Cyrtomenus teter (Spinola, 1837)

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens, 2024, Review and phylogeny of Cyrtomenus Amyot & Serville (Hemiptera: Cydnidae: Cydninae) based on morphological characters, Zootaxa 5453 (3), pp. 301-340 : 329-330

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5453.3.1

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scientific name

Cyrtomenus teter (Spinola, 1837)


Cyrtomenus teter (Spinola, 1837)

( Figs. 5I View FIGURE 5 , 6E View FIGURE 6 , 11 View FIGURE 11 , 14 View FIGURE 14 )

Cydnus teter Spinola, 1837: 332 .

Cyrtomenus teter Dallas, 1851: 111 ; Walker, 1867: 147; Stål, 1876: 18; Distant, 1880: 2, pl. 2, fig. 12; Signoret, 1881: 197, pl. 6, fig. 17; Uhler, 1886: 3; Van Duzee, 1917: 18; Torre Bueno, 1939: 177.

Cyrtomenus (Syllobus) teter Froeschner, 1960: 523 .

Cyrtomenus excavatus Distant, 1880: 2 , pl.2, fig. 13; (syn. by Froeschner, 1960).

Material examined: GUATEMALA: Alta Verapaz: 1♀, Cobán, Cobán , 9-Jul-47, F. Johnson, alt. 4000 ft, AMNH ; COLOMBIA: Cundinamarca: 1♂, Pacho, Vda La Cabrera. Chilacas. Est Exp Agroforestal , 3037 masl, 18-Jul-12, Melo, UNAB ; 1♀, Cundinamarca: San Francisco , Vda San Miguel. Fca El Tesoro, 1807 masl, 5-Apr-12, C. Chitivo, UNAB ; BRAZIL: Pará: 3 specimens, Itaituba, Santarenzinho , Mar-1961, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Tiriós, Alto Parú d’Oeste , 01-Feb-1963, Machado & Pereira col., MZUSP ; Minas Gerais: 2 specimens, Caraí, Padre Paraiso , 16-Nov-1965, Expedição DZFAPESP, MZUSP ; 2♀, Rio José Pedro , Zikán col., FIOC ; Espírito Santo: 1♀, Linhares, S: Parque Sooretama , 20-Oct-1958, Zajciw col., MNRJ ; Rio de Janeiro: 3 specimens, Itatiaia , Jul-1924, Zikán col., FIOC ; 5 specimens, Itatiaia , 04-Dec-1928, Zikán col., FIOC ; 2 specimens, Itatiaia , 04-Feb-1945, Zikán col., FIOC ; 5♂, 3♀, Itatiaia , Nov-1950, Travassos col., MNRJ ; 7 specimens, Itatiaia , Zikán col., FIOC ; Itatiaia, Estação Biologica , 14-Dec-1930, Zikán col., MNRJ ; 1 specimen, Itatiaia , Feb-1969, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Itatiaia , Jan-51, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 2 specimens, Petrópolis , Apr-2014, Moreira col., MNRJ ; 1♀, Rio de Janeiro, Corcovado , Nov-1958, Alvarenga col., MNRJ ; 2 specimens, Rio de Janeiro, Zajciw col., MNRJ ; 1 specimen, Serra do Caraça , 27-Nov to 5-Dec-1972, Expedição Museu Zoologia, MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Teresópolis , 01-Jan-1940, Travassos col., FIOC ; 2 specimens, Teresópolis, Barreira , 01-Mar-1957, FIOC ; 1♀, Teresópolis , Serra dos Órgãos, 1940, Parko col., MNRJ ; 2 specimen, Vassouras , 1940, Machado col., FIOC ; 1 specimen, Vila Monte Verde , May-1957, F. Halix col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Vila Monte Verde , 2-Dec-1966, F. Halix col., MZUSP ; São Paulo: 1 specimen, Campos do Jordão, Parque Estadual, 4 to 7-Apr-1997, Pinto da Rocha & Casari col., MZUSP ; 2 specimens, 18-Dec-2016, Costa-Lima col., MNRJ ; 2♂, Pirassununga , 13-Mar-1948, Schubart col., FIOC ; 1 specimen, Salesópolis, Estação Biológica Boracéia , 1 to 6-Mar-1962, H. Reichardt col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Salesópolis, Estação Biológica Boracéia , 3 to 8-Mar-1962, Lenko & H. Reichardt col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Salesópolis, Estação Biológica Boracéia , 21-Jan-1966, H. Reichardt col., MZUSP ; 3 specimens, Salesópolis, Estação Biológica Boracéia , 25-Feb-1963, F. Werner & H. Reichardt col., MZUSP ; 2 specimens, São Sebastião, Ilhabela , 2-Nov-1962, H. Urban col., MZUSP ; 1♀, Ypiranga, Lange de Morretes , 12-Oct-1936, FIOC ; Paraná: 2 specimens, Rolândia , Apr-1948, Dirings col., MZUSP ; Santa Catarina: 8 specimens, Corupá , Dec-1951, Maller col., MNRJ ; 1♂, Corupá , Dec-1953, A. Mallor col., MCNZ ; 1♂, Itapiranga , 1954, MCNZ ; 1 specimen, Joinville , Feb-1954, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Joinville , Jul-1959, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Rio Vermelho , Nov-1948, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Rio Vermelho , Nov-1949, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Rio Vermelho , Nov-1952, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Rio Vermelho , Jan-1958, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 2 specimens, São Bento do Sul, Apr-1949, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, São Bento do Sul, Feb-1950, Dirings col., MZUSP ; 1 specimen, Seará, Nova Teutonia , 01-Sep-1994, Plaumann col., MNRJ ; Rio Grande do Sul: 1♀, Cachoeirinha , 14- Jan-1981, H.A. Gastal col., MCNZ ; ARGENTINA: Misiones: 1♀, San Ignacio, 11-Dec-29, MLPA .

Diagnosis: Second antennal segment shorter than third, labium between or slightly beyond posterior coxae; surface of the scutellum disc impunctate or with few widely scattered punctures; Gonocoxites VIII almost as long as broad.

Redescription. Total length: 10.4–11.6 mm.

Head flattened, anterior outline a semicircle, clypeus nearly as long as mandibular plates; interocular width less than length of head; surface shining, with moderate, radiating rugae, punctation fine or absent ( Fig. 14B View FIGURE 14 ); labium reaching between or slightly beyond posterior coxae, labial segment II without semicircular foliaceous lobe ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 ).

Thorax: Lateral margin of the pronotum with 16 to 18 setigerous punctures submarginally; transverse impression weak, more strongly impressed laterally than medially, marked with irregular, medially interrupted row of coarse punctures; anterior lobe impunctate except for few punctures laterally and irregular, transverse row of coarse punctures subapically; posterior lobe polished, with few widely scattered punctures ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ). Scutellum disc impunctate or with few widely scattered punctures. Hemelytron polished; clavus with one complete row of punctures; mesocorium with two rows of punctures paralleling claval suture, elsewhere closely punctate; exocorium with punctation much sparser than on mesocorium; costa with five to seven setigerous punctures ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ). Mesopleural evaporatorium with pseudoperitreme; posterolateral area impunctate ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 ). Metatibia distinctly compressed, not expanding toward apex ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 ).

Abdomen: Sternites III to VI polished, without rows of setigerous punctures across segments ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 ).

Type data: The holotype specimen has not clear location, but the locality is reported from Brazil. The type specimen of Cyrtomenus excavatus previously synonymized and deposited in the British Museum is from Costa Rica.

Distribution: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia First record, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina First record— ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).

Remarks: Morphological similarities with C. grossus could sometimes lead to misidentification, but the interocular length is the best feature to separate these two species.


American Museum of Natural History


Universidad Nacional, Facultad de Agronomia


Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Fundacao Instituto Oswaldo Cruz


Museu Nacional/Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro


Porto Alegre, Museu de Ciencias Naturais da Fundacao Zoo-Botanica do Rio Grande do Sul














Cyrtomenus teter (Spinola, 1837)

Avendaño, José Mauricio, Correia, Maíra Andrade, Grazia, Jocelia & Schwertner, Cristiano Feldens 2024

Cyrtomenus (Syllobus) teter

Froeschner, R. C. 1960: 523
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