Helix (Helix) vladika KOBELT , 1898

Neubert, Eike, 2014, Revision of Helix LINNAEUS, 1758 in its eastern Mediterranean distribution area, and reassignment of Helix godetiana KOBELT, 1878 to Maltzanella HESSE, 1917 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicidae), Contributions to Natural History 26, pp. 1-200 : 38-42

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https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.13222466

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scientific name

Helix (Helix) vladika KOBELT , 1898


Helix (Helix) vladika KOBELT, 1898 View in CoL ( Figs 61–67 View Figs 61–65 View Fig View Fig )

1890 H. secernenda var. insignis BRANCSIK, Trencsén Vármegyei Természettudományi Egylet 1888 / 89 évkÖnyve, 11–12: 71 [Bjelobrdo im Sandschak Novipazar (not identified)] [non Helix insignis ZIETEN, 1830 ).

1898 Helix vladika KOBELT, Nachrichtsblatt der deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 30: 164 [Moraca Tal, ca. 42.6157 19.3710].

1905 Helix wohlberedti KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 239, Taf. 359, Fig. 4 View Figs 1–9 [Gwozd, Krnowo, ca. 42.8931 19.1011].

1905 Helix wohlberedti var. poljensis KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 239, Taf. 359, Fig. 3, 5 View Figs 1–9 [Polje, an der oberen Moraca, ca. 42.7895 19.3938].

1906 H. vladica pomatiaeformis KOBELT, Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet VI : 301 (262), Taf. 359, 1, 2 [non pomatiaeformis WESTERLUND, 1889] [oberes Moraca Tal, Gradisnica Fluss bei Andrijevica, 42.7332 19.7926].

Type specimens:

insignis View in CoL : syntype SMF 9632 ( Zilch 1952: 167): H = 55.3; D = 50.1; PH = 33.8; PD = 23.1; PrD = 5.8; W = 6. vladika View in CoL : lectotype SMF 9607 (SD Zilch 1952: 167): H = 48.2; D = 46.8; PH = 34; PD = 23.4; PrD = 5.4; W = 5.25. wohlberedti View in CoL : holotype SMF 9931a (, Zilch 1952: 167): H = 48.8; D = 43.6; PH = 30.1; PD = 19.6; PrD = 4.9; W = 5.75. poljensis: holotype SMF 9586 ( Zilch 1952: 167): H = 46; D = 42.8; PH = 29.8; PD = 20.1; PrD = 5.05; W = 5.75. pomatiaeformis: neotype SMF 19220a (SD Zilch 1952: 167): H = 54; D = 52.1; PH = 35.1; PD = 24.7; PrD = 5.5; W = 5.75.

Specimens examined:

Montenegro: Moraca valley , forest at the Lake of Biogradska Gora, nature reserve 42.899 19.597, 19.09.1985, NMBE 512578 View Materials / 1; " Yougoslavie ", 1967, leg. Clément, coll. Chevallier, MNHN (2 alk.); Gornje (= Donji) Lipovo, 42.88 19.43, leg. N. Büscher, NMBE 23352 View Materials / 2; Mokro close to Savnik, 42.95 19.08, leg. Büscher, NMBE 23348 View Materials /3.

Diagnosis: shell large, subconical, protoconch of 2 large whorls, yellowish to chestnut brown, colour bands usually separate, aperture spherical, labial callus brown to white, umbilicus closed to slit-like open.

Description: shell large, heavy, subconical, yellowish to chestnut brown; protoconch consisting of 2 large, smooth, whitish whorls; teleoconch of 3–4 whorls, body whorl large to very large, the five brownish colour bands usually separate, sometimes spiral 2+3 fused, or spirals completely blurred to two forming a broad supra- and sub-peripheral band, separated by a broad white peripheral zone; shell sculptured with densely arranged, coarse growth riblets, spiral grooves very fine to completely missing; aperture subquadrate to spherical, labial callus present, dark brown to white, columellar triangle small; umbilicus closed to slit-like open.

Genital organs ( Fig. 66 View Fig ): penis club-shaped with a broader proximal part, epiphallus reaching the same length as penis; flagellum long, reaching four times the length of epiphallus+penis; mrp attaching in a central position on the epiphallus; internally, pp1 short, with a central perforation, penial chamber short, pp2 larger than pp1, elongate conical with a central perforation, smooth on the surface; atrial stimulator a short upright pilaster; female system with a short vaginal tube, dart sac and glandulae mucosae well developed, glandulae with a short basic stem, multi-branched, usually as long as the dart sac; pedunculus stem long, with a short diverticulum, bursa copulatrix stem shorter than pedunculus stem, vesicle of bursa copulatrix not seen.

Distribution ( Fig. 67 View Fig ): This species only occurs in a small area in southern Montenegro, and also in the neighbouring parts of Kosovo, Albania and western Montenegro. For a summary of localities refer to Korábek & al. (2014). Dhora & Welter-Schultes (1996) found this species from all over Albania; unfortunately, the authors do not supply any photograph.

Remarks: The correct species name is spelled " vladika " as used in the original description 1898. Kobelt himself spelled it " vladica " in 1906, which is here considered an erroneous and thus invalid emendation.

Helix vladika can be separated from the similar H. pomatia by its more conical shell shape, the relatively small aperture (compared to the shell height), and the lack of prominent spiral sculpture elements. Some shells look similar to H. lucorum , particularly when the colour bands are fused to two broad brown spirals. However, true H. lucorum usually have a heavier shell with a more quadrate aperture. The genital organs are also similar to H. pomatia and H. lucorum , but the glandulae and the flagellum are clearly shorter. Moreover, the diverticulum is well developed, but often reduced to completely missing in H. pomatia . The concept of separation of this species from H. lucorum and H. pomatia has been corroborated by Korábek & al. (2014) by using two mitochondrial genes, the protein-coding gene for cytochrome c oxidase subunit I ( COI), and 16S rRNA (16S). Although first data sets suggest the specific identity of H. vladika with H. straminea BRIGANTI, 1825 , the authors of this study still keep both species separate until more data are available to justify their synonymisation. This point of view is followed here. It has to be stressed that Korábek & al. (2014) report H. straminea also from Albania and Macedonia, which might then explain the records by Dhora & Welter-Schultes (1996). H. straminea is described from Italy and thus not covered in the present study.


University of Coimbra Botany Department














Helix (Helix) vladika KOBELT , 1898

Neubert, Eike 2014


KOBELT, Nachrichtsblatt 1898

Helix (Helix) vladika KOBELT , 1898

KOBELT, Nachrichtsblatt 1898


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