Trichilia silvatica C.DC.

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 104-105

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichilia silvatica C.DC.


50. Trichilia silvatica C.DC. View in CoL in Mart., Fl. Bras. 11(1): 212, t.62 (1878); T. D.Penn., Fl. Neotrop. 28: 140 (1981). Type:— BRAZIL. near Rio de Janeiro, fr., Warming s.n. (3236 in herb. C) (lectotype, C (designated FN 28: 142 (1981)). Map 56

Trichilia luciae Barreiros, Albertoa View in CoL 3(20): 228 (1994). Type:— BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, Municipio de Magé, Dist. Paraíso, Centro de Primatologia FEEMA, Martinelli 9987 (holotype, GUA, n.v.; isotype, K).

For synonymy see FN 28: 140 (1981). Illustration: FN 28: 138, fig. 24 (1981).

Abbreviated Description. Indumentum of mostly appressed simple hairs, leaflets (3–)5–7, usually alternate, 8 × 2.7–26 × 7.7 cm, elliptic, oblong or oblanceolate, midrib sharply prominent, glabrous, inflorescence 1.5–4(–11) cm long, a few-flowered panicle, petals mostly 4–5, 2.5–3 mm long, free or fused to 1/3 their length, valvate, staminal tube cyathiform or urceolate, filaments completely fused, anthers (4–)6–7(–9), nectary absent, ovary 3-locular, locules with 2 collateral ovules, puberulous or strigulose, capsule 2–2.5 cm long, 3-valved, 0.6–1.5 cm broad, narrowly oblong, smooth to verrucose, papillose and puberulous, seed solitary, completely surrounded by a fleshy arillode.

Field Characters. Tree to 23 m high and 40 cm diam., bole cylindric and bark scaling; flowers whitish to yellow, and capsule maturing pink or red, with the seed surrounded by a red arillode. Flowering and fruiting has mostly been recorded between September and April.

Distribution & Ecology. Eastern Brazil from Pernambuco to Santa Catarina, in evergreen and semi-deciduous seasonal rain forest, up to 800 m elevation.

Additional Collections Examined. BRAZIL. Alagoas: Municipio de Quebrangulo, Reserva Biológica de Pedra Talhada (SW0936), Spichiger et al. 7288 (G). Bahia: Municipio de Jussarí, Jussarí-Palmira road, km 7.5 (SW1539), Amorín et al. 2674 (K); Municipio Itapetinga, Itapetinga (SW1540), Thomas et al. 10256a (K); Jussarí, Serra de Teimoso, 7.5 km N of Jussarí (SW1539), Thomas et al. 11733 (K). Espirito Santo: CVRD Reserve, Linhares (SW1939), Folli 153 (K), 157 (K), 2087 (NY), 2251 (K), Peixoto et al. 3170 (K), 3386 (K); Municipio Conceicão do Castelo, Alto Bananal (SW2041), Hatschbach & Silva 49913 (K); Goitacazes, Rio Doce (SW2141), Kuhlmann 6481 (K); Municipio de Santa Luzia, CVRD, Reserva Florestal de Buriticupu (SW2041), Menandro 104 (K); 106 (K). Minas Gerais: Estación Biológica Caratinga (SW1942), Andrade & Lopes 537 (K), Lopes & Andrade 845 (K). Pernambuco: São Vicente Ferrer, Mata do Estado (SW0735), Ferraz & Bispo 630 (K). Rio de Janeiro: Municipio Cachoeiras de Macacu, Vale Rio Panaios (SW2242), Araujo et al. 6434 (K); Municipio de Magé, Paraiso, Centro de Primatologia (SW2243), Martinelli et al. 10194 (K); Rio das Ostras, Reserva Biológica União (SW2141), de Oliveira 3339 (K); Alta da Boa Vista, Morro Queimado (SW2243), Ribeiro et al. 1119 (K). São Paulo: Municipio Caraguatatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (SW2345), Cordeiro et al. 233 5 (NY); Iguape, Serra de Jureia, Estacão Ecológica Jureia- Itatins (SW2447), Gomes da Silva et al. 39 (K), Mamede et al. 379 (K); Municipio de Caraguatatuba, Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (SW2345), Rossi et al. 2195 (NY).

MAP 56. Distribution of Trichilia silvatica C.DC. Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


University of Copenhagen














Trichilia silvatica C.DC.

Pennington, Terence D. 2016

Trichilia luciae

Barreiros 1994: 228
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