Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU , 1914

Cleal, Christopher J., Strullu-Derrien, Christine & Spencer, Alan R. T., 2024, Early Coal Swamp Vegetation From The Serpukhovian Lower Clackmannan Group Of Scotland, Fossil Imprint 80 (1), pp. 35-67 : 47

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Felipe (2025-01-20 01:33:08, last updated 2025-01-23 01:34:01)

scientific name

Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU , 1914


Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU, 1914

Text-fig. 6d View Text-fig

1865 Trichomanes moravicum ETTINGSH. , p. 77, pl. 6, fig. 4.

1914 Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU , p. 276.

1924 Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU ; Kidston, p. 441, pl. 62, figs 3–5, pl. 108, fig. 4.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of pinnae with alternate pinnules, 5‒10 mm long. Pinnules deeply incised into up to six linear-acute, filiform segments; in larger pinnules the segments may be bifid. A single slender vein runs along each segment of pinnule.

R e m a r k s. None of the Scottish specimens have yielded reproductive structures but Bureau (1914) reported pinnules of this species sometimes had “capsules” borne terminally on the lobes, which resemble Zeilleria sporangia.

O c c u r r e n c e s. Mainly in Upper Limestone Formation, between below the Orchard Limestone and the Calmy Limestone; also one record from the Limestone Coal Formation.

Order Lyginopteridales CORSIN, 1960

R e m a r k s. The taxonomy of the lyginopteridalean fronds is based on Cleal and Thomas (2023).

Bureau, E. (1914): Bassin houiller de la Basse Loire. Fascicule II. Description des flores fossiles. Texte (Etudes des Gites Mineraux de la France). - Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 416 pp.

Cleal, C. J., Thomas, B. A. (2023): Taxonomy and nomenclature of Sphenopteris and allied fossil-genera of Carboniferous seed-plant fronds. - Taxon, 72: 862 - 879. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / tax. 12938

Corsin, P. (1960): Classification des pteridophytes et des pteridospermophytes du Carbonifere. - Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 7 (2): 566 - 572. https: // doi. org / 10.2113 / gssgfbull. S 7 - II. 5.566

Gallery Image

Text-fig.6.a:SphenophyllumtenerrimumETTINGSH. exHELMHACKER;RobroystonColliery,2.8kmSEofBishopbriggs,Lanarkshire; ca.10m below Orchard Limestone, Upper Limestone Formation; BGS Kidst.156. b, c: Pecopteris aspera BRONGN.; Cuthill Shore (near highwater mark) between Musselburgh and Prestonpans, Haddingtonshire; between Nos 4 and 5 Limestones, Upper Limestone Formation; BGS Kidst.5415 (b), BGS Kidst.4517 (c). d: Zeilleria moravica (ETTINGSH.) BUREAU; Thorneycroft No. 1 Borehole, 0.5 km NE of Cumbernauld Railway Station, Dumbartonshire; 389 m depth, Limestone Coal Formation; BGS Kidst.2420. Scale bars = 5 mm (a, b), 10 mm (c, d).









