Panicum mitopus K. Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenw. OstAfrikas, C: 103. 1895

Vorontsova, Maria S., 2018, Revision of the group previously known as Panicum L. (Poaceae: Panicoideae) in Madagascar, Candollea 73 (2), pp. 143-186 : 168

publication ID 10.15553/c2018v732a1


persistent identifier

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Carolina (2021-11-24 14:16:37, last updated 2024-11-24 23:27:40)

scientific name

Panicum mitopus K. Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenw. OstAfrikas, C: 103. 1895


19. Panicum mitopus K. Schum. in Engl., Pflanzenw. OstAfrikas, C: 103. 1895 View in CoL View at ENA ( Fig. 6D View Fig ).

Holotypus: TANZANIA. Prov. Tanga: Usambara , Holst 514b ( B [ B100673600 ] image seen) .

= Panicum uvulatum Stapf View in CoL in Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1919: 265. 1919. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR: Ivohimanitra , XI.1894, Forsyth-Major 91 ( K [ K000244707 ]!) . Syntypi: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Central Madagascar, s.d., Baron 660 ( K [ K000244709 ]!) ; ibid. loco, s.d., Baron 4099 ( K [ K000244708 ]!) . Prov. Fianarantsoa: bassin du Matitana , s.d., Perrier de la Bâthie 68 bis ( K [ K000244706 , K000244710 ]!) .

= Panicum neohumbertii A. Camus View in CoL in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 74: 633. 1928. Lectotypus (designated here): MADAGASCAR. Prov. Toamasina: Beforona, 16.VIII.1924, Humbert 2255 ( P [ P00450257 ] !; isolectotype: B [ B 10 0168714 ] image seen) . Syntypi: MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: Ambohimanga, 27.III.1921, Decary 168 ( TAN!). Sine loco: s.d., Waterlot 103 ( P [ P02608858 ]!), syn. nov.

Annual or short lived perennial, rooting at lower nodes, prostrate, to 1 m long, the culms glabrous. Leaf sheaths glabrous or with ciliate edges. Ligule a truncate membrane, sometimes extending into auricles to c. 0.7 mm long. Leaf blades lanceolate, flat membranous to chartaceous, 4– 7 × 0.4–1.2 cm, drying glaucous, cross veins visible when dry, usually glabrous, sometimes pubescent on both sides. Panicles terminal and axillary, partly or fully exserted on a peduncle to 8 cm long, 4–10 cm long, the branching distichous or in threes, the branches divergent at maturity, glabrous or with white cilia subtending the spikelets, the spikelets clustered at the tips of branches, the pedicels 0.5–2 mm long. Spikelets ovate-elliptic, apically rounded to acute, 1.1–1.7 mm long, yellowish, never gaping open. Lower glume 1/3–½ as long as the spikelet, obtuse to acute, 0– 1-veined. Upper glume as long as the spikelet or sometimes 3/4 of the spikelet length, membranous, 3-veined, glabrous or with a few small trichomes. Lower floret barren, without a significant palea. Lower lemma membranous, 3–5-veined, glabrous or with minute trichomes. Upper lemma smooth, shiny, yellowish to pale brown.

Distribution and ecology. – Common in wet forest understory across all Madagascar except low elevation coastal regions, 300–2200 m ( Fig. 10A View Fig ). This species is also known in Tanzania but appears to be significantly less common than in Madagascar.

Notes. – Commonly seen, charismatic and frequently collected grass of wet forest understory, P. mitopus can be easily recognised by the tight spikelet clusters at the tips of its long and bare dichotomously branched inflorescence.

The lectotype of P. uvulatum is selected for its spikelet dissection drawing mounted on the type sheet as well as its high quality original material. The lectotype of P. neohumbertii is selected due to its best quality original material seen by the author.

This species is illustrated in BOSSER (1969: Fig. 121g-j as ‘ Panicum uvulatum’).

Additional material examined. – MADAGASCAR. Prov. Antananarivo: la Mandraka , 4.X.1905, Alleizette 322 ( P [ P01973821 ]) ; Manjakatompo , 10.XII.1950, Benoist 414 ( P [ P01973808 ]) ; ibid. loco, 19.XII.1950, Benoist 468 ( P [ P01973790 ]) ; ibid. loco, 19.XII.1950, Benoist 485 ( P [ P01973813 ]) ; ibid. loco, 21.XII.1950, Benoist 535 ( P [ P01973792 ]) ; La Mandraka , 15.IV.1951, Benoist s.n. ( P [ P01973812 ]) ; Manjakatompo , 19.XII.1950, Bosser 468 ( P [ P03182761 ]) ; PK 23 rte de Tamatave , vallée de Soavina , XI.1960, Bosser 14941 ( P [ P01973806 ]) ; Angavokely , IV.1961, Bosser 15287 ( P [ P02022208 ]) ; Ambohimanga , 27.III.1921, Decary 169 ( P [ P01973816 ]) ; au N d’Ankazobe , 11.III.1930, Decary 7426 ( K [ K000805536 ] ; près d’Ahitromby , II.1958, Descoings 3143 ( P [ P01973791 ], TAN]) ; Tananarivo , 1840, Goudot M93 ( US) ; Manjakatompo , 25.III.1937, Herb. Jard. Bot. Tan. 2439 ( P [ P01973810 ]) ; Ambatolaona , 15.V.1935, Herb. Jard. Bot.Tan. 32422 ( P [ P01973825 ]) ; la Mandraka , X.1933, Humbert 11147 bis ( P [ P01973818 ]) ; Manjakatompo , 27.IV.1955, Humbert & Capuron 30260 ( P [ P01973830 ]) ; between Tamatave and Antananarivo , VII.1862, Meller s.n. ( K [ K000244711 ]) ; Ankaratra , IV.1914, Perrier de la Bâthie 10739 ( P [ P01973822 ]) ; Andranomangitsy près Antsirabe , VI.1913, Perrier de la Bâthie 10789 ( P [ P03182746 ]) ; Ankaratra , IV.1914, Perrier de la Bâthie 10799 ( P [ P03182750 ]) ; Manjakandriana , I.1920, Perrier de la Bâthie 12968 ( P [ P03182703 ]) ; near Mandraka , 3.IV.1987, Phillipson 1639 ( K [ K000805538 ], P [ P02022206 ], TAN, US) ; env. de Tananarivo , 20.V.1906, Rotereau s.n. ( P [ P02325433 ]) ; la Mandraka , 31.III.1907, Rotereau s.n. ( P [ P02373567 ]) ; Antsirabe , 13.XII.1959, Schlieben 8152 ( K [ K000805534 ], US) ; Manandona, ScottElliot 2009a ( K [ K000805586 ]) ; Angavokely , 25.VI.1964, Tateoka 3516 ( TAN) . Prov. Antsiranana: Marojejy, north of Mandena , 24.XI.1989, Dransfield 1070 ( TAN) ; ibid. loco, 24.XI.1989, Dransfield 1072 ( TAN) ; jusqu’aux sommets d’Ambohimirahavavy , 19.I.1951, Humbert & Capuron 25067 ( P [ P02610015 ]) ; ibid. loco, 19.I.1951, Humbert & Capuron 25248 ( P [ P03183498 ]) ; Marojejy , bassin supérieur de l’Antsahaberoka , Humbert & Saboureau 28890 ( P [ P03182752 ]) ; Bekolosy , 14°02'S 48°18'E, 17.V.1995, Gautier & Chatelain 2694 ( G, K [ K000805539 ], P [ P06768789 ], TAN) GoogleMaps ; trail to the summit of Marojejy Est , 14°26'00"S 49°16'00"E, 12.II.1989, Miller & Lowry II 4008 ( P [ P06768790 ], TAN) GoogleMaps ; Montagne d’Ambre , XII.1964, Morat 1175 ( P [ P01973831 ]) ; Massif du Tsaratanana , XI.1966, Morat 2421 ( P [ P01973794 ]) ; forêt d’Analamanitso entre le Bemarivo et l’Anjombona , IV.1902, Perrier de la Bâthie 11033 ( P [ P01973785 ]) ; Manongarivo , V.1909, Perrier de la Bâthie 11069 ( P [ P03182745 ]) ; Besanatribe-Ambanja , XII.1963, Rakotozafy 378 ( P [ P01973832 ]) ; Andranomilolo W of Andranopositra , 14°20'04"S 49°17'50"E, 13.XI.2006, Ravelonarivo et al. 2082 ( P [ P02325443 ]) GoogleMaps ; Andramanalana , 14°23'06"S 49°21'49"E, 2.V.2006, Razakamalala et al. 2750 ( P [ P02309333 ]) GoogleMaps ; Montagne d’Ambre , 12°37'23"S 49°10'47"E, 6.IV.2008, Trigui et al. 127 ( G [ G00075808 ], P [ P02625309 ]) GoogleMaps ; Marojejy NP, camp Simpona , 14°26'20"S 49°44'24"E, 16.X.2011, Vorontsova et al. 488 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps . Prov. Fianarantsoa: Midongy du Sud , 23°43'33"S 47°02'13"E, 22.VIII.2008, Bussmann et al. 15087 ( TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loco, 22.VIII.2008, Bussmann et al. 15091 ( TAN) GoogleMaps ; Behavo Forest , 23°30'11"S 47°06'35"E, 24.VIII.2008, Bussmann et al. 15154 ( TAN) GoogleMaps ; Sendrisoa , 23.II.1975, Croat 32161 ( K [ K000805533 ], P [ P01973793 ], TAN) ; Ialatsara , 7.II.1942, Decary 17537 ( P [ P01973827 ]) ; mont Papanga près de Befotaka , 2.XII.1928, Humbert 6895 ( P [ P03182751 ], US) ; env. de Fianarantsoa , 1955, Humbert 30206 ( P [ P02635200 ]) ; Itremo, Ambatoantrano , 20°34' 07"S 46°34'47"E, 16.II.2014, Nanjarisoa et al. 127 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Mt Andranomangitsy près Ranomointy , VI.1922, Perrier de la Bâthie 10789 ( P [ P01973788 ]) ; Matitanana sur la riviere Bainany , VIII.1923, Perrier de la Bâthie 11172 ( P [ P03182749 , P01973786 ]) ; Ambalavaokely , 2.IV.1955, Rakotovao 174 ( P [ P06768503 ]) ; Itremo, Antsirakambiaty , 20°35'42"S 46°33'47"E, 12.III.2012, Vorontsova et al. 728 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; Andringitra NP camp 2 , 22°08'58"S 46°54'01"E, 14.XII.2013, Vorontsova et al. 1267 ( TAN) GoogleMaps ; Itremo, Antsirakambiaty , 20°35'49"S 46°33'43"E, 19.V.2014, Vorontsova & Nanjarisoa 1557 ( TAN) GoogleMaps . Prov. Mahajanga: Mangindrano entre le haut Sambirano et le haut Maivarano , XI.1937, Humbert 18118 ( P [ P01973814 ]) ; forêt d’Analamahitso entre le Bemarivo et l’Anjobona , VIII.1902, Perrier de la Bâthie 11036 ( P [ P01973776 ]) ; Ambohimirahavavy , 14°12'36"S 49°07'23"E, 17.XI.2005, Randrianarivony & Andriamiarinoro 83 ( P [ P02309323 ]) GoogleMaps . Prov. Toamasina: Zahamena , 21.III.1941, Decary 16519 ( P [ P01973829 ]) ; Mantadia NP , Sahanody Riviere , 18°49"S 48°26'E, 7.X.2011, Hall et al. 1 ( K, TAN) ; Ambatondrazaka , Herb. Jard. Bot. Tan. 3397 ( P [ P01973803 ]) ; Zahamena, Ambato Zaka , 11.IV.1953, Réserves Naturelles 6071 ( P [ P03182762 ]) ; Périnet , 3.XI.1915, Ungemach s.n. ( P [ P01973777 ]) ; ibid. loco, 27.V.1950, Vaughan s.n. ( K [ K000805532 ]) ; ibid. loco, 27.V.1950, Vaughan s.n. ( K [ K000805531 ]) ; entre les gares Rogez et d’Ambatovola , 15.X.1912, Viguier & Humbert 726 ( P [ P01973795 ]) ; Mantadia NP , Sahanody riv ., 18°48'48"S 48°25'48"E, 7.X.2011, Vorontsova et al. 306 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps ; ibid. loco, 8.X.2011, Vorontsova et al. 317 ( K, TAN) GoogleMaps . Prov. Toliara: pic d’Ivohibe , 5.XI.1924, Humbert 3314 ( G, P [ P00224769 ]) ; massif de l’Androhahela , 18.X.1928, Humbert 6104 ( P [ P03182744 ]) ; Mt Kalambatitra , XI.1933, Humbert 11861 ( P [ P01973805 ]) ; Kalambatitra, Mt Analatsitendrika , XI.1933, Humbert 11938 ( G, K [ K000805535 ], P [ P01973820 ]) ; Kalambatitra, mont Beanjavidy , XI.1933, Humbert 12077 ( P [ P01973801 ]) ; NE de Tsivory , XII.1933, Humbert 12316 ( P [ P01973802 ]) ; mount Itrafanaomby , XII.1933, Humbert 13509 ( P [ P01973783 ]) ; massif de l’Andohahela , I.1934, Humbert 13569 ( P [ P01973780 ]) ; Kalambatrira, forêt de Befarafara , 23°24'44"S 46°27'58"E, 26.V.2005, Razakamalala & Andrianjafy 2031 ( P [ P06768704 ]) GoogleMaps . Sine loco: Anon. s.n. ( P [ P01973799 ]) ; Anon. s.n. ( P [ P01973834 ]) ; 19.VII.1921, 29.VI.1987, Edelman 117 ( K [ K000805537 ]) ; Herb. Stat. Agric. Alaotra 189 ( TAN) .

BOSSER, J. (1969). Graminees des paturages et des cultures a Madagascar. Orstom.

Gallery Image

Fig. 6. – A. Panicum cupressifolium A. Camus; B. Panicum ibitense A. Camus; C. Panicum luridum Hack.; D. Panicum mitopus K. Schum. [A: Nanjarisoa et al. 87; B: Letsara et al. 2047; C: Rakotoarisoa & Randrianavosoa SNGF 2931; D: Vorontsova et al. 2110] [Photos: A–B, D:M.S. Vorontsova; C: S. Rakotoarisoa]

Gallery Image

Fig. 10. – Distribution maps. A. Panicum luridum Hack. (stars), P. manongarivense A. Camus (triangles), P. mitopus K. Schum. (circles) and P. novemnerve Stapf (squares); B. Panicum palackyanum A. Camus (stars), P. perrieri A. Camus (triangles), P. pleianthum Peter (circles) and P. spergulifolium A. Camus (squares).


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