, tergite 4 less than 0.5x width of tergite 2, dark grey throughout.

Postabdomen: Cerci normal, short; anal plate broader than long and uniformly covered with setulae; sternite 8 reduced to 1 posterior pair of plates bearing two setulae; post abdominal spiracle 7 situated beyond posterior margin of tergite 6 and spiracle 8 on anterior margin of tergite 6). Three smooth pear-shaped spermathecae, with partially sclerotized ducts.

Distribution: Cosmopolitan.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History














Fannia incisurata ( Zetterstedt, 1838 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia incisurata

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 13
RozkosnY, R. & Frantisek & Pont, A. C. 1997: 40
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 11
Pont, A. C. 1972: 5
Chillcott, J. G. 1961: 55
James, M. T. 1947: 128

Fannia pruinosa

Seguy, E. 1937: 173
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203
Gaminara, A. 1931: 1253
Gaminara, A. 1930: 1253
Shannon, R. C. & Del Ponte E. 1926: 572

Anthomyza incisurata

Zetterstedt, J. W. 1838: 679
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