Zygonyx denticulatus Dijkstra & Kipping

Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B., Kipping, Jens & Mézière, Nicolas, 2015, Sixty new dragonfly and damselfly species from Africa (Odonata), Odonatologica 44 (4), pp. 447-678 : 665-669

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Donat (2015-12-13 17:56:06, last updated 2015-12-16 07:29:28)

scientific name

Zygonyx denticulatus Dijkstra & Kipping

sp. nov.

Zygonyx denticulatus Dijkstra & Kipping   ZBK sp. nov. – Pale Cascader (Type Photo 59, Photos 47, 76– 77, Fig. 35)


Morphologically distinct from Z. flavicosta (see Z. annika sp. nov.) and genetically closer to western African specimens of that species than those found within 40 km of it around Upemba National Park, Katanga ( Tree 10). Treated as a distinct species by Dijkstra & Clausnitzer (2014), but the photograph on page 218 shows this species, and not Z. flavicosta ( Map 12).

Material studied

Holotype ♂. RMNH. INS. 505335 , Congo-Kinshasa, Katanga , Kiubo, Lufira (large, Kiubo Falls) and Luvilombo (small, rocky) rivers , and adjacent flooded areas, gallery forest and degraded miombo woodland, 840–880 m a.s.l. (9.52 ° S 27.05 ° E), 05-xi- 2011, leg. K.-D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps .

Further material. ANGOLA (Huambo Province): 2 ♂ ( RMNH. INS. 507908 ), Keve (Cuvo) River near Alto Hama , 1 415 m a.s.l. (12.2031 ° S 15.5952 ° E), 14 - - v- 2012, leg. J. Kipping, CJKL GoogleMaps . 1 ♂ ( RMNH. INS. 507907 ), same locality and date, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps . CONGO-KINSHASA ( Katanga ): 6 ♂ ( RMNH. INS. 505334 , RMNH. INS. 505338 , RMNH. INS. 505357 ), 1 ♀ ( RMNH. INS. 505336 ), as holotype, RMNH View Materials View Materials View Materials View Materials GoogleMaps . 2 ♂ 1 ♀ ( RMNH. INS. 505657 ), Kundelungu National Park, Masansa , small river with some gallery forest and falls in miombo woodland, 1 440 – 1 480 m a.s.l. (10.532 ° S 27.978 ° E), 22 -xi- 2011, leg. K.-D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, Kundelungu National Park, Lutshipuka , small river with some gallery forest and falls in miombo woodland ( Photo 47), 1 500 – 1 530 m a.s.l. (10.557 ° S 27.958 ° E), 26 -xi- 2011, leg. K.-D.B. Dijkstra, RMNH GoogleMaps . ZAMBIA (Luapula Province): 1 ♂ ( RMNH. INS. 508074 ), 1 ♂ ♀, Mumbuluma Falls, 35 km NW of Mansa , large waterfall, 1 195 m a.s.l. (10.9301 ° S 28.7354 ° E), 05-iv- 2011, leg. J. Kipping, CJKL View Materials GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, Ntumbachushi Falls, 21 km SE of Mbereshi, large waterfall of Ngona River ( Photo 77), 1 154 m a.s.l. (9.8537 ° S 28.9448 ° E), 07-iv- 2011, leg. J. Kipping, RMNH GoogleMaps . 2 ♂, same locality, same dates, BMNH GoogleMaps . 5 ♂ 1 ♀, same locality, same dates, CJKL GoogleMaps . ZAMBIA (Northern Province): 1 ♂ ( RMNH. INS. 508071 ), Shiwa N’gandu, Kapishya Hot Springs, Mansha River , fast flowing rapids, 1 434 m a.s.l. (11.1702 ° S 31.6053 ° E), 06-xii- 2014, leg. J. Kipping, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps . 1 ♂, same locality, same dates, CJKL GoogleMaps . 1 ♂ ♀ (♂ RMNH. INS. 508072 , ♀ RMNH. INS. 508073 ), Chishimba Falls W of Kasama, Kaela Fall , large waterfall, 1 315 m a.s.l. (10.1089 ° S 30.9167 ° E), 07- - xii- 2014, leg. J. Kipping, RMNH View Materials GoogleMaps .


Nine unique haplotypes (n = 12) nearest to Z. flavicosta from western Africa, but more distant to the sympatric clade of Z. flavicosta ( Tree 10).

Male morphological diagnosis

Belongs to flavicosta -complex by (a) the modest size, Hw 35.0–39.0 mm (n = 24); (b) the moderately dense venation, with 10 ½– 12 ½ Ax in Fw; (c)the largely black hind legs; (d) the pointed and forward-curved apex of the anterior lamina ( Fig. 35); and (e) the pale subapical band on the dor- sum of S 7 that stands out against largely dark S 5–6. Differs from sympatric Z. flavicosta by (1) the dorsal dark metallic area that does not extend to the anterior side of the frons; (2) the pale brown and not blackish Pt ( Photo 76); and (3)the presence of denticles on the apical border of the genital lobe ( Fig. 35). Also, (4) the labrum is often pale brown at least at its base, although it can be wholly black as in Z. flavicosta ; (5) the background colour of the thorax is browner and the pale stripes are often more fragmented and reduced, e.g., the stripe on the metepisternum is typically broken between the metastigma and wing base, or may be reduced to a single spot in that position, while the metepimeron may bear only one to three spots rather than a T-shaped stripe; and (6) the hook of the hamule often seems longer and more strongly curved, about as long as the width of its base, rather than about half ( Fig. 35).

Etymology Latin “with small teeth” for the denticles on the genital lobe (masculine adjective).

Range and ecology

Fast-flowing sections and waterfalls of large streams and small rivers in gallery forest and open miombo woodland in Katanga , eastern Angola and north-eastern Zambia, recorded between 840 and 1 530 m a.s.l.


Netherlands, Leiden, Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum ("Naturalis") [formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie]




United Kingdom, London, The Natural History Museum [formerly British Museum (Natural History)]











