Nemobiopsis decui Bonfils, 1981

Yong, Sheyla & Perez-Gelabert, Daniel E., 2014, Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids (Insecta: Orthoptera) of Cuba: an annotated checklist, Zootaxa 3827 (4), pp. 401-438 : 421

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Nemobiopsis decui Bonfils, 1981


Nemobiopsis decui Bonfils, 1981

Bonfils, 1981: 105, figs. 1–5; Otte and Perez-Gelabert, 2009: 545, fig. 457. Holotype male and several females, males and immature paratypes from Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás, Pinar del Río province, Cuba. [ MNHNP or ISBER].

Distribution. Cuba.

Notes. Bonfils (1981) did not specify in which of the two museums he would deposit his type specimens. The type specimen for this species is not currently found in the MNHNP database of Orthoptera types.

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