Macrobunidae Petrunkevitch, 1928

Gorneau, Jacob A., Crews, Sarah C., Cala-Riquelme, Franklyn, Montana, Katherine O., Spagna, Joseph C., Ballarin, Francesco, Almeida-Silva, Lina M. & Esposito, Lauren A., 2023, Webs of intrigue: museum genomics elucidate relationships of the marronoid spider clade (Araneae), Insect Systematics and Diversity 7 (5), pp. 1-18 : 10

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Macrobunidae Petrunkevitch, 1928


Family Macrobunidae Petrunkevitch, 1928 (new rank)

Type genus: Macrobunus Tullgren, 1901 (type species: Myro backhauseni Simon, 1896 ).

Diagnosis. Macrobunidae new rank can be distinguished from other families by usually having multiple apophysis (e.g., VTA, RvTA, RdTA, DTA) on the male palpal tibiae, including an RTA bearing an internal branch related to a stridulatory area at the cymbium; reduced anterior median eyes (Griswold et al. 2005, Almeida-Silva et al. 2015 ( Figures 1A View Fig , 2A–B View Fig ), Wheeler et al. 2017); retromarginal side of cheliceral fang furrow with 1 to several differential denticles (Griswold et al. 2005, Almeida-Silva et al. 2015); chilum, when present, entire or divided; single row of tarsal trichobothria with bases smooth to longitudinally striate (Griswold et al. 2005 (Figure 151C, 156E), Almeida-Silva et al. 2015), except in Chumma Jocqué, 2001 in which it is transversely striate; one or more tegular apophyses plus a tegular median apophysis, and in some cases an embolar apophysis. Additionally, some genera have an enlarged male palpal tibiae, sometimes bearing an internal gland suspected to be connected to an opening on the DTA ( Wheeler et al. 2017). Typical cribellate Macrobunidae have an entire cribellum; however, in some representatives, the cribellum is divided into 2 fields of strobilate spigots (Griswold et al. 2005 (Figures 88A, 96A–B)). In the ecribellate Macrobunidae , the cribellum is lost and a colulus is present (e.g., Emmenomma Simon, 1884 , Chresiona Simon, 1903 , Chumma , Hicanodon Tullgren, 1901 , some Macrobunus , Neoporteria Mello-Leitão, 1943 , Naevius Roth, 1967 , Rubrius Simon, 1887 , Urepus Roth, 1967 , and some Yupanquia Lehtinen, 1967 ).

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