Harpactea minoccii Ferrández, 1982

Řezáč, Milan, Cardoso, Pedro & Řezáčová, Veronika, 2023, Review of Harpactea ground-dwelling spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae) of Portugal, Zootaxa 5263 (3), pp. 335-364 : 349-354

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Harpactea minoccii Ferrández, 1982


Harpactea minoccii Ferrández, 1982 View in CoL

( Fig. 1E View FIGURE 1 , 2E View FIGURE 2 , 3E View FIGURE 3 , 4E View FIGURE 4 , 7A View FIGURE 7 , 9 View FIGURE 9 )

H. minoccii Ferrández 1982: 23 View in CoL , fig. 1a–e (description based on ♁); Ferrández 1990: 32, fig. 1g (♁); Le Peru 2011: 275, fig. 426 (♁, redrawn from Ferrández 1982).

Material. Type material was not examined.

New material. Mertola, Corredoura , 37.746, -7.642, Quercus coccifera bush, 1 ♀, 15 April 2005, 1 juv., 8 November 2005, 1 ♀, 3 April 2008, 3 ♀♀, 29 March 2013, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Mertola, Mertola , 37.643, -7.661, Eucalyptus trees, 5 ♀♀, 30 March 2013, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Mertola, Mertola (montado), 37.652, -7.66, Quercus suber , 31 ♁♁, 25 ♀♀, 15 May 2000, leg. P. Cardoso, Finnish Museum of Natural History , Helsinki (http://id.luomus.fi/KN.23950) ; Mertola, Alcaria Ruiva , 37.7, -7.762, woody vegetation, 4 ♀♀, 6 juv., 2 April 2008, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague ; Mertola, Corte da Velha , 37.687, -7.729, woody vegetation, 1 ♀, 2 April 2008, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Mertola, Mesquita , 37.543, -7.518, woody vegetation, 1 ♀, 4 April 2008, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Sines , 37.955, -8.867, woody vegetation, 1 ♁, 10 November 2005, leg. S. Henriques, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Loule, Santa Catarina , 37.746, -7.642, woody vegetation, 1 ♀, 6 April 2008, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague; Nisa, Nisa GoogleMaps , 39.518, -7.651, Eucalyptus grove, 1 ♀, 27 May 2005, leg. C. Rufino, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; Moura, Serra da Adiça , 37.978, -7.294, Quercus ilex wood, 2 ♀♀, 20 April 2005, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague; Evora GoogleMaps , Herdade da Mitra , 38.532, -8.018, woody vegetation, 1 ♀, 5-7 November 2004, leg. S. Pekár, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps ; 5 ♁♁, 17- 19 April 2005, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague ; 2 ♁♁, 26 March 2009, leg. S. Pekár, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague ; Campinho , 38.3752, -7.4236, Quercus ilex wood, 1 ♁, 22 March 2022, leg. M. Řezáč, coll. Crop Research Institute, Prague GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Males can be distinguished from the similar H. subiasi by very concave prolateral side of pedipalp tarsus, and by proportions of conductor and embolus. The embolus is thicker and relatively shorter, and the conductor is of similar width in its whole length, while in H. subiasi it is markedly tapering ( Fig. 4E View FIGURE 4 ).

The vulva is of the type minoccii . It resembles H. subiasi but it can be distinguished from the later species by larger paired posterior diverticles, easy to overlook in H. subiasi ( Fig. 7B View FIGURE 7 —pd) and by more compact hooks of the anchor-shaped anterior arc ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ven.).

Description. The female has not been known so far. The somatic characters correspond with those described for the holotype male. The vulva is well developed. The anterior arc is high in ventral view. The median rod carries large crest, it does not contain any spermatheca. The anterior arc with median rod strongly resemble anchor in the ventral/dorsal view. The transversal bar carries a couple of translucent membranous pockets ( Fig. 7A View FIGURE 7 ).

Ecology. In humid leaf litter under trees or bush on shaded slopes. Females lay eggs at the beginning of spring. The presence of independent juveniles at the same time suggests a two-year life cycle.

Distribution. Relatively large area comprising southern Spain (Ferrandez 1990: 37, fig. 3; Ferrandez & Ferrandez 1990: 49, fig. 4; Machado & Ferrandez 1991: 58, fig. 8) and southern Portugal.














Harpactea minoccii Ferrández, 1982

Řezáč, Milan, Cardoso, Pedro & Řezáčová, Veronika 2023

H. minoccii Ferrández 1982: 23

Le Peru, B. 2011: 275
Ferrandez, M. A. 1982: 23
Darwin Core Archive (for parent article) View in SIBiLS Plain XML RDF