Pseudotiphia gonodactyla, Boni & O, 2010

Boni, M. & O, Tiphia, 2010, A review of the genus Pseudotiphia ASHMEAD 1903 (Hymenoptera, Tiphiidae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 42 (2), pp. 1183-1236 : 1216

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scientific name

Pseudotiphia gonodactyla

sp. nov.

Pseudotiphia gonodactyla nov.sp.

H o l o t y p e: Morocco = /leg Scaramozzino Tagounit Ain Leun 30.IV.1987 Marocco /, MRSN.

P a r a t y p e s: Morocco = (3) / Museum Paris Maroc Dar Kaid M’Tougui P. Pallary 1914/ (1: / Avril / & 2: / Mai /), MHNP; *(1) / leg Scaramozzino Tagounit Ain Leun 30.IV.1987 Marocco /, CP; (1) / leg Scaramozzino Tagounit m1700 30.IV.1987 Marocco /, CP; (1) / Morocco 5kmSE Azrou 31.5.1995 Ma Halada lgt/, OLML; (6) / Morocco Ifrane 1- 2.6.1995 Ma. Halada lgt/, OLML; (1) / Morocco 28.V-3.VI.1999 Tazzeka NP Bab-Bou Idif env. 34°4’N 4°7’W P. Prudek leg/, OLML. Paratype: Algeria = (1) / Museum Paris Alger Brongniart 1857-91/, MHNP. Italy = (1) /Italia Sardegna Orosei litorale 5-20.VIII.1987 BoniBartalucci l/, MZUF. Morocco = (3) / Museum Paris Maroc Amismiz P. Pallary 1914/ / Mai /, MHNP; (1) GoogleMaps / Museum Paris Maroc Dar Kaid M’Tougui P. Pallary 1914/ / Avril /, MHNP; (1) / Teniel /(?) / Museum Paris Coll. J. Pérez 1915/, MHNP; (1) / leg Scaramozzino Tagounit m 1700 Ain Leun 28.IV.1987 Marocco /, CP; (1) / leg Scaramozzino Tagounit m1700 30.IV.1987 Marocco /, CP; (1) / Marocco prov. Beni-Mellal Tilougguite dint m1800 ca. 18. V.1979 M. Bologna l /, CP; (1) / Morocco centr. Bzou 12.5.1995 Mi Halada lgt/, OLML; (3) / Morocco 10km N Rich 23.5.1995 Mi Halada lgt/, OLML; (14) / Morocco Ifrane 1- 2.6.1995 Ma. Halada lgt/, OLML; (6) / Morocco 12 km E Ifrane 9-10.5,1997 leg J. Halada /, OLML; (3) / Morocco 12 km O of Ifrane 9-10.5,1997 leg J. Halada /, OLML; (1) / Morocco 24-27. V Oued Sebou river , near El Menzel 33°51’N 4°39’W P. Prudek leg/, OLML GoogleMaps .

Female. Paratype *. Figs 126 View Figs 126-133 . Measurements: body length = 12 mm.

Flagellum reddish underside, brown upperside.

Very similar to smaller specimen of Ps. villosa , from which is known by different labrum, no gradulus along fore border of Sc 1, es 3 shagreened without any micro p, posterior P with strongly shagreened mR and sparse medium p, well detectable gradulus worn out in the middle on 2 nd sternum. Areola delimited by weak lateral ridges; the median one does not get posterior border.

Variability. Only about size, from 11 to 12.5 and shape of areola.

Male. Holotype. Figs 127-133 View Figs 126-133 . Measurements: body length = 9.5 mm.

Habitus and coloration like Ps. villosa . Vertical frontal ridge and omaulus well expressed.

Head in dorsal aspect: ratio LA / L about 1,8 (vs 2.1). Different shape of labrum. N 1 disk with angled fore border, without ridge. Horizontal P without any ridge and expressed areola and completely irregualrly sculptured; only two stumps of lamellar ridge along its posterior border with buttressing ridges from them on posterior surface; the latter severed from lateral surface by complete lamellar ridge. Posterior surface with a stout vertical ridge and roughly shagreened surface. High graduli on 1 st, 2 nd terga and 2 nd sternum. Arched tuberculi on 5 th sternum with impunctate inner area. Genitalia like fig. Genae bipunctate. Swollen surface of es 2 with iS up to twice diametre of p, sparsely bipunctate.

Variability. Males range in size from 7.0 to 11 mm; some specimen show one/two more or less extended rough stump of longitudinal ridge, without delimiting a defined areola; few specimens show both complete lateral ridges of areola.

Note. Horizontal P is very similar to Ps. beckeri from which is very known because of shape of head, Pam, Sc 2, outline of graduli of terga in dorsal aspect, profile of tuberculum on 5 th sternum in lateral aspect, genitalia. Its good autapomorphies are the shape of the head in dorsal aspect and genitalia.

Ecology. Unknown Distribution. Morocco, Algeria (probably the whole Palaearctic Northern Africa) and Sardinia. The last record needs to be confirmed by more specimens.


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Perpignan


Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum


Museo Zoologico La Specola, Universita di Firenze


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium













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