Medauromorpha foedata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907) Bresseel & Constant, 1893

Bresseel, Joachim & Constant, Jérôme, 1893, The new stick insect genus Medauromorpha gen. nov. with one new species from Vietnam and notes on Medauroidea Zompro, 2000 (Phasmida: Phasmatidae: Clitumninae), Belgian Journal of Entomology 45, pp. 1-38 : 1-38

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.13272258

persistent identifier

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scientific name

Medauromorpha foedata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907)

comb. nov.

Medauromorpha foedata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907) View in CoL comb. nov.

Figs 1 B View Fig ; 4–5 View Fig View Fig ; 8 B–D View Fig ; 11–12 View Fig View Fig .

Clitumnus foedatus BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL, 1907: 190 View in CoL [description].

Clitumnus foedatus View in CoL – GIGLIO-TOS, 1910: 16 [redescription].

Baculum foedatum – BROCK, 1998: 29 [catalogued].

Ramulus foedatus – OTTE & BROCK, 2005: 302 [catalogued].

TYPE MATERIAL EXAMINED. HT ♂ (examined from photographs – BROCK et al., 2016): Tonkin, Montes Mauson, April-Mai, 2-3000, H. Fruhstorfer; det. Br. v.W. Clitumnus foedatus ; 24.304 ( NHMW, No. 313) .

ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (40♂♂, 37♀♀, eggs). 2♂♂, 2♀♀: Vietnam: Cuc Phuong , 11-> 18.VIII.2010, I.G.: 31.668 leg. J. Constant & P. Limbourg ( RBINS) ; 22♂♂, 10♀♀: Vietnam, Cuc Phuong N.P., 20°19’00’’N 105°36’30’’E, 19-23.VII.2011, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933 (20♂♂, 8♀♀: RBINS; 2♂♂, 2♀♀: VNMN) GoogleMaps ; 3♂♂, 1♀: Vietnam, Ninh Binh prov. Cuc Phuong Nat. Park , 20°20’53’’N 105°35’52’’E, 31.VII- 3.VIII.2016, GTI Project, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.282 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 6♂♂, 10♀♀, eggs: Coll. I.R.Sc. N.B., Ex breeding Rob Krijns 2012, origin: Vietnam, Cuc Phuong N.P., 20°19’00’’N 105°36’30’’E, VII.2011, J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 32.387. ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 3♀♀: Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Tam Dao N.P., 21°31’N 105°33’E, 25-30.VII.2011, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 31.933 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 1♀, 3 eggs: Coll. I.R.Sc.N.B., Vietnam, Tay Yen Tu Nat. Res. , 21°11’10’’N 106°43’25’’E, 7-11.VII.2013, night collecting, leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 32.454 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 6♂♂, 7♀♀: Vietnam, Hanoi pr., Ba Vi N.P., 21°4’4’’N 105°21’30’’E, 25-29.VI.2015, night collecting, Leg J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.092 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps ; 1♂, 2♀♀: Vietnam, Hoa Binh prov., Ngo Luong Nat. Res. , 20°26’16’’N 105°20’15’’E, 25-30.VII.2016, GTI Project, Leg. J. Constant & J. Bresseel, I.G.: 33.282 ( RBINS) GoogleMaps .


MALE ( Figs 4 View Fig ; 11 A–F View Fig ; 12 B–D View Fig ).

Measurements: see table 2.

Body: brown with black markings. Pale, longitudinal markings posterolaterally on meso- and metanotum; apex of abdomen conspicuously darker.

Head: longer than wide, slightly tapering posteriorly and relatively smooth. Vertex slightly elongated and raised apically, and medially split by median line. Dorsal portion of head flattened with area between of eyes slightly raised. Raised area with two definite tubercles.


22 Eyes circular and strongly projecting hemispherically. Antennae shorter than profemora, with 20-22 segments. Scapus strongly flattened dorsoventrally and rounded laterally. Pedicellus slightly flattened, narrowing towards the posterior. Antennal segment IV shorter than half the length of III; apical antennomere about as long as two preceding ones combined.

Thorax: pronotum trapezoidal and slightly rugose, shorter than head and widening posteriorly. Anterior margin strongly incurved and thickened, followed by faint transverse impression, curving and getting deeper towards anterolateral angles. Posteriorly of transverse impression, a mediolongitudinal impression which does not reach anterior margin. Central

23 transverse impression not reaching lateral margins of pronotum and slightly concave. Between anterior and median transverse depression, a small indentation medially. Posterior margin convex. Mesonotum slightly longer than two times pronotum and head combined, almost completely smooth, sometimes slightly rugose laterally. Metanotum smooth, slightly more than four times as long as median segment.

Legs: profemora slightly shorter than head and thorax combined; compressed and curved basally. Anterodorsal carina with few, small serrations. Serrations more numerous anteriorly. Anteroventral carinae raised and laterally flattened, other carinae simple. Mesofemora longer than head, pro- and mesonotum combined. Posterodorsal carina with a single small tooth in the anterior half, carina slightly more raised centrally. Other carinae simple. Metafemora reaching half length of tergum VII. Carinae slightly distinct, more distinct towards the posterior. Protibiae considerably longer than profemora, triangular in cross section and sometimes with few minute teeth on posterodorsal carina. Probasitarsus much longer than following tarsomeres combined; tarsomeres with small posteromedian lobe. Fourth tarsomere very short. Claws very small when compared to body. Mesotibiae longer than mesofemora, all carinae armed with minute saw-like teeth, more densely armed towards apex. Tarsomeres and claws as in forelegs. Metatibiae with dorsal carinae mostly unarmed, except in apical portion. Antero- and posteroventral carinae with minute, saw-like teeth, especially in apical half.

Abdomen: median segment more or less trapezoidal and simple. Abdominal segments II-IV gradually increasing in length; IV-VI about uniform in length, slightly granulose and with fine median, longitudinal line. Tergum VII slightly longer than tergum II; VIII about as long as tergum II, slightly widening posteriorly; III-VIII with a small lobe anterolaterally covering the spiracles. Spiracles only visible in ventral aspect. Tergum IX shorter than VIII and tectiform; tergum X about as long as IX and with median longitudinal carina and notched apically. Inner apical portion of tergum X armed with several short black denticles. Posterolateral angles rounded. Poculum rounded, slightly projecting over apex of abdominal tergum IX. Apex of poculum narrowing and rounded. Cerci short, knob-like, reaching apex of tergum X, with base incurved and apex rounded. Vomer well developed, visible as an elongated tongue-like sclerite with acute apex; apex darkened ( Fig. 4 E–H View Fig ); base with shallow impression and with some transverse lines in the first half.

FEMALE ( Figs 5 View Fig ; 11 G–N View Fig ; 12 A, C View Fig ).

Measurements: see Table 2.

Body: females vary in colour to a certain extent; overall not so colourful and mostly brown, sometimes very pale or light brown, or even whitish. Most are dark brown with black markings; some dark specimens with white markings, most commonly on median segment, near the trochanter of mid- and hind legs and the tip of the abdomen.

Head: longer than wide, slightly tapering posteriorly with some small granules. Vertex slightly elongated and raised apically, medially split by median line. Dorsal portion of head flattened with area between eyes slightly raised. Raised area with transverse ridge, with outer apices spinose. Eyes circular and strongly projecting hemispherically. Antennae not reaching halfway profemora with 20-24 segments. Scapus strongly flattened dorsoventrally and rounded laterally. Pedicellus slightly flattened, narrowing towards the posterior. Antennal segment IV shorter than half the length of III, apical antennomere about as long three preceding ones combined.

Thorax: pronotum trapezoidal, widening posteriorly; shorter than head and slightly granulose. Anterior margin incurved and raised, followed by a shallow median longitudinal impression which does not reach posterior margin. Central transverse impression not reaching lateral margins of pronotum. Mesonotum more than four times as long as pronotum,

24 granulose and with a fine median longitudinal line. Metanotum with anterior margin weakly incurved, more than half as long as mesonotum and granulose.

Legs: profemora longer than meso-, metanotum and median segment combined; compressed and curved basally. Anterodorsal carina with small serrations, more prominent and numerous anteriorly. Posterodorsal carina indistinct anteriorly, becoming more distinct towards the posterior. Ventral carina present, slightly raised and mostly unarmed. Anteroventral carina sometimes with few small saw-like teeth anteriorly. Mesofemora with posterodorsal carina with a large lobe anteriorly; medially and subapically with a tooth. Anteroventral carina with two smaller lobe-like spines anteriorly, near lobe on posterodorsal carina. Outer ventral carinae slightly elevated and laterally flattened. Medioventral carina present but indistinct. Metafemora with dorsal carinae indistinct. Anterodorsal carina with few minute saw-like teeth. Ventral carinae unarmed. Protibiae about as long as head, thorax and median segment combined; almost triangular in cross section. Dorsal carinae with few minute, inconspicuous saw-like teeth. Ventral carinae distinct. Medioventral carina strongly raised and laterally flattened. Outer ventral carina with few minute saw-like teeth. Mesotibiae about as long as mesofemora. Posterodorsal carina usually with conspicuous lobe in anterior part; lobe sometimes almost absent. Other parts of dorsal carinae scarcely armed with minute teeth, more numerous posteriorly. Ventral carinae distinct. Medioventral carinae raised and laterally flattened, with one to two conspicuous lobes anteriorly. Other portions, especially outer carinae, armed with minute saw-like teeth. Metatibiae slightly longer than metafemora, almost triangular in cross section; dorsal carinae with few small, saw-like teeth, more concentrated posteriorly. Ventral carinae distinct. Medioventral carinae raised and laterally flattened with one lobe-like spine anteriorly. Other portions, especially outer carinae, armed with minute saw-like teeth. Tarsi with basitarsi as long or longer than following tarsomeres combined. Arolium and claws relatively small in relation to body size.

Abdomen: median segment wider than long and about one third the length of metanotum. Abdominal segments II-V gradually increasing in length, granulose and with fine median, longitudinal line. Tergum VI about as long as IV; VII shorter than VI; VIII shorter than VII. Abdominal terga III-VIII with a small lobe anterolaterally covering the spiracles. Spiracles only visible in ventral aspect. Tergum IX posteromedially raised and projecting over tergum X; X tectiform with an irregular median longitudinal carina and facing obliquely downwards. Epiproct short with median longitudinal carina, triangular and tectiform. Abdominal sterna IIVI with 2 parallel elevations posteriorly. Sternum VII with indistinct praeopercular organ present as a small hump. Subgenital plate elongated, laterally compressed, not reaching apex of abdomen, smooth and apically rounded. Cerci small, laterally compressed, not reaching apex of tergum X ( Fig. 5 E–G View Fig ).


Newly hatched nymphs are slender, mostly pale brown. Head bigger than pronotum, with a broad, black postocular line continuing on the sides of pronotum and basal part of mesonotum. Antennae very short with apical antennomere oval and knob-like. Legs long with lobe not developed. Legs mottled brown and white.

EGG ( Fig. 8 B–D View Fig ).

Measurements [in mm]: length: 13.3; length without opercular rim: 11.7; width: 1.1; height: 1.5.

Capsule light brown to black, strongly elongated and gently curved in lateral aspect. Broadest centrally, slightly narrowing towards anterior and posterior ends. Capsule surface

25 with a network of smooth, broad ridges. Ridges fused around micropylar plate, creating a broad smooth surface around the plate. Smooth portions with some minute hook-like structures. Polar area very distinct, cylindrical with apex shallowly excavate. Shaped much like the operculum and about 1.5 mm long. Surface wrinkled and armed with minute hook-like and mushroom-like structures, without ridges or smooth areas. Operculum with elongated opercular rim-like and with external walls cauliflower-shaped; strongly wrinkled and with minute hook-like and mushroom-like structures, measuring 1.6 mm; narrowing towards apex; inner part of operculum strongly umbilicate with a central, elongate, vertical irregular structure. Micropylar plate small, drop-shaped, tapering towards the operculum and rounded towards the polar area; surface smooth; micropylar cup black and distinct, followed by an elongated median line, measuring more than 1mm.

NOTE. Eggs from the single female found in Tay Yen Tu Nature Reserve have the capsule and polar area similar to those of the eggs from other localities, but the opercular rim is more knob-like and less wrinkled ( Fig 8 D View Fig ).

(* according to BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL, 1907).

DISTRIBUTION. Fig. 1 B View Fig .


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien


Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences


Vietnam National Museum of Nature














Medauromorpha foedata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907)

Bresseel, Joachim & Constant, Jérôme 1893

Clitumnus foedatus BRUNNER VON WATTENWYL, 1907: 190

Brunner von Wattenwyl 1907: 190

Clitumnus foedatus

Brunner von Wattenwyl 1907
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