Phyllomitus undulans Stein, 1878

Lee, Won Je, 2019, Small Free-Living Heterotrophic Flagellates from Marine Intertidal Sediments of the Sydney Region, Australia, Acta Protozoologica 58 (4), pp. 167-189 : 184-185

publication ID 10.4467/16890027AP.19.016.12018

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scientific name

Phyllomitus undulans Stein, 1878


Phyllomitus undulans Stein, 1878

Figs 3i View Fig , 5k View Fig

Description: Phyllomitus . Cells are 11–12 µm long and have two flagella that adhere to each other. The cells are pointed anteriorly and posteriorly. The flagella arise at the anterior end of the cell. The flagella appear to be similar in length, about 3 times longer than the cell, and undulate. The pellicle is smooth and the nucleus is located on the mid-anterior part of the cell. Cytoplasmic strands may be seen from the posterior end. The cells may attach to the substrate by the posterior end of the cell. Three cells were observed at Kogarah Bay and Quibray Bay.

Remarks: Phyllomitus Stein, 1878 has two flagella adhered together emerging from a depression which might be misinterpreted. No records of this type species have been made since its original description. Although the cell described here is somewhat smaller than that (18 µm) of Stein (1878) and do not have a depression, the cell is regarded as the same species of P. undulans . This species was also found at Moreton Bay Prawn Farm (Queensland, Australia) with the length ranges from 13 to 21 µm (See Lee 2002a). The following species have been included to the genus; P. amylophagus Klebs, 1893 , P. apiculatus Skuja, 1948 , P. salinus Lackey, 1940 , P. granulatus and P. vesiculosus ( Larsen and Patterson 1990) . However, those species do not have two adhereing flagella and have been transferred to Pseudophyllomitus by Lee (2002a).

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