Formicosepsis paratinctipennis L. PAPP, 2006

Papp, L., Merz, B. & Földvári, M., 2006, DIPTERA OF THAILAND A summary of the families and genera with references to the species representations, Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 52 (2), No. 2, pp. 97-269 : 158-160

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586111


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scientific name

Formicosepsis paratinctipennis L. PAPP

sp. nov.

Formicosepsis paratinctipennis L. PAPP View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 45–47 View Figs 45–53 )

Holotype male ( HNHM): THAILAND: Doi Inthanon N. P., over a small rocky brook, Oct 30, 2004, No. 9 leg. L. PAPP & M. FÖLDVÁRI.

Paratype: 1 male (abdomen with genitalia in a plastic microvial with glycerol): same as for holotype.

Measurements in mm: body length 3.85 (holotype), 3.66 (paratype), wing length 2.75 (holotype), 2.64 (paratype), wing breadth 0.82, 0.79.

Head mostly yellowish brown, only orbitalia, ocellar triangle, vertex and upper part of occiput shiny black. Meso-, metathorax and abdomen subshining black, abdominal tergites on almost their dorsal side covered by thick grey microtomentum, mesonotum sagittally with a microtomentose stripe, also prescutellar edge microtomentose.

Two pairs of proclinate fronto-orbitals, 1 posterior re-and lateroclinate frorb. All head setae long, ocellars 0.155 m, postocellars 0.21 mm, interfrontal pair 0.094 mm, vibrissae 0.20 mm, posterior genal seta 0.138 mm. Scape and pedicel yellowish grey, first flagellomere even darker grey.

Not only postpronotum and lateral parts of prothorax but also an anterior patch of anepisternum yellowish. Thoracic setae are not black but yellowish. 2 + 2 pairs of dorsocentrals, pprnt rather strong, 2 np long, presutural ia and 2 pa pairs short. Apex of scutellum is conical but without a process. No sign of lateral (basal) scutellars, apical pair 0.38 mm long.

Fore coxa brown, mid and hind coxae yellow. Tibiae all black, femora variable in colour (dark brown and yellowish). All fore tarsi black, mid and hind tarsi yellow, apical 2 tarsomeres darkened. Fore femur medioventrally with 7(8) yellowish thick spine, shortening anteriorad. Mid femur anteriorly with 2 thorns at 25/57 and 45/57. Hind femur anteroventrally with a 0.10 mm long thick thorn at 66/85, other anteroventral setae shorter and thinner. Mid tibial armature: posterodorsals: medium-long and thick at 23/64, 38.5/64, 56/64, anterodorsals: strong long and thick at 18/64, 37/64, a medium strong anterior seta at 57/64 and 2 subapical ventral setae, a subventral at 41/64. Fore tibial hairs much shorter than diameter of tibia. Fore tarsal hairs (particularly so for tarsomeres 2–5) slightly longer than diameter of tarsus but shorter and less dense than in F. barbipes (cf. fig. 19 of ANDERSSON for F. barbipes ).

Wing light brownish, veins light brown. Costal vein 0.022 mm and cell r1 0.04 mm thick. M vein ratios (holotype) 42: 37: 101.5. Haltere dark, knob tends to have a conical upper apex (which is light).

Male abdomen with S8 seta long, 0.20 mm, basal (yellow) pair of setae on epandrium 0.10 mm. Male sternite 1 minute, S2 very long, T-shaped, S3 long and narrow, S4 quadrate, S5 with sclerotized broad arms to lateral edge of T5. S6 trapezoid or rather shield-shaped and can be “ teleoedipus sp. n. Scales: 0.2 mm for Figs 45, 48, 51 View Figs 45–53 , 0.1 mm for Figs 46–47, 49–50, 52–53 View Figs 45–53 scopised” under S5 lateral arms. Postabdomen almost completely symmetrical. Sternites of the 7th and 8th segments fused into an almost wholly symmetrical syntergosternite.

Basal pair of setae on epandrium short and rather thin. Male cerci ( Fig. 45 View Figs 45–53 ) very light brown, broad, apex rounded. Hypandrium joins epandrium most basally, lateral part broad (long), medially rather narrow (short). Cerci definitely longer than surstylus. Surstylus ( Fig. 47 View Figs 45–53 ) characteristic: outer wall partly fused to epandrium, medial wall lengthened into a long liguliform, basally directed process, which is parallel to epandrial wall (process seems to be longer than in Lycosepsis spp. ). Ejaculatory apodeme ( Fig. 46 View Figs 45–53 ) with broad base, narrow stalk and fan-shaped distal part.

Formicosepsis paratinctipennis sp. n. is related to F. tinctipennis ANDERSSON , and keys out to that sp. in ANDERSSON’ s (1976) key. However, mid femoral thorns evenly long (distal thorn much longer than proximal one in tinctipennis ), its mid tibial armature is more similar to that of L. metatarsata (ANDERSSON’ s fig. 17) than to that of F. tinctipennis (ANDERSSON’ s fig. 16). The setosity of fore tibia and tarsus is intermediate between that of F. barbipes and F. tinctipennis . The basal epandrial setae of F. tinctipennis are much longer than in this new sp. There are Formicosepsis specimens from Vietnam in the HNHM, which fit much better to F. tinctipennis DE MEIJERE , by the smaller surstyli, broader cerci and less long hairs on fore tarsi.


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)

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