Vallimeandropsis sp.

Vasseur, Raphaël & Lathuilière, Bernard, 2021, Pliensbachian corals from the Western Tethys, Geodiversitas 43 (22), pp. 1187-1291 : 1281-1282

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Vallimeandropsis sp.


Vallimeandropsis sp.

( Fig. 66 View FIG )

STUDIED SAMPLE. — CPUN Gu 0805E4. GEOGRAPHIC AND STRATIGRAPHIC RANGES. — Upper Pliensbachian of Guigou Plateau , Middle Atlas of Morocco.


Massive meandroid colony, with subparallel series. Valleys are separated by tectiform collines with no ambulacrum.Intracalicinal budding. Valley septa connect the different calices within series. Radial elements are straight or curved septa or biseptal sheets, subcompact, often joined, subconfluent or not confluent from one side of a colline to the other. Septal structure corresponds to an irregular montlivaltid model, lateral faces of septa are ornamented with small regular sharp teeth.Distal edge not observed.Trabeculae are externally subvertical and tend to recline in the internal part of septa. Parietal columella seems to exist in depth. Endotheca made of numerous vesicular dissepiments. Synapticulae not observed. Wall of unknown nature.

Distance between calices centers: 5 to 9 mm – Septal density: 3 to 4 for 2 mm.


Differs from V. lineata ( Beauvais, 1986) by a lower septal density. The bad preservation of the only specimen does not allow the erection of a new species.

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