Florigerminis, Cui & Hou & Yin & Wang, 2022

Cui, Da-Fang, Hou, Yemao, Yin, Pengfei & Wang, Xin, 2022, A Jurassic flower bud from China, Geological Society, London, Special Publications 521, pp. 1-13 : 3-4

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1144/SP521-2021-122



persistent identifier


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scientific name


gen. nov.

Florigerminis gen. nov.

Type species. Florigerminis jurassica gen. et sp. nov.

Etymology. Flori- for flower in Latin, - germinis for bud in Latin.

Generic diagnosis. Woody branch with nodes, leaf scars, physically connected fruit and flower bud. Leaves abscised, helically arranged, with decurrent petioles. Flower–fruit pairs helically clustered on the distal portion of the branch. Flower bud terminated on the branch, paired, with a straight pedicel, oval-shaped, with several tepals suggested by their sculpture. Multiple tepals smooth-margined, tightly enwrapping the centre. Fruit borne on a slender curving pedicel, oval-shaped, with four persistent decussately arranged foliar parts and an apical invagination. Endocarp elongated oval, with a pointed tip.

Locality. Daohugou Village, Ningcheng , Inner Mongolia , China (41° 18′ 39.60″ N, 119° 13′ 29.14″ E).

Horizon. The Jiulongshan Formation.

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