Thraxan luteus Yeates & Lambkin, 1998

Li, Xuankun, Yuan, David, Rodriguez, Juanita & Yeates, David K., 2019, Sand wasp (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) parasites emerging from mud wasp nests (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) - a reliable host record of Thraxan Yeates & Lambkin (Diptera: Bombyliidae: Anthracinae) with description of the pupal exuviae of three Thraxan species, Zootaxa 4609 (1), pp. 149-159 : 152

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.4609.1.7

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Thraxan luteus Yeates & Lambkin, 1998


Thraxan luteus Yeates & Lambkin, 1998 View in CoL

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Thraxan luteus Yeates & Lambkin, 1998 View in CoL . Type-locality: Australia (NT); Holotype ♂, ANIC.

Specimens examined. Australia, Qld., ♂ Pupal exuvia, Cooktown, 12 October 1980, DH Colless, pupae in cells of?mud-wasp in termite-riddled wood .

Description. Pupal exuvia. Length: 8.9 mm. Head width: 1.9 mm. Thorax width: 2.2 mm. Abdominal width: 2.6 mm, tapering to 0.5 mm at width of anal segment. Coloration. Predominantly pale yellow, spines dark brown to black. Head. Armed with 3 pairs of cephalic spines. One anterior antennal process (aap) present, base area with one dorsal long hair and one lateral long hair ( Figs 2g, h View FIGURE 2 ). Two posterior antennal processes (pap) present, two pap about half length of aap ( Figs 2g, h View FIGURE 2 ). One median facial hair (mfha) present, one frontal spine (fsp) present. Labral sheath (lsh) with a small ventral subapical process. Proboscidal sheath (prsh) short, about 0.5 length of lsh, slightly rugose laterally. Maxillary sheath (msh) smooth, extending and connecting well after prsh. Palpal sheath (pash) rugose, extending slightly over lsh ( Figs 2c, d View FIGURE 2 ). One posterolateral facial hair (plfha) present. Thorax. Mostly smooth, one small posterior mesothoracic callosity (pmc) present. Thorax with one long hair located anterior of pmc, one long hair located above pmc, and two pairs of dorsal hairs. Wing sheath (wsh) and base half of leg sheaths (lesh) smooth, apex half of lesh rugose ( Fig. 2d View FIGURE 2 ). Wsh reaching abdominal segment 3. Fore leg sheath (lesh 1) exceeding apex of wing sheath, reaching abdominal segments 3, mid leg heath (lesh 2) reaching abdominal segment 4, hind leg sheath (lesh 3) reaching abdominal segment 5. Abdomen. Eight abdominal segments visible, segments 8 and 9 fused ( Fig. 2b View FIGURE 2 ). Abdominal tergite 1 with a row of sparse long hairs. Abdominal tergites 2 to 5 with well-developed chitinous rods with both apexes raised as spines, and with short spines on tergites 6 and 7; long hairs present laterally and between two chitinous rods or spines on tergites 2 to 7 ( Fig. 2e View FIGURE 2 ). Tergite 8+9 with one weak dorsal spine, and one posterolateral callosity. Abdominal pleuras 2 to 7 each with a cambered row of long hairs, pleura 8+9 with four long hairs. Sternites 2 to 7 and 8+9 with a transverse row of hairs on posterior half. Anal segment smooth, some ventral small callosities present ( Fig. 2j View FIGURE 2 ). Dorsal posterolateral process (dpp) small and fused, ventral posterolateral process (vpp) normal, acute with one inboard spine, dorsal area with one dorsal spine and one ventral spine ( Figs 2i, j View FIGURE 2 ).

Host. Based on the label: "mud-wasp".
















Thraxan luteus Yeates & Lambkin, 1998

Li, Xuankun, Yuan, David, Rodriguez, Juanita & Yeates, David K. 2019

Thraxan luteus

Yeates & Lambkin 1998
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