Exidmonea atlantica (Forbes in Johnston, 1847 )

Moissette, Pierre, Antonarakou, Assimina, Kontakiotis, George, Cornée, Jean-Jacques & Karakitsios, Vasileios, 2021, Bryozoan faunas at the Tortonian-Messinian transition. A palaeoenvironmental case study from Crete Island, eastern Mediterranean, Geodiversitas 43 (26), pp. 1365-1400 : 1378

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Exidmonea atlantica (Forbes in Johnston, 1847 )


Exidmonea atlantica (Forbes in Johnston, 1847)

( Fig. 7C, D View FIG )

Idmonea atlantica Forbes in Johnston, 1847: 278, pl. 48, fig. 3. — Buge 1966: 5, pl. B, figs 1-2.

Idmidronea atlantica – Harmelin 1976: 182, pl. 32, figs 1-11. — Vávra 1983: 73, pl. 1, figs 1-4. — Zabala 1986: 658, text-figs 235a-d; pl. 28, fig. E. — Zabala & Maluquer 1988: 174, text-figs 569-572; pl. 33, fig. A. — El Hajjaji 1992: 44, pl. 2, fig. 11. — Haddadi-Hamdane 1996: p. 45, pl. 1, fig. 8, pl. 2, fig. 4.

Exidmonea atlantica – Mongereau 1970: 30, pl. 1, fig. 1; pl. 2, figs 1, 5. — David et al. 1972: 84. — Moissette 1988: 48, pl. 6, figs 6-7. — Pouyet & Moissette 1992: 24, pl. 1, figs 7-8. — Moissette et al. 1993: 84, figs 3i-j. — Moissette & Spjeldnaes 1995: 780, pl. 1, fig. 11.

Exidmonea triforis – Hayward & McKinney 2002: 104, fig.49A-H, 50.

OCCURRENCE. — Eocene: Italy, Austria, Hungary, Romania ( Zágoršek 2003). Oligocene: Germany, Italy ( Braga 2008). Early Miocene: France, Italy, Egypt (El Safori & El-Sorogy 1999). Middle Miocene: Austria, Hungary, Poland, France, Libya ( Vávra 1983). Late Miocene: Algeria ( Moissette 1988), Morocco ( El Hajjaji 1992), Tunisia ( Moissette 1997), Crete. Pliocene: France, Sicily ( Pouyet & Moissette 1992), Algeria (Haddadi-Hamdane 1996), Tunisia.Pleistocene: Sicily ( Di Geronimo et al. 1997; Rosso 2005), Rhodes ( Moissette & Spjeldnaes 1995).

This list of fossil records concerns Idmonea -Idmidronea -Exidmonea - like species, i.e. a group of species with the same growth form without consideration of the species-specific morphological criteria which cannot be, in most cases, preserved in fossils (J.-G. Harmelin, personal communication). Recent: Eastern Atlantic (North Sea to Angola) and Mediterranean, at depths ranging from 10 to 850 m. In the Mediterranean, this species is particularly abundant between 40 and 100 m ( Harmelin 1976).


Vinculariiform colony. Frontal surface showing zoecial tubes alternating in two series of 4-5 tubes. Dorsal flattened or slightly concave, ornamented by thin inverted U-shaped growth lines. Gonozooid (brood-chamber) elongate, situated along the axis of a branch, between peristomes.


The oeciostome was not observed.

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