Bicotyle, Tripathi, 1956

Kamio, Yusuke, Yamamoto, Kanna & Nitta, Masato, 2024, Redescription of Bicotyle reticulata (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) from Pampus punctatissimus (Scombriformes: Stromateidae) in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, Species Diversity 29 (1), pp. 151-160 : 158

publication ID 10.12782/specdiv.29.151

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scientific name



Key to Species of Bicotyle View in CoL

1. About 50 testes.................................2

— More than 100 testes............................3

2. Vaginal pore unarmed and genital atrium armed with 10–12 spines... B. johnii Kotwal and Masurekar, 1983 View in CoL

— Vaginal pore armed with spines and genital atrium armed with 19–20 spines......... B. perpolita Lebedev, 1968 View in CoL

3. Vaginal duct bifurcated..........................4

— Vaginal duct not bifurcated.......................5

4. Genital atrium armed with 10–14 genital spines................... B. chongwuensis Ding and Zhang, 1995 View in CoL

— Genital atrium armed with 16–169 genital spines.............................. B. reticulata ( Goto, 1894) View in CoL

5. Vaginal pore serrated....................................... B. lucknowensis Agrawal and Sharma, 1990 View in CoL

— Vaginal pore armed with four long corrugated cuticular plates................ B. stromatea Tripathi, 1956 View in CoL

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