Trichilia pallida Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ.

Pennington, Terence D., 2016, Systematic Treatment Of American Trichilia (Meliaceae), Phytotaxa 259 (1), pp. 18-162 : 68-71

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.259.1.5

persistent identifier

treatment provided by


scientific name

Trichilia pallida Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ.


21. Trichilia pallida Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. View in CoL 67 (1788); T. D.Penn. & Styles, Fl. Neotrop. 28: 95 (1981). Type:— HISPANIOLA. fl., fr., Swartz s.n. (holotype, S). Plate 6 View PLATE 6 , Map 27

Trichilia brasiensis P.T.Li & X.M.Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sinica 22(6): 496 (1984). New name for Trichilia excelsa Benth. (1851) View in CoL , not Sprengel (1827).

For synonymy see FN 28: 95 (1981). Illustration: FN 28: 98–101, figs. 13, 14, Maps 17, 18 (1981).

Abbreviated Description. Indumentum of simple hairs, leaflets 1–9, opposite or subopposite, mostly 9–20 cm long, 3–8 cm broad, basal leaflets usually smalller, usually elliptic or oblanceolate, inflorescence mostly 1–3 cm long, fasciculate, petals usually 4, mostly 3–5.5 mm long, free, imbricate, filaments fused 1/3–3/4 their length, usually densely long-hairy in upper half, anthers 8, nectary annular or patelliform, ovary usually 3-locular, pubescent, locules with 2 obliquely superposed ovules, fruit 1–2 cm long, usually 3-valved, ovoid to globose, smooth to verrucose or muricate, seed usually solitary, arillode surrounding apex, sides and base of seed.

Distribution & Ecology. Southern Mexico through Central America to Panama, but not known from El Salvador. In the West Indies it is known from Hispaniola, Puerto Rico and the Lesser Antilles, but is not recorded from Cuba or Jamaica. Throughout South America as far south as Paraguay and northern Argentina. Usually a species of lowland rain forest but also in montane forest and reaching 2000 m elevation in the Andes. Also present in the strongly seasonal climate of southern Brazil where it is usually found in gallery forest along streams.

Representative Additional Collections. MEXICO. Chiapas: road to Malpaso, 41 km NW of Ocozocoautla (NW1793), Roe et al. 931 (F), Oaxaca: Dist. Juchitán, San Antonio Nuevo Paraiso (NW1794), Rivera et al. 1332 (NY). Veracruz: San Andrés Tuxtla, 5 km NE of Lapalapan (NW1895), Beaman 6449 (NY).

GUATEMALA. Petén: Lake Petén Itza, La Providencia (NW1789), Wallnöfer & Tut-Tesucun 9693 (K).

BELIZE. Orange Walk: Las Milpas Ruin (NW1789), Balick et al. 3224 (K). Toledo: Southwestern Maya Mountains, Columbia River Forest Reserve, Gloria Camp (NW1689), Holst 4432 (K).

HONDURAS. Gracias a Dios: R. Patuca, Krautara (NW1584), Pennington et al. 13677 (K).

NICARAGUA. Zelaya: Cerro Waylawas, E slope of northern range (NW1384), Pipoly 4400 (K).

COSTA RICA. Cartago: Turrialba, PN Barbilla, Cuenca del Matina (NW0983), Mora & Rojas 1375 (CR). Limón: Almirante, headwaters of R. Xichiary and R. Boyei (NW0983), Herrera 8347 (K). Puntarenas: Canton de Golfito, Valle de Coto Colorado (NW0883), Ocampo 82 (K).

PANAMA. Chiriquí: Fortuna Dam area, Fortuna-Chiriquí Grande (NW0882), Croat & Zhu 76492 (K). Panama: Cerro Campana (NW0879), Miller et al. 761 (K).

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Rio Bahoruco, 3 km NW of Bahoruco (NW1870), Jimenez & Veloz 2085 (F).

PUERTO RICO. Municipio de Luquillo, El Verde (NW1865), Taylor 10176 (NY).

WINDWARD ISLANDS. GUADELOUPE. Basse-Terre, trace des Cretes (NW1661), Barrier 3069 (K).

DOMINICA. Morne Diablotin (NW1561), Pendry 309 (K).

MARTINIQUE. Gros Morne, placettes de la Palourde (NW1461), Barrier 4526 (K).

MAP 27. Distribution of Trichilia pallida Sw. Solid dots, distribution pre-1981, open dots new records 1981–2010.

COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Alto de Cuevas, 10 km W of Blanquita (NW0676), Gentry et al. 76130 (K). Valle: Municipio Anserma, vereda “El Placer”, Finca “La Aurora” (NW0475), Franco et al. 2017 (K).

VENEZUELA. Aragua: Serrania del Interior, Golfo Triste (NW1067), Meier et al. 4147 (K). Bolívar: Rio Caura, 2 km below Caño Guaca Maya (NW0464), Stergios 12188 (K). Carabobo: Municipio Antonomo Mora , basin of R. Moron, La Justa (NW1068), Diaz & Jimenez 406 (K). Sucre: El Pilar to Guariguen (NW1063), Croat 54373 (K).

GUYANA. Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo Dadanawa Ranch (NW0259), D. Clarke 2132 (K).

SURINAM. Sipaliwini, Nickerie River, Blanche Marie Waterfall (NW0456), Evans et al. 2433 (K).

FRENCH GUIANA. Saül (NW0353), Mori et al. 15669 (K).

ECUADOR. Azuay: 5–9 km E of Manta Real (SW0279), Cornejo & Bonifaz 3700 (K). Esmeraldas: Anchayacu, Eloy Alfaro, Mayronga (NW0079), Pennington et al. 14484 (K). Los Rios: Pichilingue, INIAP Experimental Station (SW0179), Pennington & Tenorio 10678 (K). Manabí: Chone Cantón, Recinto, Hoja Blanca (SW0079), J.L. Clark et al. 4387 (K). Napo: Jatun Sacha Biological Station (SW0177), Neill 11162 (K). Orellana: Huaorani Reserve, 170 km S of Coca (SW0076), Naranjo & Freire 434 (K). Pastaza: Lorocachi (SW0175), Jaramillo et al. 31572 (K). Pichincha: Santo Domingo do los Colorados (SW0079), Vargas & Nuñez 477 (K). Sucumbios: Shushufindi, Cuyabeno, Parroquia San Roque (SW0076), Miranda-Moyano & Moya 269 (K).

PERU. Amazonas: Yamayakat (SW0478), Jaramillo et al. 1400 (K). Huánuco: Pachitea, San Miguel de Semuya (SW0874), Rios & Diaz 1676 (K, MOL). Loreto: R. Ucayali, Jenaro Herrera Field Station (SW0473), Forestry Staff 3-1/113 (K, MOL). Pasco: Oxapampa, between Yanahuanca and Chumalli, Rio Pozuzo (SW1076), D.N. Smith et al. 6320 (MO). San Martín: Mariscal Caceres, Tocache Nuevo, Cerro Sinsiu (SW0876), Plowman & Schunke 11441 (K).

BRAZIL. Acre: Porto Velho, Alto Jurua, Rio Jurua-Mirím (SW0872), Silveira et al. 751 (K). Amazonas: Manaus, Ducke Reserve, SW corner (SW0259), Pruski et al. 3255 (K). Distrito Federal: basin of Rio São Bartolomeu (SW1547), Heringer et al. 6971 (K). Goias: Rio Corumba, Ipameri (SW1748), Santos et al. 297 (K). Mato Grosso do Sul: between Boqueirao and Bela Vista (SW2156), Ratter et al. 7563 (K). Minas Gerais: Cuvelo (SW1844), Tameirão Neto 3161 (K). Pará: Rio Curcua, Sete Varas (SW0054), Strudwick et al. 4421 (K). Rondonia: Municipio Porto Velho, 6.5 km SW of Campo Novo (SW1063), Nee 35051 (K). Roraima: Marco divisor no. 10, Rosa & Nascimento 3261 (K). São Paulo: Agudos (SW2249), Christianini & Assis 526 (K).

BOLIVIA. Beni: Prov. Marban, 15 km from San Pablo-Trinidad (SW1563), Moraes et al. 1334 (K). Cochabamba: Chaparé, road to El Palmar, Villa Tunari area (SW1665), Wood et al. 11201 (K). La Paz: Prov. Nor Yungas 4.5 km below Yolosa (SW1667), Solomon 9413 (K). Santa Cruz: Velasco Province, Noel Kempff M. National Park (SW1460), Guillén et al. 4133 (K).

PARAGUAY. Alto Paraná: Estáncia Bertoni (SW2554), Zardini & Florentin 40063 (K). Amambay: Estáncia Don Juancito, Cerro Ysau (SW2256), Zardini & Cardozo 44972 (K). Central: Estero del Ypoa, S of Nueva Italia Tacuara (SW2557), Zardini & Guerrero 33028 (K). Concepción:Apa River (SW2257), Zardini & Quintona 54506 (K). Cordillera: Arroyo Yhaca (SW2556), Zardini & Guerrero 36482 (K). Guaira: Cordillera de Ybytyruzu, Cerro Pero (SW2556), Zardini & Velasquez 13877 (K). Itapuá: Yacyreta Dam Island Reserve (SW2756), Zardini & Rodríguez 51636 (K). Paraguari: Arroyo Mbopicua (SW2657), Zardini & Guerrero 40161 (K). San Pedro: Corovo (SW2356), Schinini et al. 29375 (K).

ARGENTINA. Corrientes: Dep. Ituzaingo, 5 km NE of Ayo (SW2756), Tressens et al. 3772 (K). Misiones: Iguazú, Isla San Martín (SW2554), Vanni et al. 2811 (K).


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History














Trichilia pallida Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ.

Pennington, Terence D. 2016

Trichilia brasiensis P.T.Li & X.M.Chen, Acta Phytotax. Sinica

P. T. Li & X. M. Chen 1984: 496
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