Fannia setosa ( Bigot, 1885 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia, 2007, A taxonomic revision of the Southern South American species of the genus FANNIA Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (São Paulo) 47 (24), pp. 289-347 : 339-340

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492007002400001

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scientific name

Fannia setosa ( Bigot, 1885 )


Fannia setosa ( Bigot, 1885) View in CoL

Figs. 20 View FIGURE 20 A-D

of same. Fore tarsi partially yellowish-white, tarsomeres 2-4, slightly expanded and flattened. T 2 thin, with strong subbasal protuberance. Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by a short and stout seta. C3 bare at apex of posterior margin. F3 very thin (length/width = 10), and bent, with a preapical protuberance on ventral surface, lacking medial row of ad. Wing brown tinted. Halter dark brown to black. Abdomen slightly elongated, dark brown with metallic blue reflections, and darker markings on posterior margin and central longitudinal line of tergites 2, 3 and 4.

Type material examined: Dasyphima armata . Lectotype o, Chile, Col. J. Bigot ( UMO) ; Paralectotype o “chiliensis” J. Bigot ( UMO). Ophira setosa . Lectotype o, Bigot ( UMO); Ophira setosa . 2 Paralecotypes o, Col. Bigot ( UMO) .


Male (female unknown): body length 8.8-9.5 mm.

Head: Frontal vitta dark brown, at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Frons covered with silvery

Dasyphima armata Bigot, 1882:254 (& 1883: clxxxviii). [Junior secondary homonym in Fannia View in CoL of Anthomyia armata Meigen, 1826 ]

Ophira setosa Bigot, 1885:303 .

Fannia setosa View in CoL ; Stein, 1907b:286-287; Schnabl & Dziedzicki, 1911:208; Malloch, 1934:204; Pont, 1972:6; Carvalho et al., 1993:15; Pont & Carvalho, 1994:231-236; Pont, 2000a:110; 2000b:25-26; Carvalho et al., 2003:19.

Fannia armata View in CoL ; Stein, 1907a:212; 1907b:286-287; Malloch, 1934:203; Séguy, 1937:167; 1938:119; Pont, 2000a:96; 2000b:5.

Fannia errata Malloch, 1934:203 View in CoL ; Ortiz, 1946:157.

Fannia steinella Albuquerque, 1953:496 View in CoL .

Diagnosis: Large species, dark brown with blue reflections. Frontal vitta at narrowest point 0.6x width of anterior ocellus. Parafacial bare. Antenna and palpus dark brown to black. One pra dorsad spal, 0.33x length pruinescence, at uppermost fr 0.5x width of anterior ocellus. Seventeen to 18 fr, 1.4x length of flagellum. Eye scarcely pilose, antero-internal facets much larger than remaining; pocl of irregular length. Face and parafacial silvery grey; parafacial at base of flagellum 0.6x width of same and bare. Facial carina black. Gena dark grey to black. Scape and pedicel dark brown; flagellum 2.3x as long as wide and heavily covered with silvery-grey pruinescence. Arista dark brown, short pubescent. Palpus dark brown to black, the apex 1.5 to 2x width of base. Lower oral margin slightly convex and grooveless.

Thorax: Dark brown with blue reflections throughout; 3+4 acr, 1 prescutelar acrs; 2+3 dc; pprn covered with long and hair-like setae; 1 pra dorsad spal, 0.33x length of same; prealar area with few setulae; 2 prepm densely surrounded by long hair-like setulae.

Legs: Completely black. F1 thin (length/width = 7.3); with 1 row of pd as long as femoral width; 3 to 4 rows of long and hair-like p; 1 row of pv, short at base and as long as femoral width at apex. T 1 with a subapical pd; 1 apical v and 1 apical pv. Fore tarsi partially yellowish-white, fore tarsomeres 2-4, slightly expanded and flattened. F2 with 1 row of ad as long as femoral width; 1 row of av as long as femoral width, straight at base, stouter, shorter and hooked at apex; 1 row of pv hair-like in basal 3/4, shorter and stouter towards apex, 3 to 4 very short and stout apical pv; 1 row of p, long and thin at base, stouter and ventrally directed at apex. T 2 thin, with a strong subbasal protuberance; ventral pubescence long, as long as tibial width; 1 submedial and 4 apical a; 1 subapical ad; 1 strong apical av-v; 1 submedial and 1 apical pd; 1 apical p; 1 very long apical pv. Mid tarsomere 1 with a basal ventral crest, followed by a short and stout seta. C3 bare at apex of posterior margin. F3 very thin (length/width = 10), and bent, with a preapical protuberance on ventral surface; 1 row of ad longer and dorsally directed towards apex; 1 row of av as long as femoral width at base, longer at apex; with a preapical tuft of long pv 2x femoral width, coinciding with protuberance; basal hair-like pd. T 3 with 2 very long d, the submedial d 1.55x length of subapical; 1 submedial and 1 apical ad, lacking medial row; 2 medial and 1 apical av; apex of ventral and posteroventral surfaces with a weak ctenidium.

Wing: Brown tinted. Lower calypter broad and oval, upper rounded, both white with dark brown outer margins. Halter dark brown to black.

Abdomen: Weakly elongated, tergite 2 slightly broader than tergite 4. Dark brown with metallic blue reflections, with darker markings on posterior margin and central longitudinal line of tergites 2-4. Sternite 1 covered with long hair-like setae.

Postabdomen: Posterior margin of sternite 5 bilobated and bearing stout setae ( Fig. 20A View FIGURE 20 ). Hypandrium thin, hypandrial arms with lateral triangular extension; postgonite inconspicuous; aedeagus membranous ( Fig. 20B View FIGURE 20 ). Epandrium slightly broadened in anterior margin, bell-shaped; cercal plate fused tapering at apex (anterior); bacilliform process cork-screw shaped; surstyli simple, marginal, shorter than epandrium and slightly clavate; weakly connected to internal margin of epandrium ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 C-D).

Distribution: ANDEAN: Chile.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


University of Maine














Fannia setosa ( Bigot, 1885 )

Dominguez, Martha Cecilia 2007

Fannia steinella

Albuquerque, D. de 1953: 496

Fannia errata

Ortiz, C. S. 1946: 157
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203

Fannia setosa

Carvalho, C. J. & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 2003: 19
Pont, A. C. 2000: 110
Pont, A. C. 2000: 25
Pont, A. C. & Carvalho, C. J. B. de 1994: 231
Carvalho, C. J. B. de & Pont, A. C. & Couri, M. S. & Pamplona, D. M. 1993: 15
Pont, A. C. 1972: 6
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 204
Schnabl, J. & Dziedzicki, H. 1911: 208
Stein, P. 1907: 286

Fannia armata

Pont, A. C. 2000: 96
Pont, A. C. 2000: 5
Seguy, E. 1938: 119
Seguy, E. 1937: 167
Malloch, J. R. 1934: 203
Stein, P. 1907: 212
Stein, P. 1907: 286

Ophira setosa

Bigot, J. - M. - F. 1885: 303

Dasyphima armata

Bigot, J. - M. - F. 1882: 254
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