Doliops shavrini, Barševskis, 2013

Barševskis, Arvīds, 2013, Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Doliops Waterhouse, 1841 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Baltic Journal of Coleopterology 13 (2), pp. 73-89 : 79-81

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scientific name

Doliops shavrini

sp. nov.

Doliops shavrini View in CoL sp. n.

( Fig. 2G, N View Fig )

Type material. Holotype: Male. Philippines: N Luzon, Isabela, 09.2013, local collector leg . Paratypes: Male. Philippines: N Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, 11.2011, local collector leg. Male. Philippines: N Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, 10.2013, local collector leg. Male. Philippines: N Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, 06.2013, local collector leg. Female. Philippines: N Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, 08.2013, local collector leg. Female. Philippines: N Luzon, Sierra Madre, Quirino, 08.2012, local collector leg. Male. Philippines: N Luzon, Mountain Province, 09.2013, local collector leg.

Description. Body black, very shiny, with strong coppery, greenish or bronze luster. Surface with spots of pale pink, pink or greenish scales. Length: 12.0 - 14.0 mm, Width: 3.4 - 3.8 mm.

Head with longitudinal band of pale pink, pink or greenish shiny scales between eyes and antennal bases. Cheeks under the eyes with elongated pale pink, pink, or greenish spots. Labrum pubescent. Head black and finely punctate, some parts with metallic luster and pubescent. Three basal segments of antennae black with metallic luster and pubescence, fourth antennomere testaceous basally, with very fine white pubescence, but remaining segments are testaceous and tomentose. Pronotum convex, black, shiny, with bright coppery, greenish or bronze luster. Stripe of pink or greenish scales along lateral pronotal margin and rounded spot at basal margin. Scutellum black, shiny, rounded and tomentose apically. Elytra convex, black, shiny, with bright copper, greenish or bronze lustre, each elytron with five spots of pale pink, pink or greenish scales, two of which are situated dorsally, and the other two laterally, though one circular spot located apically. Apical circular spot is larger than the others. The circle may be interrupted or closed. Basal, more or less rounded or slightly elongated spot in distance from the basal margin of the elytra, completely covered with scales, or circular and medially without scales. Second dorsal spot smaller than basal one, rounded, not transverse. Shoulders of elytra visible, slightly prominent and shiny. Elytra behind shoulders without raised nodules laterally. Width of elytra at shoulders: 4.0 - 5.0 mm. Largest width of elytra behind middle: 4.8 - 5.8 mm. Background of elytra is finely punctate. In basal part and laterally with sparse and coarse punctuation and pubescence. Meso-, metaepimera and sternites with spots laterally; covered with pale pink, pink or greenish scales. Femora with small spots apically and more or less tomentose. Surface of tarsomeres covered with grey pubescence. Tibia and tarsi partially covered apically with numerous setae.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 4G View Fig ).

Differential diagnosis. By the shape, body size and elytral coloration, new species is similar to D. duodecimpunctata Heller, 1923 . ( Fig. 2F, M View Fig ), however, the surface pattern is slightly different. The background of the elytra of D. duodecimpunctata Heller is black and with six spots on both sides, while elytra of the new species are black, very shiny, with bright coppery, greenish or bronze luster and five spots. The male genitalia of both species are very similar, but with slightly differences ( Fig. 4E, G View Fig ).

By the shape, size and elytral markings, D. shavrini sp. n. is similar also to D. anichtchenkoi sp. n. ( Fig. 2C, J View Fig ). The elytra of D. anichtchenkoi sp. n. with raised nodules and with different shape of spots behind the shoulders on both sides. The male genitalia of both species differ greatly. In D. anichtchenkoi sp. n., the lamella of the aedeagus is not inclined upwards as in other species. The side of the pronotum of D. anichtchenkoi sp. n. along the lateral margin with a stripe of pink or greenish scales, while in D. shavrini sp. n. there is a stripe of pink or greenish scales along the lateral margin and in the basal part there is another spot, covered with pink or greenish scales.

The new species is similar also to D. curculionoides Waterh. (Fig. D, K) in terms of shape, size and elytral markings, however, the surface pattern is slightly different. D. curculionoides Waterh. has seven spots on each elytron, while the new species has only five spots. Male genitalia of both species are very similar, though differs by the shapes of lamellae of aedeagus. The new species possesses a stripe of pink or greenish scales along the lateral pronotal margin and another small, rounded or slightly elongated spot basally, but in D. curculionoides Waterh. there is a stripe of pink or greenish scales along the lateral margin and another small, rounded spot, anteriorly covered with pink or greenish scales scales.

Etymology. This species is named after my colleague and friend, the Russian staphylinidologist Alexey Shavrin (Daugavpils University, Institute of Systematic Biology, Coleopterological Research Center, Ilgas, Latvia), in appreciation of cooperation.













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