Alysiinae (Marshall, 1888)

Papp, J., 2005, Braconidae (Hymenoptera) From Mongolia, Xvi. Subfamilies Gnamptodontinae, Brachistinae, Euphorinae, Alysiinae, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (3), pp. 221-251 : 225

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586306

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scientific name



Alysiinae : Alysiini

Alloea contracta HALIDAY, 1833 View in CoL – 1 f: No. 295. 2 ff: No. 297. – Distributed in Europe, a less frequent species; not reported from Asiatic Russia (cf. BELOKOBYLSKIJ 1998). First listed from Mongolia by me ( PAPP 1999: 223).

Dinotrema amoenidens (FISCHER, 1973) View in CoL – 2 ff (in PAPP 1999: 223 as D. catharinae View in CoL , rectified): No. 926a. – Very near to D. varipes (TOBIAS) View in CoL , the only distinctive difference between the two species is the length of 3–SR of fore wing: in D. amoenidens View in CoL 2.5 times and in D. varipes View in CoL 2–2.2 times as long as 2–SR, i.e. second submarginal cell is long ( D. amoenidens View in CoL ) and less long ( D. varipes View in CoL ). Supposedly this difference will prove to be but an infraspecific variation. The taxonomic status of D. catharinae View in CoL see at D. varipes View in CoL . Known from Austria and Hungary. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dinotrema cratocera (THOMSON, 1895) – 1 m: No. 749. – Known in Sweden, Austria and Hungary. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dinotrema incongruens (FISCHER, 1973) – 1 m: No. 926. 1 m: No. 926a. – Described from Austria (Tirol), reported from Hungary ( PAPP 2004b: 123). New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dinotrema interjactum View in CoL sp. n.: for its description see the chapter “Descriptions of the new species”.

Dinotrema varipes ( TOBIAS, 1962) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 926a. 1 m: No. 961. 1 f: No. 973. 1 f: No. 1150 (formerly every specimen was named by me as D. catharinae View in CoL cf. PAPP 1999: 223, rectified). – On the basis of the examination of the female holotype of D. catharinae (FISCHER, 1973c) View in CoL it proved to be conspecific with D. paucicrenis ( FISCHER, 1973b) View in CoL representing the subcubicus species-group. The name of the Mongolian specimens (3 ff + 1 m) of D. catharinae View in CoL is herewith rectified as D. varipes View in CoL . Reported from Russia (Leningrad district), Austria and Hungary. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Dinotrema vesparum ( STELFOX, 1943) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 273. – My female specimen was compared to the female + male specimens of “ Aspilota View in CoL nervosa: Marshall, 1895” emendated by STELFOX (1943: 209) as A. vesparum View in CoL . The specimens in question are housed in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Hitherto known from Ireland, Scotland and England. New to the fauna of Mongolia.

Pentapleura angustula (HALIDAY, 1838) View in CoL – 1 f: No. 281. – A Palaearctic species, in Europe widely distributed. New to the fauna of Mongolia.













Papp, J. 2005

Dinotrema incongruens (FISCHER, 1973)

PAPP, J. 2004: 123
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