Carpolithes sp. 5

Tiffney, Bruce H. & Manchester, Steven R., 2022, The Early Middle Eocene Wagon Bed Carpoflora Of Central Wyoming, U. S. A., Fossil Imprint 78 (1), pp. 51-79 : 70

publication ID 10.37520/fi.2022.004

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scientific name

Carpolithes sp. 5


Carpolithes sp. 5

Text-fig. 9a–d View Text-fig

M a t e r i a l. One specimen, chalcedony cast, USNM

PAL 772370.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Seed broadly elliptic in face view, 7.8 mm long, slightly dorsiventrally flattened, 5.8 mm by 4.9 mm, oval in cross-section. Seed with a circular, raised point of attachment with a central depression. Lateral to this on one side is a raised ridge that parallels one margin of the wider axis, disappearing into the seed margin about halfway along its length ( Text-fig. 9a, d View Text-fig ). Surface peeling off in a manner suggestive of cell layers ( Text-fig. 9c View Text-fig ), but more likely erosional. No internal structure apparent.

D i s c u s s i o n. Carpolithes species 5 is interpreted as an anatropous seed with an adjacent apical hilum and micropyle, and a subtending lateral raphe, melding into the seed about halfway down the margin. In these characters, they bear a resemblance to the seeds of Nymphaeaceae L. However , the separation of the hilum and micropyle is not distinct as in many Nymphaeaceae , and no details of the cellular structure of the seed coat are apparent, both critical in making a more certain assignment.

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