Limonium roridum (Sibth. & Sm.) Brullo & Guarino (2000: 267)

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias, 2016, The genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) in Greece, Phytotaxa 240 (1), pp. 448-450 : 448-450

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.240.1.1

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scientific name

Limonium roridum (Sibth. & Sm.) Brullo & Guarino (2000: 267)


14. Limonium roridum (Sibth. & Sm.) Brullo & Guarino (2000: 267) View in CoL ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Basionym :― Statice rorida Sibthorp & Smith (1821: 91) View in CoL . Type (lectotype, designated here):―[Icon] tab. 298 (Sibthorph & Smith 1821: 91). Type (epitype, designate here):― TURKEY. Turkia, litorale di Cesme, 25 June 1987, Brullo, Pavone & Signorello (CAT!, isoepitype MSB!) .

= Statice echioides Sibthorp & Smith (1806: 213) View in CoL nom. illeg. non Linnaeus (1753: 275) View Cited Treatment . Type:—Not designated.

= Statice hyssopifolia Girard (1844: 329) View in CoL and Limonium hyssopifolium (Girard) Rechinger View in CoL fil. (1943a: 427). Type (lectotype, designated here):― GREECE. Grecia, Tragonisi, Limonium graecum View in CoL minimum foliis hyssopi subhirsuti, Tournef. Coroll. 25 (M!).

= Statice tournefortii Jaubert & Spach View in CoL (1853: Tab. 388), nom. illeg. non Statice tournefortii Jaubert & Spach View in CoL (1843: Tab. 90), nec Statice tournefortii Girard (1844: 326) View in CoL : Type (lectotype, designated here):― Limonium minimum , foliis hyssopi subhirsutis, ex insula Helena (P-TOURN!).

Description: —Plant perennial, glabrous, forming a sub-shrub 10–35 cm tall, with many erect stems and a robust tap-root. Caudices 2–15 cm long, densely branched and densely spirally leafy in the upper half, sometimes leaves in rosettes at apices. Leaves fleshy, rigid, glaucous, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, 10–30 mm long and 4–8 mm broad, spathulate, apex obtuse, often v-shaped in cross-section, with one central nerve, gradually tapering into the petiole. Stems 7–30 cm long, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, glaucous, conspicuously flexuous, constricted and fragile at nodes, very branched, branching begins near the base; sometimes proliferating in axils. Inflorescence obtrullate in outline. Sterile branches numerous, 0.5–5.0 cm long. Fertile branches numerous, glaucous, tuberculate with many crateriform glands, 1–6 cm long, flexuous, more or less articulate, directed obliquely upwards to spreading, forming branching angles of 40°–70°, unbranched. Spikes 10–50 mm long, arched, inserted erect to obliquely; axis of the spike with many crateriform glands. Spikelets 7.2–9.5 mm long, composed of 1–5 flowers, remotely arranged with 2–3 per cm; sometimes laterally slightly curved near the base. Outer bract 2.2–3.0 mm long and 2.2–2.6 mm broad, triangular-ovate, obtuse to rounded; bract margin broadly membranous; central part slightly fleshy, sometimes only at the base, normally tuberculate with some crateriform glands, acuminate. Middle bract membranous, 2.7–3.1 mm long and 2.0– 2.5 mm broad, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, rounded. Inner bract 6.3–7.3 mm long and 4.2–5.0 mm broad, oblong-obovate, rounded, always hairy in the upper third, often glaucous; bract margin broadly membranous; central part fleshy, with many crateriform glands, 5.3–6.5 mm long and 2.3–3.6 mm broad, oblong to oblong-obovate, acuminate, forming a narrowly triangular tip, 0.7–1.0 mm long, not reaching the upper margin. Calyx 6–7 mm long, exceeding the inner bract by 1–2 mm; calyx tube sparsely to densely more or less long hairy, with 5 ribs normally hairy in the upper half, ending at the base of lobes; calyx lobes very fine, ca. 0.5 × 1.1 mm, semi-circular. Corolla pink to lilac.

Chromosome number: —2n = 43 (Artelari 1989a, Artelari & Georgiou 2003, Georgakopoulou et al. 2006; Erben Li–1452, unpubl.).

Distribution: —Frequent in the central and southern Aegean region: Sterea Ellas, Peloponnese, islands of Amorgos, Andros, Chios, Crete, Delos, Donousa, Chrysi, Karpathos, Kythira, Kythnos, Makronisos, Milos, Mykonos, Naxos, Rhineia, Serifos, Sikinos, Syros, Tinos, Tragonisi. It also occurs in western Turkey ( Fig. 98A View FIGURE 98 ).

Habitat: —Rocky coast on various substrates and sandy soils.


Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 49

Taxonomic remarks: — Limonium roridum , described by Sibthorp & Smith in 1821, was previously identified by the same authors ( Sibthorp & Smith 1806) as Statice echioides L. The Limonium species is recorded in the protologue as found “ in Cretae, Cypri et Meli maritimis; etiam inter Scalam novam et Smyrnam ”, and is

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BRULLO & ERBEN accompanied by a colour illustration (Tab. 208). After close examination of Sibthorp’s herbarium (OXF) we can confirm that there is no extant type material. Consequently, the illustration has been designated as the lectotype, and a specimen from Çeşme, a coastal locality near Smyrna (today’s Izmir), has been selected as the epitype. The status of the synonym Statice hyssopifolia Girard was first confirmed by Jaubert & Spach (1853: tab. 388), who provided a faithful illustration based on the type collection of Tournefort. The figure depicts the close resemblance of the Tournefort material to the plant illustrated by Sibthorp & Smith (1821: tab. 298). The habit and hairy inner bract indicate that L. roridum is closely related to L. ammophilon , from which it principally differs by having smaller tuberculate inner bracts that are only hairy at their apices, while the other bracts are glabrous.

Specimens examined: — GREECE. Attica: In littore attico prope Eleusina, 11–23 July 1849, Orphanides 265 (B, BM, FI, G-BOISS, M, Z); Attica ad Phaleraeum, July 1854, De Heldreich s.n. (PR); Phaleris, s.d., De Heldreich s.n. (G-BOISS); Athenae ad Phalerum in litt. mar., August 1885, Haussknecht s.n. (B); in saxosis marit. Phaleri, August 1885, Haussknecht s.n. (BM); In sax. marit. pr. promont. Sunium, Aug. 1885, Haussknecht s.n. (B, BM); Attica, in saxosis et arenosis maritimis regionis Laurii, prope Hagios Nicolaos ad Thorikos, 8 October 1886, De Heldreich 974 (M); Attica: in saxosis ad littora maris prope Phalerum et Pikrodaphni, 17 July 1897, De Heldreich 1474, sheet 1 (B, M,OXF, PC, W, Z); Attica, in arenosis maritimis Phaleri, 18 June1888, De Heldreich s.n. (FI); Anovissar 50 km from Athens a road to Gonounios, 9 August 1964, Vedrourt 4142 (K); Attica, Voula (Atene), 26 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Attica, Lagonisi, 27 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Attica, Saronida, 27 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Attica, Loutsa, C. Velani, 28 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Attica, Vravrona-Amolia, 28 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Attica, Legrena Bay , 27 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT) .— Ionian Islands: Kithira, Diakofti , isola di Makronisi, 15 June 2004, Brullo & Musarella s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben) .― Peloponnese: Morea (Peloponnes), Cervi Bay, August 1841, Forbes s.n. (B); In arenosis marit. pr. Chorinth , July 1876, Pichler s.n. (BM, FI, G-BOISS, K, OXF, WU); Peloponneso, Neapoli , Prof. Elias, litorale roccioso, 14 June 2004, Brullo & Musarella s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).— Cyclades : In Cycladum insula Amorgo , May 1875, Orphanides s.n. (BM, PC, WU); Amorgos island : islet of Nikouria , in saxosis maritimis, 4 July 1984, Tzanoudakis 7445 (B); Amorgos , rupi calcaree del Monastero di Chozoviotissa ( Chora ), 31 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT); Amorgos , Agios Anna , rupi calcare, 1 September 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Amorgos , Isola di Nikouria , 1 September 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n, sheet1 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Amorgos , Agios Pavlos , 1 September 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT); Andhros island : Stakala Vrakhos , near Cap Gria , 10 April 1985, R. Artelari 451 (B); Andhros island : Islet Megalo Nisi , on calcareous rocks, 8 April 1985, R. Artelari 453 (Herb. Erben); Andros , Batsi , Akro Kolona , coastal cliff, plates of schist with veins of marble, salt-spray influence, 1 July 1998, Mucina LM 6559/1 (Herb. Erben); Andros , Ormos Atinou, W of chapel Panagia on the coast, coastal cliffs micaschists, influence of salt spray, 2 m, 19 April 2000, Mucina & Sieben LM 7095/1 (Herb. Erben); Andros, Vitali Beach, coastal schist cliff, marble insertions, 21 July 2000, Mucina & Sieben LM 6848/1 (Herb. Erben); Andros, Remata, E of Voris Beach, coastal phrygana on peridodite, 22 July 2000, Mucina & Sieben LM 6855/01 (Herb. Erben); Andros, Voris Beach , near Ormos Rozos, gully on coastal slope, schists, salt-spray influence, 15 m, 22 April 2000, Mucina & Sieben LM 7116/1 (Herb. Erben); Costa Nord di Andros , Ormos Atheni, 31 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Korthy Bay , versante Nord, 30 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n., sheet 1 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Gravos, Agh. Petros, 30 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Chalkolimiona, 30 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Chora, Akro Staras, 30 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Batsi, Akr. Kolona, 30 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Andros, Ateni Panaghia, 31 August 2002, Brullo & Sciandrello s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Delos Greciae, mens July 1845, Fugger s.n. (M); Donoussa, Kavos Panagias, 29 August 1998, Bartolo & Brullo s.n. CAT); In scopulis Prasonisia prope insulam Delos Cycladum, 11 July 1901, Tuntas 1682 (M, W, WU); Delos, Akro Koulombo, litorale roccioso, 11 June 2000, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Isle of Kythnos , Ag. Loutra, 3 June 1968, Hansen s.n. (C); Makronisos: Limonium graecum minimum foliis hyssopi subhirsuti, Tournef. Coroll. 25 Insula Helena (P-herb. Poiret); Milos island , Apollonia village , on maritime rocks, 28 August 1983, R. Artelari 429 (B); Milos island , bay of Paliokhora , on maritime rocks, 1 September 1983, R. Artelari 431 (B, Herb. Erben); Milos island , bay of Kleftiko , on maritime rocks, 30 August 1983, R. Artelari 446 (B, Herb. Erben); Milos, Adamas-Papikinou, 1 July 1994, Brullo & Minissale s.n. (CAT); Milos, Flora Grecia, Milos, Mytakas, 1 July 1994, Brullo & Minissale s.n. (CAT); Milos, Fylakopi Papafranca, 2 July 1994, Brullo &


Phytotaxa 240 (1) © 2016 Magnolia Press • 51 Minissale s.n. (CAT); In insula Mykono prope Phtelia, August 1868, Orphanides 545 (G-BOISS); In arenosis marit. Cycladum insula Mykonos, 1868, Orphanides 1169 (OXF, PC, WU); In insula Mykonos, prope urbem, 30 June 1901, Heldreich (WU); Mykonos, Agrari, litorale granitico, 3 September 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Mikonos, Plati Gialos, 4 September 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT); Insula Naxos, in arenis maritimis (Haliki), 24–27 June 1889, De Heldreich s.n. (PR); Naxos, Apollonas, 26 August 1994, Brullo & Scelsi s.n. (CAT); Naxos, Akr. Kouroupas (Aliki), 10 June 1995, Brullo & Minissale s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Cycladum, Rhineia, August 1900, Tuntas s.n. (WU); Serifos island , at locality Vajia, on marittime rocks, 10 August 1981, A. Tiniakou 76 (Herb. Erben); Ins. Serifos: Koutalas, ad locum Aspros Kavos, in saxosis calcareis, 11 August 1981, A. Tiniakou 90 (B, Herb. Erben); Ins. Serifos: ad locum Vajia, in saxosis calcareis, 17 July 1982, A. Tiniakou 283 (B); Serifos, Bucht von Psili Ammos, Strand, 0–15 m, Strandfelsen, 30 August 1997, Kalheber 97–1687, 97–1692–1695 (Herb. Kalheber); Sikinos, au SW d´Alopronia (Grèce, Iles Cyclades), alt. 10 m, dans de petites cuvettes et entre des blocs rocheux de la cote, 6 August 1972, Van Broeck 6 (G, Herb. Greuter); In litt. Ins. Sirae, s.d., Weiss s.n. (G-BOISS); In Insula Syra prope Lazaretum, 12 May 1848, Orphanides 302 (G-BOISS, WU); Syros, Vari, 9 July 1994, Brullo & Minissale s.n. (CAT); Syros, Agathopes, 9 July 1994, Brullo & Minissale s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Ad litora ins. Teni, 1851, Sartori s.n. (B, C, W); In rupibus maritimis ins. Teni ad antrum aeoli, 16 June 1851, Sartori 1873 (G-BOISS); In ins. Teni rup. marit, 20 June 1851, Sartori s.n. (FI); Cycladum, in insula Tenos portum Panormos, 26 June 1901, De Heldreich s.n. (WU).― Crete: Creta, Isola di Hrisi , 23 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT); Creta, in arenosis maritimis ad Kersonosos, distr. Pedhiadha, 16 June 1899, Baldacci 162 (FI, M, W, WU); Creta, Cap Sidero, 24 April 1914, Gandoger 1198 (K); Crete, Chersonesas rock around basilica c. 50 ft. above sea, 27 July 1962, Gathorne-Hardy 286 (BM); Creta, Stavros , depressioni umide e rupi arenacee, 1 August 1989, Brullo & Pavone s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Creta, costa sabbiosa a Est di Iraklion , 4 August 1989, Brullo & Pavone s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Creta, Mallia, 4 August 1989, Brullo & Pavone s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben = Li–1452); Creta, Kavalas (Akrotiri), costa rocciosa calcarea, 1 August 1989, Brullo & Pavone s.n. (CAT); Kreta, Halbinsel Akrotiri, Stavros , Sandstand bei der Lagune, 11 April 1993, Kalheber 93–028 (Herb. Kalheber); Creta, Kidhonia, Akrotiri peninsula in and NE of Stavros, around mouth of Neokambos river and slopes between the river and foothills of mount Vradhies , rocky and sandy seashore and phrygana, 2–130 m, 21 September 1993, Bergmeier & Matthäs 3511 (B); Creta, Selinos, island Gavdhos, track from harbour to Sarakiniko bay (N coast), phrygana and sandy shore, 2–20 m, 2 October 1993, Bergmeier & Matthäs 3522 (B); Creta, Amnisos , scogliera calcarea ad Est di Iraklion , 25 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT); Creta, Stavros ( Rania ), 26 August 1996, Brullo & Guarino s.n. (CAT); Creta, Malia , 8 June 2000, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Creta, Hersonissos , 8 June 2000, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Creta, litorale calcareo a Sud di Xerocampos , 28 June 2002, Brullo & Giusso s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben).— Dodecanese: Stomata-Nordinsel (in der Mündung der Tristomonbucht von Karpathos), 6 May 1981, Pleger 153 (Herb. Greuter); Stomata-Nordinsel (in der Mündung der Tristomonbucht von Karpathos), 12 May 1981, Pleger 357 (B); Karpathos , Lefka , Liani Pounda , 22 August 2003, Brullo & Bacchetta s.n. (CAT).— Eastern Aegean Islands : Chios , Dinoussa-Strand , July 1942, Rauh s.n. (B); Chios , Emporio , Mavra Volia , 2 June 2005, Brullo & Musarella s.n., sheet 2 (CAT, Herb. Erben); Chios , Cape Sani (Elinda Bay), 7 June 2005, Brullo & Musarella s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben); Chios, M. Pangias Mirtidiotissas, 8 June 2005, Brullo & Musarella s.n. (CAT, Herb. Erben) .














Limonium roridum (Sibth. & Sm.) Brullo & Guarino (2000: 267)

Brullo, Salvatore & Erben, Matthias 2016

Statice hyssopifolia

Girard, F. de 1844: )

Statice echioides

Sibthorp, J. & Smith, J. E. 1806: )
Linnaeus, C. 1753: 275
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF