Pleurotineae, Dentinger & Gaya & O'Brien & Suz & Lachlan & Diaz-Valderrama & Koch & Aime, 2016

Dentinger, BTM, Gaya, E, O'Brien, H, Suz, LM, Lachlan, R, Diaz-Valderrama, JR, Koch, RA & Aime, MC, 2016, Tales from the crypt: genome mining from fungarium specimens improves resolution of the mushroom tree of life, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117, pp. 11-32 : 26

publication ID 10.1111/bij.12553


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scientific name


subord. nov.

Pleurotineae Aime, Dentinger & Gaya subord. nov.

Name registration: IF551136

Type family: Pleurotaceae View in CoL K uhner €, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon 49: 184 (1980).

Basidiomata primarily clavarioid to pleurotoid, occasionally agaricoid, often tough textured. Hyphae often dimitic, hyaline, non-amyloid; clamp connections often present. Basidia clavate, 2–4 spored, and, in some species, interspersed with thick-walled encrusted cystidia; basidiospores hyaline.

Representative families: Pleurotaceae , Pterulaceae Corner.

Notes: Pleurotineae is equivalent to Pleurotaceae (ex-Pluteoid clade) + Pterulaceae (ex-Hygrophoroid clade) fide Matheny et al. (2006). We did not sample exemplars of Typhulaceae , Sarcomyxa or Xeromphalina , which were recovered with Pterulaceae by Matheny et al. (2006), although they might also belong here. This lineage can be characterized by the development of dimitic hyphae in many members and thick-walled encrusted hymenial cystidia. Although most members of this group are saprobic, a diverse range of symbiotic lifestyles is present, including nematophagy ( Pleurotus ), ant mutualisms ( Pterula velohorta , P. nudihorta ), and a plant pathogen (e.g. Pterulicium xylogenum ).

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