Ornebius panda He, 2019

Zhang, Ling, Shen, Chu-Ze, Tian, Di, Liu, Yun-Fei, Li, Kai & He, Zhu-Qing, 2019, New and little-known crickets from Southern Guangxi, China (Orthoptera: Grylloidea: Gryllidae: Phalangopsidae; Trigonidiidae), Zootaxa 4674 (5), pp. 544-550 : 548

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4674.5.3

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scientific name

Ornebius panda He

sp. nov.

Ornebius panda He View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 E–F; 3C, D)

Holotype: male, CHINA, Guangxi, Baise, Jingxi, Wuling , 19-iv-2019, coll. He Zhu-Qing.

Paratypes: 1 male & 1 female, same data as holotype .

Description. Male. Body form typical of the genus. Body flat with scales, pubescent on legs and cercus. Frontal rostrum swollen, little broader than antennal scape, maxillary palps with distal three segments elongate and fifth segment little widened. Pronotum longer than wide with lateral margin broadening posteriorly; posterior margin convex, covering a portion of the base of mirror. Fore tibia internal tympanum minute, round; external tympanum absent. Dorsal margin of hind tibia serrate with two rows of denticles with about 24–26 teeth each. Cercus elongate. Male genitalia not visible externally.

Female. Similar to male, however, pronotum short, ovipositor straight and smooth.

Coloration. Antennae yellow, head and pronotum brown, legs brown with white at base. Forewing white with apical part and lateral field black. Four small black spots on every dorsum of abdominal tergite, cercus yellow, ovipositor yellow.

Etymology. panda is used to describe its forewing in black and white color.

Measurements (in mm). Male: body 8.94–9.01, pronotum length 4.51–4.55, forewing length 2.41–2.72, hind femur length 4.00–4.17; Female: body 8.80, pronotum length 3.01, hind femur length 4.62, ovipositor length 5.43.

Distribution. China (Guangxi).

Song. Chirps continue 5–10s with 8–10s interval. Each chirp includes 18–33 pulses. Chirp rate is about 3 pulses/s ( Fig. 3 C&D View FIGURE 3 ).

Remarks. The color pattern of forewing is different to other Chinese known species. This color pattern is similar to O. citrus , O. peniculantus , O. pullus and O. tuberculatus from Thailand and Kalimantan ( Ingrisch, 2006). But the lateral field of forewing is same color as pronotal disk in known species. The new species is also similar to O. aureus , but differs in the color of the head.















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